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The John Report: The WWE Raw Deal 03/21/16

Posted By: John Canton on Mar 25, 2016

The John Report: The WWE Raw Deal 03/21/16

(Note from John: My apologies for this going up late. No idea what happened. Meant to be up Tuesday.)

Live from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania this is the Raw Deal for episode #1191. Follow me on TwitterĀ @johnreport. That banner is a repeat, but I like it, so weā€™re using it again.

Raw begins with Stephanie McMahon doing a promo. I missed a few minutes at the start of the show, but Iā€™m not going to rewind it because if you see one of those promos you know what itā€™s going to be. Itā€™s the same old thing as she noted that Triple H wasnā€™t there.

Roman Reigns interrupted by walking down the ramp, so looks like they dropped the crowd entrance for good, which is fine. Many fans were booing. She said that her husband will beat him at WrestleMania and he took the microphone from her. Reigns said that Triple H wasnā€™t there because he knew Roman would whip his ass all over Broad Street. He said that heā€™s going to stand in her stadium, her ring, heā€™s going to beat her husband and heā€™s going to take his title. She went to slap Roman, but he blocked her and said: ā€œNow Iā€™m the authority.ā€ Roman left.

Analysis:Ā That was about eight minutes for the opening promo, so it was shorter than what we normally get. Even though some of the crowd was booing him for some of it, there were some fans cheering him. His promo was short and simple by standing up to Stephanie. That's what he needs to do more often. Be a serious guy that talks with a lot of confidence instead of trying to make jokes. Just keep it simple like that every time he speaks. Iā€™m surprised she didnā€™t put him in a match right there, but thatā€™s probably coming later.

Later on Raw, we get an announcement about the Shane McMahon/Undertaker match at WrestleMania. Up next itā€™s Kevin Owens vs. AJ Styles.


AJ Styles made his entrance first and Kevin Owens entered with the Intercontinental Title, which is not on the line in this match. This is a return match from Smackdown. Hereā€™s myĀ review of SmackdownĀ if you want to know the details.

AJ Styles vs. Kevin Owens

Owens was in control early, Styles nailed a dropkick and Owens was on the floor. Styles went for a moonsault outside the ring, Owens moved and he sent Styles hard into the barricade at ringside. They went to break about two minutes into the match.


Owens took him to Chinlock City as they returned from break. Styles got in a nice enziguri kick to start his comeback. Punches, clotheslines and flying forearm by Styles. Back elbow by Styles, then a face first slam for a two count by Styles. Owens came back with a huge clothesline that Styles sold with a flip bump (JBL did a great job yelling ā€œLariatoooooo!ā€ for it) and then Owens put Styles on his shoulders leading to a neckbreaker for two. Styles avoided a cannonball attack in the corner, then a firemanā€™s carry into the knee for Styles gets a two count. Owens held onto the top ropes when Styles wanted a hurricanrana off the top. Owens nailed a Frog Splash off the top for a two count. That was impressive. Styles with a back elbow, Owens with an elbow and then they exchanged punches in the ring. Owens with a superkick, but then Styles came back with a Pele Kick. Commercial time.


The match is brought to us by Skylanders Superchargers ā€“ thanks to them for paying money I guess. Anyway, the guys were exchanging punches on the turnbuckle. Styles broke free, put Owens on his shoulders in a Torture Rack, spun him around and slammed him to the mat for a nearfall. Owens had Styles on his shoulders as they fought on the turnbuckle into a Sunset Flip Powerbomb for two by Styles. Wow what a move. With Styles on the apron ready to attack again, Chris Jericho walked out with a microphone saying ā€œAJ Stylesā€ repeatedly. Styles went for the Calf Crusher, Jericho was on the apron, Styles went after him and Owens capitalized with the ROLLUP OF DEATH~! for the pin of course because people donā€™t kick out of that very often. Ā The match went about 19 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Kevin Owens

Analysis:Ā ***3/4 That was an outstanding match. It was better than what they did on Smackdown last week in part because they got more time, but they also had several more believable nearfalls. The crowd was really into the action as well. What made me groan wasnā€™t the Jericho distraction because that was obvious. What bothered me was the reliance of the dreaded ROLLUP OF DEATH~! that is used far too often ā€“ nearly once per show every show. I get sick of it when I write about every show. What this win did is give Owens two victories over Styles so if they were to go to this match as a feud down the road, Owens can brag about how heā€™s beat Styles twice. Both wins were cheap, but it still counts. I loved that they were given about 20 minutes. More please!

Post match, Styles ran up the ramp after Jericho.

