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The John Report: The WWE Raw Deal 06/20/16

Posted By: John Canton on Jun 21, 2016

The John Report: The WWE Raw Deal 06/20/16

Live from Phoenix, Arizona this is the Raw Deal for episode #1204. Follow me on TwitterĀ @johnreport. Here's myĀ WWE Money in the Bank reviewĀ in case you missed it.

Raw begins an earlier today clip of Dean Ambrose getting out of a taxi at the arena. The taxi almost left when he told them to stop and put the WWE Title on his shoulder.

The Raw intro video played. Fireworks followed that. There are Raw and Smackdown podiums on the stage.

The new WWE World Heavyweight Champion Dean Ambrose walked out with the title on his shoulder. Good ovation for him.

There were images shown to tell the story from Money in the Bank with Ambrose winning the briefcase and then cashing in to become WWE Champion later in the night. Fans chanted ā€œyou deserve itā€ for Ambrose before he could say a word.

Ambrose talked about how it was a fun night in Vegas while noting an incident with a security guard (as a joke), seeing the Cleveland Cavaliers and then he climbed a 15-foot ladder to win Money in the Bank. Then another thing happened when he cashed in the briefcase to become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Ambrose told Rollins ā€œwhat goes around comes aroundā€ as a way to remind him about Rollins turning on The Shield two years ago.

Ambrose talked about how hard work pays off. Ambrose said that Seth called himself The Man, Roman called himself The Guy ā€“ what does that make him, The Dude? Youā€™re not the Big Lebowski, but I like you Dean. He said this is what heā€™s been going for. Ambrose said the journey has been worth it because weā€™re not having hard times anymore. Good Dusty Rhodes reference.

Roman Reigns made his entrance to mostly boos from the crowd. Reigns spoke to Ambrose in the ring with Reigns saying that last night wasnā€™t his night because last night was your (Dean) night. He said congrats to Ambrose. He doesnā€™t care what people say and heā€™s happy for him. Reigns asked him how good did it feel to cash in on Rollins.

Ambrose told Reigns that he would have cashed in on him. Now thereā€™s a ā€œyou canā€™t wrestleā€ chant. Reigns told them to take a sip of beer and shut their mouth. Reigns mentioned a rematch, but here comes Seth Rollins.

Rollins walked out there with a microphone to say he worked his ass off for seven months to get back into the ring. Rollins told Reigns to get to the back of the line because Rollins says the title is coming back to him. Rollins said that Ambrose stole the title from him. Reigns said thereā€™s a very easy way to settle this and Reigns dropped the microphone. Rollins told Reigns he beat him last night, heā€™s better than him, he deserves the rematch and here comes Shane McMahon.

Shane was on the ramp saying hello to Phoenix. He congratulated Ambrose for being the WWE Champion. Shane suggested that Rollins and Reigns have a match to see who should face the champion. Rollins wondered if he consulted Stephanie on this. Shane pretended to ask Stephanie even though she isnā€™t there. He said that Stephanie isnā€™t there, so Shane is running things. Shane said theyā€™re not going to do the match next week or on Smackdown, theyā€™re doing it on Raw.

Analysis:Ā That was a predictable opening promo. I thought all three Shield guys made good points. Reigns even told the crowd to shut up, which is nice and is a sign that maybe theyā€™ll have him be more of a heel going forward. Itā€™s still early to tell. Rollins made a lot of valid points and it makes sense for the heel to not want to have another match when he already beat the guy the night before.

The announce team of Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield and Byron Saxton talked about how the draft for the brand extension will take place on July 19.

Later on Raw weā€™ll hear from AJ Styles, Paige vs. Charlotte for the Womenā€™s Title and Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens is next.


They mentioned WWE sending the Cleveland Cavaliers a WWE Title. Sami Zayn made his entrance. The Spanish announce team is ringside for Raw as well.

Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens

Two of my favorites one on one. I like that. Owens nailed Zayn with a boot to the face and tried to leave through the crowd. Zayn brought Owens back towards ringside, but that was a bad move because Owens sent him into the post. Owens with a running senton to Zayn as they went to break about two minutes into it.


