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Alberto El Patron, or Alberto Del Rio in WWE had no-showed tonight's AAA Heroes Inmortales X event at the Arena Monterrey in Monterrey, Mexico. El Patron was scheduled to team with Psycho Clown to face Dr. Wagner Jr. & Pagano in the main event. He had been plugging the match on his Twitter up until this past Thursday it would seem.
AAA sent out a statement regarding El Patron not appearing, noting that he had confirmed that he would be appearing at the show as recently as sometime this morning.
Below is the original statement in Spanish:
Lucha Libre AAA WorldWide comunica que por causas ajenas a la empresa, Alberto "El Patrón", no se presentó a la función de Héroes Inmortales X, la cual se llevó acabo esta tarde. Lo anterior a pesar de haber confirmado su presencia al evento con anticipación e incluso esta misma mañana.
Lamentamos la falta compromiso de Alberto, ya que le falla al público mexicano que lo ha apoyado durante su carrera, hasta convertirlo en una de las máximas figuras de la lucha libre en México y a nivel internacional.Para Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide, es de suma importancia ofrecer los mejores espectáculos de calidad internacional, además de reforzar que la lucha libre mexicana es la mejor del mundo y es una parte fundamental de la cultura de nuestro país.
In English
Lucha Libre AAA WorldWide announced that for reasons outside the company, Alberto "El Patron" was not present at Immortals Heroes X which took place this afternoon. Despite having confirmed his attendance to the event in advance and even again this morning. We regret the lack of commitment of Alberto, as he fails the Mexican public that has supported him throughout his career, to turn it into one of the leading figures of wrestling in Mexico and internationally.
For Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide, it is important to offer the best shows of international quality, in addition to strengthening the Mexican wrestling is the best in the world and is a fundamental part of the culture of our country.