Owens celebrated the win by saying this is the ā€œKevin Owens Show.ā€ I like that name. Owens talked about how the biggest event in WWE history is taking place in 13 days and everybody wants to know who heā€™s going to face at ā€œKO-Mania.ā€

Dolph Ziggler walked down to the ring. He said KO-Mania, WrestleMania and even ā€œBotchamaniaā€ on his way down to the ring. I'm sure internet fans were marking out over the Botchamania reference. He wanted the IC Title.

The Miz interrupted Ziggler and Owens. Ā The Miz bragged about main eventing WrestleMania. Ziggler mentioned he beat Miz on Smackdown last week and Miz reminded him that heā€™s beat him too.

Sami Zayn was the next man to interrupt things. Fans greeted him with ā€œole ole oleā€ chants on his way to the ring. Zayn said he wants to get his hands on Owens. Miz called him a skinny Seth Rogen and told him he has to wait.

Owens told them that none of them deserve a chance at his IC Title. Then he said maybe heā€™ll go talk to The Authority to set up a triple threat match to see whoĀ will face him for the IC Title at WrestleMania.

Analysis:Ā It was looking like a multi-man match at WrestleMania with those guys along with Neville, but perhaps theyā€™re going to change it. Iā€™m interested to see how they play it.

Later on Raw, Dean Ambrose faces Braun Strowman.

Ambrose was shown in an earlier today segment in Philadelphia. He was shown in a bar. Terry Funk was there. Funk put over Ambrose for being a great fighter. He gave Ambrose a chainsaw. Ambrose started the chainsaw and started cutting up a table in the bar.

Analysis:Ā Itā€™s a way to put Ambrose over again just like with Mick Foley giving him a barb wire bat last week. Itā€™s a passing of the torch ā€“ hardcore style. It was a bit cheesyĀ with the chainsaw cutting though.


Kevin Owens was backstage talking to Stephanie McMahon in her office. He suggested they do a triple threat match later to see who faces him at WrestleMania. She said the match is on. Owens sucked up by telling her to tell Hunter he says hi.

Analysis:Ā Obvious story development. Nothing wrong with it.

The announce team of Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield and Byron Saxton were shown on camera talking WrestleMania.

There was a video package with a bunch of people in wrestling talking about the Shane McMahon/Undertaker match. Some of the people shown were Steve Austin, John Cena, Mick Foley, Edge and others. Itā€™s a good way to hype up a match as a big deal when you have other legends putting it over.

Analysis:Ā WWE is fantastic at putting together these video packages. We all know that. I always like the added touch of having legends chime in with their thoughts on the match too. It adds credibility to the match.

The New Day were shown walking to the ring. Some white guys were in the hallway doing some awkward dances because white guys trying to dance is funny. I donā€™t dance.


READ MY OTHER STUFF:Ā In addition to writing about Raw, I also write plenty of other things as well. Here's my review ofĀ last week's SmackdownĀ that featured an Owens/Styles main event match as well...I've added retro PPV reviews to my writing schedule and this week it was a look back to SummerSlam 1994 featuring an amazing Bret vs. Owen cage match and a terrible Undertaker vs. Undertaker main event.Ā Check it out here...Here's an articleĀ I wrote for Comeback SportsĀ that is a closer look at The Undertaker's match with Shane McMahon at WrestleMania. I'm pretty optimistic about it while offering up some ideas about what may or may not happen in the match.Ā 

The League of Nations foursome of Sheamus, King Barrett, Rusev & Alberto Del Rio were in the ring. They bragged about beating up The New Day last week. Hey look there was a ROLLUP OF DEATH~! finish in that match too. Anyway, it ended with the LON destroying the three New Day members. Del Rio chanted ā€œNew Day sucksā€ so here comes The New Day.

The New Day trio of Kofi Kingston, Xavier Woods & Big E walked down to the ring. Big E said they donā€™t suck and New Day has never sucked. They did a bit where they said they are trash. They had visual aids including a bag. Kingston said Thank God Rusev was wearing boots on them feet because they were stinky. Kingston mocked Del Rio for being stuck in the League of Nations because he used to come out in cool cars with his own announcer. Then Kingston mocked Barrett for being the king. They talked about what things would be like with them as king. Then they did their ā€œshameā€ bit as they mocked the Sheamus name. Big E plugged the Booty Oā€™s cereal as they chanted ā€œNew Day rocks.ā€

The New Day guys went after the League of Nations outside the ring. Cole noted it was supposed to be a singles match, but it has turned into a brawl. The New day guys were in the ring while the LON guys were outside the ring.