Zayn dodged an Owens attack that sent Owens to the floor. Zayn nailed a somersault dive over the top to take out Owens on the floor. It was pretty funny as Owens sent up Zayn on the top rope with Owens saying ā€œI hate youā€ at him. Zayn fought Owens off the top rope, but then Owens nailed a superkick for two. Zayn with a back suplex sent Owens into the turnbuckle. Owens nailed another superkick. Zayn countered the Popup Powerbomb into a forward roll and sat on top for a pin. Thatā€™s enough for the three count as Zayn gets the win after nine minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Sami Zayn

Analysis:Ā *** It was an entertaining match like usual from them. It was a bit on the short side, but thatā€™s because they did a finish where it was ā€œout of nowhereā€ since Zayn was able to counter the Powerbomb into a pinfall. Sometimes people think a finish like that is the ROLLUP OF DEATH, but thatā€™s not it. This was an actual good move for a pin. The rollup is the lame thing they do all the time that usually gets a win. Iā€™m glad when people do finishes that arenā€™t the ROLLUP OF DEATH.

After the match, Owens attacked Zayn on the ramp with a kick to the head. Owens wanted to do a Powerbomb off the ramp, but Zayn fought it off and nailed him with punches. Referees came out to break it up. They were brawling.

Analysis:Ā The announcers were talking about how this was going to end their rivalry. It's not going to. The feud MUST CONTINUE and we all win because of that.

Later on Raw is Reigns vs. Rollins with the winner facing Ambrose for the WWE Title at Battleground.


In the backstage area, Zayn and Owens were backstage still going at it. Referees, security people and agents tried to break it up. Eventually they were broken up.

Analysis:Ā I have no problem with the feud continuing. I liked their match at Payback. Theyā€™ve been a part of some great multi-man matches this year too. I assume that they are getting split up for the brand extension, so this will be their last feud for a while.

Cole mentioned the draft for the brand extension taking place on July 19 while showing some press for it.

John Laurinaitis showed up to speak at a Smackdown podium. Heā€™s wearing a red suit with a blue tie. He bragged about his accomplishments while calling himself the greatest GM of all time. He said heā€™s talking about how Big Johnny is going to throw his name in the hat to run Smackdown. Shane said thatā€™s not going to happen and itā€™s going to be somebody that can bring change. Shane said heā€™ll run Smackdown. Then Laurinaitis walked over to the Raw podium saying heā€™ll run Raw. Shane told him to go. Laurinaitis: ā€œPeople Power!ā€

Analysis:Ā Nice cameo by the man that brings People Power to the WWE Universe. He was so cheesy as a GM that I ended up liking him in the role. Also it should be noted that just because Shane wants to run Smackdown doesnā€™t mean itā€™ll happen. Itā€™s not official yet.

Enzo Amore and Big Cass made their entrance. Enzo did some dancing with Shane on the ramp. Shane left. They did their usual dance routine. Enzo mentioned ā€œJohnny Laryngitisā€ spewing some pure manure. Cass said that Big Johnny may have been a dynamic dude back in the day, but in the new era thereā€™s only one word to describe ya: SAWFT. Theyā€™re in a match next.


Enzo Amore & Big Cass vs. The Vaudevillains

The heels worked over Enzo early on, which is pretty standard for ever Enzo and Cass match. Enzo was able to break free about two minutes into it. Cass with clotheslines, a body slam and elbow drop on English. Cass boot to Gotch. Corner splash by Cass on English and a fallaway slam. Enzo off the top with the Bada Boom Shaka Laka (Cole said they call it that) and thatā€™s it after about three minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Enzo Amore & Big Cass

Analysis:Ā * A quick match to put over the faces. It was the typical Enzo & Cass match with Cass getting the hot tag, he was on fire and they won shortly after. Not much to it.

AJ Styles up next at top of hour two.


They showed some images of Kevin Love of the Cleveland Cavaliers celebrating Steve Austin style after winning the NBA Title. That was awesome.

AJ Styles made his entrance as the announcers narrated some photos of the finish of AJā€™s win over Cena at Money in the Bank.

