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NXT North American Champion Ricochet recently appeared on E&C's Pod of Awesomeness alongside WWE Hall of Famer Edge and his best friend Christian. Ricochet discussed being happy with his run in NXT thus far. Check out what he had to say below.
“I feel that [character development] is something that I’m going to focus on because I’ve been thrown into the mix, kind of, since my debut. It has just been, ‘okay, we’ll pull you in this way’ and there hasn’t really been a reason about who I am, where I come from, or why I am where I am. There hasn’t been any [explanation]. Some of [the NXT audience] know me from my indie days, but there [are] going to be a lot of people that don’t know who I am, or where I come from, or whatever, what I do, or why I’m here. So that’s something I think we’re going to try to start focusing on moving forward.”
“One of the main reasons I was excited about coming here to NXT is because I know they focus on [character development] and not just in TV tapings, but in general they focus on that sort of thing. So that was one of the main reasons I was really excited to come here because, before coming here, I was always just kind of the ‘dream match’ guy. Like, Ricochet versus this guy and this guy, ‘I can’t wait for him to wrestle this guy’. Like, to give some guy a good match, do you know what I mean? That’s who I was. And so now I’m excited coming [to NXT]. A lot of people message me, or Instagram, or tweet, whatever, and they’ll talk about how, like, they liked Prince Puma more than they like Ricochet. And I feel, because I didn’t really change my in-ring style, so I feel like it has to do with the story-driven connection. So I feel like that’s why I’m excited to come to NXT because, obviously, the story is the biggest part of the match, whether it is before, during, or after. So I feel really excited about that, coming here.”