Analysis:Ā That was an okay promo, but not the best work that New Day has done. The bit with the trash failed miserably. Kofi ripping on the guys was better. They are better when theyā€™re heels. I guess weā€™ll have to get this face version of the New Day. Iā€™m sure it will be fine in the long run. I just think staying heel would have been better for them.

Big E vs. Rusev

As soon as the bell rang, Rusev went to the floor. Big E went after him with punches and brought him into the ring. Big E nailed a shoulder tackle against the turnbuckle and then Big E nailed a splash on the apron while Woods played the trombone. Commercial two minutes into the match.


Back from break, they showed action during the break when the LON guys took control tossing Woods and Kingston over the barricade. Rusev was in control of Big E in the ring. Rusevā€™s offense was pretty boring. Big E nailed three belly to belly suplexes. Big Eā€™s splash didnā€™t work because Rusev got his knees up. Rusev nailed a spinning kick for two. Big E nailed a uranage slam out of the corner for a two count. Kingston and Woods were still down outside the ring. Big E ran the ropes, so Rusev got his knee up to block it. Rusev with a kick to the head gets two. Big E connected with his running splash for a two count. Barrett distracted on the apron, so Rusev nailed a superkick for two. Woods tripped up Del Rio, sent Barrett into the post and kneed Del Rio. Sheamus hit Woods with a forearm. Rusev went for the Accolade submission, but Big E countered by putting Rusev on his shoulders and dropping him with the Electric Chair Drop. Sheamus was on the apron, so Big E tackled Sheamus through the ropes. While the ref was looking at that, Kingston kicked Rusev in the head. Big E capitalized on that with the Big Ending for the win after 11 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Big E

Analysis:Ā **3/4 It was a slow start to that match, but they really picked up the pace to deliver an exciting finishing sequence. I thought Rusev would get the win since New Day beat them last week on Raw and on the Saturday Roadblock show before that, but it was another win for New Day here with Big E getting the victory. They relied on the interference too much. I know thatā€™s a part of the story since theyā€™re two teams, but it was a little excessive. As I said, though, they managed to put together an entertaining finish sequence, so thatā€™s what matters in the end.

Later on Raw is Vince McMahon making some Hell in a Cell match announcement. Also Ambrose vs. Strowman later.

Bray Wyatt and his ā€œfamilyā€ did a promo backstage. Luke Harper and Erick Rowan both got to speak. Then Strowman said that the God of War watches over him tonight, so heā€™s offering Ambroseā€™s soul as a sacrifice for his family. Wyatt said it will all be over soon. ā€œRun.ā€

Analysis:Ā Just a basic promo from them. The group has no momentum anymore and are likely going to be in the battle royal at WrestleMania. Perhaps theyā€™ll be pushed better after WrestleMania.


There was some WrestleMania Snickers commercial with that awful Chrisley guy, Alicia Fox, Naomi and then when he ate a Snickers it was Natalya. Okay then. I guess that passes for comedy.

The Big Show walked out to the ring while the Andre the Giant trophy was at ringside. Show thanked the fans for being great in Philly. He said that while he talked about being the best giant, itā€™s really Andre the Giant that was the greatest giant. He said that all other giants try to be like Andre. Show added that he hadnā€™t won a whole lot of battle royals, so thatā€™s why this year he plans on being a two time Andre the Giant battle royal winner.

The Social Outcasts group of Heath Slater, Bo Dallas, Adam Rose & Curtis Axel made their entrance. Dallas said they are like a Cinderella story and Axel said theyā€™re cool like Voltron. Rose told Show heā€™s in serious trouble. They went into the ring. Show wondered which one of them heā€™ll knock out first.

Show choked Slater. The others attacked, but Show was able to get rid of them. Axel nailed a running knee attack. Kane made the save for Show. Kane sent three of the Outcasts out of the ring easily. Dallas was the last one left, so Kane tossed him over the top to the floor. Show gave Kane a hug. Then Show celebrated on the middle turnbuckle, so Kane grabbed him by the throat and tossed him down. Kane set off his pyro to end it.

Analysis:Ā Showā€™s promo was fine. He put over Andre the way a babyface should. He wants to win, but itā€™s not going to happen. Using the comedy heels to promote a match thatā€™s supposed to be important isnā€™t a great idea. Kane making his return to save Show was interesting. That wasnā€™t a heel turn at the end. It was more of a ā€œevery man for himselfā€ kind of message. I think Braun Strowman will win the battle royal.

Up next on Raw is a WrestleMania rewind match with Chris Jericho taking on Fandango.