Styles said he should be feeling happy right now because of a match he dreamed about for so long. He said this dream match between Styles and John Cena was tainted by two guys that are supposed to be more than brothers to him. He said he beat Cena. Then he said it again: ā€œAJ Styles beat John Cena.ā€ Styles said it didnā€™t go down the way he thought it would. He said he wanted Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson to give him a public apology right now.

Gallows and Anderson entered the ring with Styles. I like their theme song by the way. Styles told them that he had Cena right where he wanted him. Styles said there will never be another first time ever dream match with Styles and Cena. They gave Cena an excuse. Styles told them that they dragged his name through the mud. Styles wanted them to apologize. Anderson said heā€™s sorry. Gallows said heā€™s sorry. Styles wanted them to apologize to Cena too. Styles called Cena out there.

Cena was on the ramp with a microphone in hand. Cena talked about how Styles broke the contract. Gallows said that it was not AJā€™s fault and told Cena that AJ had no idea that would happen. Gallows said heā€™s sorry to Cena. Anderson said they took advantage of the situation and he said sorry to Cena as well. Cena talked about how Styles fought to survive in WWE and then did this stupid apology to prove that Styles isnā€™t as good as he says he is. Styles told Cena heā€™s not as good as he says he is.

Cena talked about how he respects the win because winning is the key to success in WWE. When you win, thatā€™s what a champion is made of. Cena spoke about how right up there with winning is being a man of your word. Cena said when your back is up against a wall, you have two things ā€“ your balls and your word. He claimed that Styles didnā€™t have either. The fans cheered in support of that so Cena said that real recognizes real.

Styles wanted to offer a deal to Cena. He said heā€™d give him a match against anybody in The Club except for him. Styles said they deserve to be punished, heā€™s got the Stone Cold Podcast and that heā€™s already beat Cena. Cena slowly made his way into the ring. He noted that when he fits one of them heā€™s really fighting three guys. Styles said heā€™s wrong and the reason nobody likes him is because he (Cena) thinks heā€™s always right.

Styles told him heā€™s a man of his word. He announced Anderson vs. Cena one on one and he told Cena that Anderson will knock his teeth down his throat. Styles suggested it will be Anderson without any help. Styles plugged his appearance on the Stone Cold Podcast after Raw as well.

Cena vs. Anderson is next.

Analysis:Ā It took 15 minutes to set that up, but they finally got to it at the end. Styles has shown a lot more heel charisma than I expected out of him, so Iā€™ve been pleased with his heel turn. I have liked him as a face throughout his career, but heā€™s doing well in this role. Cenaā€™s promo was what I expected with him talking about wanting a fair fight with Styles. Theyā€™ll probably do it again at Battleground next month.


John Cena vs. Karl Anderson

This is Cenaā€™s first Raw match since shoulder surgery in early January. Anderson was there without his buddies at ringside. Cena kept looking up the aisle for them as he hit Anderson with a clothesline. Body slam by Cena as he looked towards the entrance again. Another clothesline by Cena. Cena with the back suplex and then the Five Knuckle Shuffle fist drop connects. Cena hit the Attitude Adjustment. Here comes Styles and Gallows. It went about three minutes.

Winner by disqualification: John Cena

Analysis:Ā 1/2* Cena was on offense the whole match with Anderson looking like he didnā€™t even belong in the ring. That was done so they could get to that finish with the heels attacking Cena.

Post match, The Club worked over Cena with punches and kicks. Gallows and Anderson hit the Magic Killer double team move. Styles hit Cena with the Styles Clash. The Club posed together. JBL said Styles lied because it served his purpose.

Analysis:Ā It was a pretty basic beatdown with nobody out there to help Cena. For now, itā€™s about establishing The Club as a dominating group.

They showed images of how Ambrose ended up as WWE Champion at Money in the Bank. Then there was a replay of the opening segment that set up the main event. Thereā€™s the graphic reminding us that itā€™s Reigns vs. Rollins later on Raw.

Analysis:Ā They love to repeat the same things over and over.

