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WWE Raw Results (12/18)

Posted By: Aleczander Michaels on Dec 18, 2017

WWE Raw Results (12/18)

Welcome to Monday Night Raw!

Replay of the Strowman and Kane match from last weeks Raw.

Angle makes his way to the ring and says the Lesnar is here and that Angle will determine by the end of the night who will face Lesnar at the Royal Rumble and Strowman interrupts and makes his way to the ring. Strowman says he earned the right to face Lesnar and wants Angle to choose him and now Kane interrupts and makes his way to the ring. Kane says that hes caused more destruction in WWE in 20 years and that he should face Lesnar. Heyman interrupts and says the decision wont be made without Lesnar’s input and now Lesnar makes his way to the ring. Angle says at the Royal Rumble it will be a triple threat match Strowman vs Kane vs Lesnar for the Universal Title and Angle scampers off. Lesnar takes out Strowman and Kane. 

Seth Rollins vs Samoa Joe next

Commercial break 

Seth Rollins vs Jason Jordan

Seth makes his way to the ring and now Jordan interrupts and is yet again crying for a match against Samoa Joe. Joe now makes his way out and wants Jordan to face Rollins to see who faces him. 

Rollins with a kick to the midsection of Jordan and sends Jordan over the top rope.

Commercial break

Jordan with the shoulder into the corner on Rollins repeatedly and now Rollins sends Jordan over the top rope. Jordan picks up Rollins and runs him into the barricade and now a 2 count. Jordan with a series of strikes to Rollins in the corner and now a 2 count. Rollins with repeated chops to Jordan and then Jordan slams him into the corner and again and again and again. Jordan with a running shoulder to the corner and a 2 count. Jordan with a backbreaker and 2 count. 

Commercial break 

Rollins with a leg drop to Jordan who was in between the ropes. Rollins with a clothesline off the top rope and a 2 count. Jordan with a suplex and now a 2 count. Rollins sends Jordan through the ropes goes for the suicide dive but hits a baseball drop kick and then hits the suicide dive. Jordan with 2 Northern Lights suplexes and a 2 count. Rollins with the Frog Splash off the top rope and a 2 count. Rollins with a knee off the apron. Rollins sends Jordan into Samoa Joe and Rollins hits a superkick to Joe. Rollins with the knee and the win.

Winner Seth Rollins

After the match Rollins attacks Joe and Joe gets the upperhand after a slight flurry from Rollins. Joe as he was heading up the ramp with a massive clothesline to Jordan.

Commercial break 

Rollins and Ambrose both want Joe and now Jordan comes in and wants Joe. Angle makes a 6-man tag match with Rollins, Ambrose and Jordan vs Joe, Cesaro and Sheamus later on.

Finn Balor vs Miztourage

Finn makes his way to the ring.

Commercial break 

Miztourage make their way to the ring.

Dallas starts off the match and now the tag to Axel after a stalemate. Back elbow by Axel to Finn and now the tag to Dallas who stomps away in the corner and then tags back to Axel who does the same. Balor with a drop kick and a 2 count. Dallas gets caught with a right by Finn who then gets caught from behind and now the tag to Dallas. Dallas with a clothesline for a 2 count. Balor with a clothesline off the ropes and now a double stomp for a 2 count broken pin. Axel in now and both men assault Finn causing the DQ.

Winner Finn Balor by DQ

Hideo Itami makes the save for Balor and takes out the Miztourage. 

Commercial break 

Finn Balor and Hideo Itami vs Miztourage

Balor off the top rope with double axe handles to the arm of Dallas. Axel in now with the stomps to Balor and now a back breaker for a 2 count. Balor slammed into the corner and now Dallas back in with the double team on Balor for a 2 count. Dallas with a right and the tag to Axel. Itami tagged in now and a flying clothesline off the top rope for a 2 count. Itami with a series of strikes to Axel. Itami with a flying drop kick in the corner on Axel and the GTS for the win.

Winners Balor and Hideo 

Renee Young with Cedric Alexander backstage and says that he wants the Championship. 

Commercial break 

Drew Gulak vs Cedric Alexander 

Drew and Enzo make their way to the ring and now Cedric Alexander makes his way to the ring. 