A group of women singers called Fifth Harmony will sing America the Beautiful at WrestleMania. I have no idea who they are and am proud for not knowing.

The next WWE Hall of Famer is Stan Hansen. Heā€™s from Texas as JBL talked about how he was a great draw in Japan and JBL called him his idol. They showed some clips of Hansen in the ring.

Analysis:Ā Hansenā€™s a guy that had a lot of success outside of WWE. Iā€™ve seen some matches, but not that much. Since heā€™s from Texas, it makes sense to go in the HOF during a WM in Texas.

Chris Jericho vs. Fandango

No televised entrance for Fandango while Jericho got his full entrance. The announcers tried to put over Fandango for beating Jericho at WrestleMania three years ago even though Fandango is barely on television. Jericho talked trash early on saying that Fandango never beat him at WrestleMania. Thereā€™s a spin kick by Fandango. JBL put over Jericho as the greatest Canadian of all time. Fandango stunned him on the top rope. Fandango went for a legdrop off the top rope. Jericho moved and went for the Walls of Jericho. AJ Styles showed up on the ramp saying ā€œY2Jackass, Y2Jackassā€ a few times. Fandango went for an inside cradle, Jericho kicked out and hit a Codebreaker for the pinfall win after three minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Chris Jericho

Analysis:Ā * It was just a short match to put over Jericho. Iā€™m glad he didnā€™t lose due to the distraction. They do those finishes too often, so itā€™s good that he was able to kick out and hit the Codebreaker for the win.

Post match, Styles ran into the ring to go after Jericho. Styles talked about how maybe Jericho is the best in the world at running from Styles. Styles said that heā€™s competed all over the world, but thereā€™s one thing he hasnā€™t done ā€“ he looked at the sign and mentioned WrestleMania. Styles suggested Jericho faces him at WrestleMania so that he can show Jericho why they chant ā€œAJ Stylesā€ for him. Jericho just backed up the ramp.

Analysis:Ā Itā€™s obvious they are going to do this match at WrestleMania, so might as well make it official. Styles did well in the promo. Early on in his WWE run he didnā€™t get to talk much, but they are giving him some more time and heā€™s showing heā€™s a capable talker as well.

Up next is another look at the Shane McMahon/Undertaker match.


This preview for Total Divas about Eva Marie not wanting to go blonde is a reminder of how bad that show is.

There was another video package about the Shane McMahon/Undertaker match featuring comments from wrestling legends like Shawn Michaels, Edge, Ric Flair and John Cena. They also showed comments from Shaneā€™s BJJ and Muay Thai coaches. Then Chris Jericho mentioned that if Shane wins itā€™s a whole new world in WWE. Road Dogg said people would be excited about change. Michaels said heā€™ll always go with Undertaker, but Shane will give him a run for his money. Steve Austin said it will be nothing but pure chaos from start to finish. Mick Foley said the hairs on his arm are rising in anticipation for this match. Guys were talking about the match with Jericho saying it could be the biggest main event in WrestleMania history.

Analysis:Ā A good video again although that last line by Jericho saying it could be the biggest main event in WrestleMania history is a bit ridiculous. I know theyā€™re doing the big sell job, though, so thatā€™s going to happen. Thatā€™s just how they build it up. Also, these video packages make me think this match is going on last at WrestleMania. Thatā€™s an opinion that could change. For now, just based on the hype I think itā€™ll main event the show.

Owens was shown backstage talking to refs leading up to the triple threat match thatā€™s coming up.


The great Kevin Owens was in the ring with the Intercontinental Title. He told ring announce Lilian Garcia to leave the ring so he can do the introductions. Owens said that this man is ā€œperhaps the biggest star in WWEā€ since star is in his name and then he brought out Stardust. Then Owens brought out Sin Cara. Owens said that hereā€™s a man that has been in WWE for years and feels like he deserves moreā€¦Zack Ryder. This is apparently a match.

Stardust vs. Zack Ryder vs. Sin Cara

Owens joined the commentary team. Cara got a rollup on Stardust and Ryder nailed a dropkick on Cara. Owens talked about how heā€™s giving these guys a chance. Stardust went at it with Sin Cara in the ring with Cara nailing a headscissors on Stardust for two. Ryder exchanged punches with Stardust outside the ring while Cara broke that up with a moonsault. Sami Zayn walked down to the ring as Ryder and Cara collided. The Miz and Dolph Ziggler also went down to ringside. They all got in Owensā€™ face to complain about how they should be in this match. Ryder gave Stardust a back body drop over the top in front of the other guys. Owens tossed Ryder into Miz, so thereā€™s the ref calling for the bell. It went about four minutes.