Rollins was interviewed by Jojo. He said that last night was about proving things to himself and the rest of the world. When he beat Reigns to win the WWE Title he proved that heā€™s the best while Reigns never deserved to be champion. He said that Ambrose proved that heā€™s a cockroach and thief while he attacked him (Rollins) from behind. Rollins claimed he would beat Reigns again, then take his title back and prove who the best member of The Shield really is.

Analysis:Ā The way they book Rollins is so weird because that felt like a face promo even though heā€™s a heel. He was honest in saying that Ambrose attacked him from behind to win the title. Then he was honest in saying he fought back from an injury to prove himself to people. Why should we boo him? Itā€™s just really weird how they are booking him since coming back.


They mentioned a family that got a seat upgrade courtesy of Little Caeserā€™s Pizza.

Becky Lynch was interviewed by Renee Young. Lynch talked about how Paige, Charlotte and now Natalya have turned their back on her. She said if sheā€™s the last woman in this entire division with integrity and a sense of sportsmanship then she is better than all of them. She said she didnā€™t know why Natalya attacked her. Lynch spoke about how now second chances with her. Natalya showed up to attack her from behind. She tossed Lynch into some equipment box backstage. Natalya said for the first time in years sheā€™s going to take care of herself.

Analysis:Ā Iā€™m excited about this rivalry because they are two of my favorite women in WWE. Lynch is a natural face that should be in that role for the majority of her career. I felt like Natalya needed a change long ago, so Iā€™m glad sheā€™s in this heel role.

Baron Corbin vs. Zack Ryder

If you think Ryder has a chance here you donā€™t watch enough. Corbin faked an eye injury and punched him in the face. Ryder was able to get control with some punches to the face. He went for the Broski Boot, but Corbin went to the floor. Ryder with a kick outside the ring and then Ryder nailed a dropkick off the apron on the floor. Back in the ring, Ryder nailed a top rope elbow drop for two. That looked great. He should do that more often. Corbin came back with a clothesline for two. Huge punch by Corbin. End of Days by Corbin ends it after about four minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Baron Corbin

Post match, JBL said that Corbin is going to be a World Champion one day. Didnā€™t they say that about Drew McIntyre too? He should have been.

Analysis:Ā *1/4 Another easy win for Corbin. No surprise as soon as the match was announced. The problem with matches like this is that if youā€™re a casual viewer you probably tuned out or hit fast forward because Corbin isnā€™t exciting at all. Heā€™s a solid big guy, but he doesnā€™t have much star power or a character to keep peopleā€™s interest. They need to give him a manager or valet to make him stand out more.

They showed clips of WWEā€™s trip to China last week including John Cena speaking Mandarin at a press conference. Triple H was there to introduce the first Chines national athlete Wang Bin.

Charlotte defends the Womenā€™s Title against Paige later.


There was a video package about the Wyatt Family saying ā€œItā€™s Comingā€ so they return soon. Theyā€™re actually back tonight.

Paigeā€™s non-title win from last week was shown.

Paige was interviewed backstage by Renee Young. Before it could get really going, Charlotte showed up with Dana Brooke. Charlotte reminded her that when PCB broke up, Charlotte rose to the top while Paige sunk to the bottom. Brooke said ā€œtimberā€ and Paige ripped on her for being dumb because timber would be a tree. Paige reminded her that the ring is her house and that championship is going to look amazing around Paigeā€™s waist.

Analysis:Ā It was fine. Paige got to work in her catchphrase because that's how WWE people speak.


Womenā€™s Title: Charlotte (w/Dana Brooke) vs. Paige

Thereā€™s Paige with her first ā€œthis is my houseā€ of the match. She hit a dropkick and said it again. Paige hit Charlotte with some knees in the corner. Brooke pulled Paige out of the ring. Paige went after her, but Charlotte nailed a forearm to knock her down. The ref saw the whole thing and did nothing about it. They went to break two minutes into it.