Alexander with a drop kick and now flying over the top rope taking out Gulak and now a 2 count. Both men go over the top rope and onto the floor.

Commercial break 

Gulak slings Alexander into the corner and now an elbow to the crown of the head and a 2 count. Gulak with a chop to Alexander and now working on the back of Alexander. Alexander with the back body drop to Gulak after a series of strikes. A trade off on pin attempts. Alexander with a couple forearms. Alexander with a kick and now trading shots. Alexander off the top rope with a clothesline and then the Lumbar Check for the win.

Winner Cedric Alexander

Commercial break 

Enzo backstage and Nia appears and wants to continue their conversation and then Gulak comes up and apologizes for losing his match. 

Asuka vs Alicia Fox

Asuka makes her way to the ring and now Fox makes her way to the ring.

Shoulder tackle from Asuka to Fox and went for the Asuka Lock. Fox with a kick to Asuka and now unorthodoxed strikes and a Northern Lights suplex for 2. Asuka with a missile drop kick and the hip attack in the corner and a spinning kick into a arm bar for the win.

Winner Asuka

Commercial break 

Rollins, Ambrose and Jordan vs Joe, Cesaro and Sheamus 6-Man Tag Match

Joe makes his way to the ring, Cesaro and Sheamus make their way to the ring, Jordan makes his way to the ring, Rollins makes his way to the ring and last but not least Ambrose makes his way to the ring.

Rollins and Sheamus start off the match and Jordan tags himself in. Jordan with rights to Sheamus and gets hit with a clothesline and now Joe in. Joe stomping on Jordan and now rights to Jordan and now Cesaro in. Cesaro with an uppercut and now Sheamus back in and now a knee drop for a 2 count and Cesaro in. Jordan with a side slam to Cesaro and now Rollins in and the Slingblade to Cesaro for a 2 count and now a kick for another 2 count. 

Commercial break 

Sheamus with elbows to the back of Rollins and now Joe in. Joe with knees to Rollins and now rights. Sheamus back in and now Cesaro with the double team for a 2 count. Sheamus kicks Rollins off the distraction and a 2 count. Sheamus back in now and a Irish Curse backbreaker and another and now Rollins with a DDT. Joe in now and running into Rollins into the corner then a kick and now Sheamus back in. Sheamus shoulder first into the ring post and now Cesaro in and sends Rollins out onto the floor and now all hell breaks loose on the outside of the ring. Rollins sends both Joe and Cesaro through the ropes onto the floor and a suicide dive. Sheamus with the brogue kick and Cesaro with the cover for the win.

Winners Sheamus, Cesaro and Joe

Replay of the opening segment

Stephanie McMahon arrives to Raw.

Commercial break 

Now a “Woken” Matt Hardy promo on Wyatt.

Cesaro, Sheamus and Joe attack Rollins and Ambrose backstage. 

Commercial break 

The Revival vs Rhyno and Slater

Rhyno and Wilder start off the match and Rhyno with a shoulder tackles to Wilder and now Slater in. Dawson with a clothesline to Slater and now Wilder back in off the double team 2 count. Slater with a kick to Dawson and now trading shots and now the Shatter Machine for the win.

Winners The Revival 

Commercial break 

Elias in the ring and Sasha Banks interrupts and so does Mickie James and also Bayley. 

Commercial break 

Sasha Banks, Mickie James and Bayley vs Absolution 

Banks, James and Bayley already in the ring and now Absolution make their way to the ring.

James and Paige start off the match and James with elbows and a take down off the ropes and now Sasha is in and the double team for a 2 count. Paige with a kick and 2 count and now Rose in. Rose with the boots in the corner and now Deville is in with a series of strikes and Paige back in. Paige with the stomps James on the floor. Sasha with the double knee take down off the top rope and now Absolution with the beatdown on Banks and the DQ.

Winners Banks, James and Bayley by DQ

Nia makes her way to the ring to make the save and Nia takes Absolution out and Paige gains the upperhand on Nia taking out the knee and now the rest of the Raw Women’s locker room takes out Absolution and now Stephanie McMahon comes out and heads to the ring. Stephanie praises the women’s division for what has happened over the years and announces that there will be a Women’s Royal Rumble match at the Royal Rumble PPV on Jan 28th next year.

-End of show-

Tags: #wwe #raw #results

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