Paige slammed Charlotteā€™s head to the mat for a two count. Paige with some hard kicks and a running knee. Paige hit a fallaway slam. JBL said he thinks the womenā€™s division is as good as heā€™s ever seen it. In terms of talent it could be, but the booking isnā€™t very consistent. The women battled on the top rope with Charlotte dropping her with a front suplex. Charlotte hit a moonsault for a two count. They got some more nearfalls. Paige nailed a standing side kick. She went for a cover, but Brooke put her foot on the rope. The ref ejected Brooke from ringside. While that was going on, Paige was distracted, Charlotte nailed a kick and then Charlotte with the Natural Selection for the pinfall win after nine minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Charlotte

Analysis:Ā ** That was a bit sloppy in terms of the referee work. Earlier in the match, the ref saw Brooke cheat and did nothing about it. Then he saw Brooke put Charlotteā€™s foot on the rope and should have called for a disqualification. Instead it just led to Charlotte winning anyway. I guess they just wanted to have Charlotte go over and they got it done, but it could have been executed better.

Post match, Sasha Banksā€™ music started up. Huge ovation for The Boss. Great to see her again! She nailed Brooke with a punch. Banks went in the ring, nailed a Banks Statement double knee attack on Charlotte. Brooke went back in the ring after Banks. Paige saved her. Banks held up the Womenā€™s Title. Then she stood in the ring with Paige while Charlotte and Brooke went up the ramp.

Analysis:Ā Good to see Banks back. I know she had a minor concussion that put her out for a couple of weeks, but other than that they just wrote her out of storylines since WrestleMania. Thatā€™s because they wanted to save her feud with Charlotte for SummerSlam. Now they can have a match at Battleground and SummerSlam where I would imagine Banks gets the win and the title.

Roman Reigns was interviewed by Jojo. It was pretty basic with him sounding confident about the match later.

The Wyatt Family was backstage. Bray: ā€œPhoenix, weā€™re here.ā€

Commercial for AJ Styles on Stone Cold podcast on WWE Network after Raw.


There was a video about WWE pyro that is present at a typical Raw, pay-per-view and WrestleMania.

The Wyatt Family trio of Bray Wyatt, Braun Strowman and Erick Rowan made their entrance. Luke Harper is still out of action after a torn ACL injury. Itā€™s been two months since these guys were on Raw.

They were greeted with ā€œwelcome backā€ chants. Wyatt asked if they missed him. Wyatt said that they have never forgotten what they stand for. He said that the Wyatts are as strong as they have ever been.

The New Day showed up on the ramp wearing the Tag Team Titles, but no sign of Francesca II the trombone. Xavier Woods said that they need to cut it. Kofi Kingston told his buddies to take a knee. Big E said that Erick Rowan has a big olā€™ booty. Kofi said when New Day comes out there everybody has a good time unlike the Wyatt Family. Kingston said that power has allowed them to remain WWE Tag Team Champions. Woods was staring at the Wyatt Family, so he didnā€™t say it right away.

Wyatt laughed at them and was angry that they interrupted him during his return. Wyatt said that he knows what's in their future: ā€œNew Day Falls.ā€ Wyatt told them to run. Wyatt laughed. Commercial.

Analysis:Ā It looks like weā€™ve got a tag team feud or a six man tag kind of feud. I was thinking it would be New Day against Gallows and Anderson next, but apparently thatā€™s not happening yet. It was odd to see a babyface trio interrupt the Wyatt Family like that. I guess that is WWEā€™s way of trying to tell us that the Wyatts are still heels even though they were teasing a face turn when we last saw them two months ago. Iā€™m intrigued by this rivalry because itā€™s new and different.


Hereā€™s a Life Lessons with Coach Bob Backlund and Darren Young. It led to Young saying poetry gives him life advice, so Backlund said donā€™t take advice from anybody. Young was confused. Backlund said he doesnā€™t give advice, he gives orders.

Analysis:Ā How long are these videos going to last? This one aired on Smackdown last week.

The ravishing Russian Lana introduced the US Champion Rusev. I didnā€™t comment on this in my MITB recap, but I like that Rusevā€™s got ā€œUS Champā€ on his trunks.

Titus Oā€™Neil was interviewed by Renee Young. Oā€™Neil said tonightā€™s not even about wins or losses and itā€™s not even about the US Title. Oā€™Neil said this is about Rusev disrespecting Oā€™Neil and his family on Sunday night. Oā€™Neil yelled about how Rusev shouldnā€™t disrespect his family.

Rusev (w/Lana) vs. Titus Oā€™Neil

This is not for the US Title. Oā€™Neil nailed Rusev with a hard punch early. They kept brawling with Oā€™Neil getting some shots in, but Rusev came back with shoulder tackles. Oā€™Neil drove Rusev into the barricade at ringside. Rusev shoved Oā€™Neil into the steel ring post. Oā€™Neil sent Rusev into the barricade and then he whipped him into the barricade again. Oā€™Neil with a huge clothesline sent Rusev over the barricade. Rusev left through the crowd. The bell never rang, so it was no match.

Match Result: No Contest

Analysis:Ā Great intensity shown by Oā€™Neil. I didnā€™t think their match at Money in the Bank was that good, but the little storyline with Rusev disrespecting Oā€™Neilā€™s family suggested that they might do more and thatā€™s what they did here. Iā€™m glad that Oā€™Neil was booked in such a way that the heel Rusev was made to retreat. Itā€™s probably going to lead to another title match between them.

Reigns vs. Rollins coming up.


A commercial aired for the WWE Draft on Smackdown on July 19.

The announcers talked about the draft. Cole mentioned the podiums because thatā€™s what it will be like during the draft.

The Miz and his wife Maryse (along with their dog) were on the set of Marine 5 Battleground. He wanted to show theyā€™re one big happy family. Some guy gave them lunch, so Miz knocked the plate down because he wants some quale. Maryse fired him. They said theyā€™re awesome as they showed some people on the film crew.

Analysis:Ā I read earlier that Miz is back on live events on Saturday because filming is done this week. He should be back on Raw next week.

Chris Jericho was in the office, so Shane McMahon showed up. Jericho said that Shane hasnā€™t liked him for 15 years and Jericho said that he should be the guy getting a WWE Title shot against Ambrose. Shane mentioned Jericho losing to Ambrose in an Asylum match and losing the Money in the Bank match. Jericho complained about the 69 tacks that Ambrose put in Jerichoā€™s body. Jericho said allowing Ambrose to be WWE Champion was stupid and called Shane a stupid idiot. Shane told him not to call him a stupid idiot or heā€™ll regret it. Jericho said heā€™d rather work for ten Stephanie McMahonā€™s rather than one Shane. That led to Shane saying heā€™s going to run both. Jericho said he doesnā€™t think itā€™s going to happen and Shane wondered what if it does.

Analysis:Ā Once again we still donā€™t know who is running what show, but they continue to tease that Shane is going to be in charge of both. Itā€™s not official. I'm not sure if this was done to tease a Jericho/Shane feud, but I guess it could be the beginning of that.

The WWE Champion Dean Ambrose walked out for commentary as JBL freaked out about it.


Seth Rollins will be in action on Smackdown this week. His first match on Smackdown since last year.

Rollins made his entrance. He stared at Ambrose on the commentary table. Ambrose mentioned last week he told them what he was going to do with the briefcase and he did it. Roman Reigns made his entrance.

Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns

Itā€™s essentially a #1 contender match even though WWE doesnā€™t useĀ that "number one contender" term. The winner faces Ambrose for the WWE Title at Battleground. The match begins at 10:42pmET so they should get around 20 minutes here.

Reigns sent Rollins into the barricade at ringside. Reigns sent Rollins into the top of the Spanish announce table, but then Rollins went back into the ring. They went back in the ring and Rollins hit a blockbuster neckbreaker off the middle rope. Rollins nailed a dropkick for two. Chinlock by Rollins as Ambrose talked about how nobody is going to take the title from him. Rollins sent Reigns outside the ring and tossed him into the barricade. Rollins nailed a boot to the gut followed by a clothesline. Reigns with a boot to the face. Rollins went for an attack on the floor, but Reigns dropped him with a boot.


Back from break, Rollins was in control with a sleeper hold. Forearm shot by Reigns on Rollins and then some punches. Rollins with a leaping kick stunned Reigns. They exchanged punches in the ring. Reigns nailed some headbutts and a leaping clothesline for Reigns. Rollins sent Reigns face first into the middle turnbuckle. Rollins with a knee to the back sent Reigns to the floor. Rollins with a suicide dive, then two running forearms and Reigns came back with the rollup into a sitout Powerbomb for two. Rollins kicked him to avoid a Superman Punch. Then Rollins did a springboard attack and Reigns nailed a Superman Punch to knock him out for oneā€¦twoā€¦and a kickout. The replay of that spot showed the timing was perfect. Rollins got a boot up to block a Spear, so Reigns nailed a punch to knock Rollins onto the apron. Rollins with a jump kick, a springboard flying knee attack and a standing side kick for two. Awesome nearfalls for both guys in this match. Rollins up top and he went for a Frog Splash, but Reigns moved. Reigns with the Drive By kick on the apron. Reigns set up Rollins on the Spanish announce table. Rollins got out of it and nailed a kick to the head to knock him down. The ref was counting them out. Rollins almost got in, but Reigns pulled him out. I guess Rollins did break the hold. Reigns with a Spear onto the Spanish announce table, which didnā€™t break. Both guys were down. The ref counted them out for a count of ten. Itā€™s a double countout. The match went 18 minutes.

Match Result: Double countout

Analysis:Ā ***1/2 When they announced this rematch I knew they wouldnā€™t do a clean finish. Thatā€™s okay because itā€™s important to tell a story. I like how they teased the countout finish right before they actually did a countout. It was pretty cool to see them do some of the spots they did on Sunday that worked really well there. They also followed up that match with spots like Rollins missing the Frog Splash, which he hit on Sunday. Neither guy connected with a finisher. It was an even match from start to finish. I didnā€™t think either guy was going to win and thatā€™s what we got in the end.

Shane McMahon showed up on the ramp saying thatā€™s not how we do things. Ambrose said that heā€™ll fight both guys on the same night. Shane said he can fight them at the same time and he made it official for Battleground: Ambrose vs. Reigns vs. Rollins for the WWE Title.

Analysis:Ā Thereā€™s the match most of us were expecting. Battleground wasnā€™t the place where I thought their first meeting would be, but thereā€™s nothing wrong with doing it.

Ambrose held the title in the face of Rollins and then he held it in Reignsā€™ face. Reigns grabbed his arm, so Ambrose dropped him with a Dirty Deeds DDT. Rollins went to attack Reigns, so Ambrose went after Rollins and nailed him with a Dirty Deeds DDT as well.

Ambrose celebrated with the WWE Title on the announce table. Raw went off the air at 11:03pmET.

Analysis:Ā That ending followed up on Ambroseā€™s successful Money in the Bank showing. I like that he was booked to look so strong on both Sunday and on Raw. It gives him some championship credibility right away.


Three Stars of the Show

1. Seth Rollins

2. Roman Reigns

3. Dean Ambrose


The Scoreboard

5 out of 10

Last week: 6.5

2016 Average: 5.71

Last 5 Weeks: 5, 4.5, 7.5, 5, 6

2016 High: 9 (April 11)

2016 Low: 4 (Feb. 29/Mar. 21)


Final Thoughts

Iā€™m giving it a 5 out of 10.

It was a pretty average episode of Raw with some boring moments that Iā€™ve already forgotten even after writing about them.

I thought the opening promo was good and the main event was strong, but the rest of the show was uneventful.

The Cena/Styles segment wasnā€™t that bad. It just wasnā€™t that strong compared to the stuff they were doing before the Money in the Bank pay-per-view.

They still havenā€™t told us enough about the draft or who is running what show when they get to it four weeks. It would be nice if there was more explained about it, but they are taking their time with it.


Thanks for reading. Go Toronto Blue Jays.

John Canton ā€“Ā mrjohncanton@gmail.com

TwitterĀ @johnreport

Personal FacebookĀ andĀ TJRWrestling on Facebook

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