Match Result: No Contest

Analysis: * What a confusing mess that was. It was hard to pay attention to the actual match since nobody seemed to care about it. There are no disqualifications in a triple threat, but the ref threw the match out when he called for the bell, so I'm calling it a no contest.

Owens ended up getting attacked by everybody, but then he got out of the ring and went up the ramp alone to avoid further punishment.

Analysis:Ā The IC Title situation still isnā€™t clear. They're making it so confusing by adding other guys into the mix.

There was a replay of Roman Reigns yelling at Stephanie earlier.

Stephanie was shown in the office. It sounded like she was talking to Triple H on the phone when Owens interrupted her. Owens went into the office to complain about what happened. Then she booked him in a Ladder Match at WrestleMania against Ziggler, Miz, Zayn, Ryder, Sin Cara and Stardust. Owens looked upset about it.

Analysis:Ā Itā€™s pretty bad that they just threw Ryder, Sin Cara and Stardust into an IC Title match when those guys are barely visible on television. I guess itā€™s just a way to add some bodies to the multi-man Ladder Match, which is for the IC Title for the second year in a row.


Stephanie was shown leaving the arena. Triple H was in the car in the parking lot. The camera zoomed ahead to show Roman Reigns standing by the garage.

Reigns opened the door of the car. He yanked Triple H out and attacked him. He sent him into the car and then they exchanged some punches. Triple H was able to fight him off enough to get back into the car as it drove away. Thatā€™s three minutes of ā€œactionā€ and then a break.

Analysis:Ā That was just a quick thing to show that Reigns is focused on Triple H I guess. Nothing wrong with it, but nothing memorable about it either.


There was a replay of Romanā€™s attack in the segment before it. The announcers mentioned Triple H vs. Roman Reigns at WrestleMania for the WWE Title.

The lovely ladies Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch were on commentary as they showed the segment from Smackdown when they had a face to face to face promo segment with Charlotte that ended with them attacking Charlotte. At WrestleMania itā€™s Charlotte defending the Divas Title against Banks and Lynch.

Charlotte (w/Ric Flair) vs. Natalya

This is not for Charlotteā€™s Divas Title. The girls were arguing on commentary as Natalya put Charlotte in the surfboard submission hold early on. The announcers mentioned their great match at Roadblock a couple weeks ago and the NXT Title match two years ago. Ā Dropkick by Natalya. Charlotte went outside the ring, so Natalya nailed a spinner clothesline. Back in the ring, Charlotte nailed a boot to the face. Overhead suplex by Charlotte although the camera was on Sasha on commentary. Charlotte did some punches against the turnbuckle, so Natalya did a Powerbomb out of the corner for two. They did that spot at Roadblock too. Natalya applied the Sharpshooter in the middle of the ring. Charlotte got to the ropes and then did a rollup with her feet on the ropes. Thatā€™s how she won at Roadblock. Natalya got a rollup for two on her own. Charlotte fought back and nailed the Natural Selection for the pinfall win after six minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Charlotte

Analysis:Ā **1/4 A good match for the time given. They did some of the same spots as their Roadblock match. The difference is their Roadblock match had about ten more minutes and it was better. Nice spot with Natalya going for the Sharpshooter and almost winning. I liked that Charlotte won with the Natural Selection because itā€™s a good finish that she should use more often.

Post match, Charlotte just held up the Divas Title in front of her two WrestleMania opponents.

There was a replay of Ambroseā€™s segment with Terry Funk from earlier in the day. Ambrose against Strowman is later.


The announcers plugged WWE Network shows during WrestleMania week. Way to include NXT Takeover this week after not including it last week.

Bubba Ray Dudley (w/D-Von Dudley) vs. R-Truth

Last week on Smackdown, Bubba beat Goldust so now heā€™s against Truth. Bubba pounded on him and hit a clothesline. The crowd doesnā€™t care about this and I agree with them. D-Von did a distraction, Bubba hit a slam on Truth and that was enough for the win. It went about two minutes.

Winner: Bubba Ray Dudley

Analysis:Ā 1/2* A rushed match that meant nothing, but the Dudleys are pushed more than Truth so he gets the win.

Goldust came out to save R-Truth. That didnā€™t work. The Usos showed up for the save and they sent Bubba outside the ring. Double superkick by The Usos on D-Von. The Usos set up a table in the ring. They put D-Von face down on a table.

Analysis:Ā It looks like they will change the Dudleys/Usos WrestleMania match to a Tables Match. At least thatā€™s my guess after seeing the end to that segment.

Up next is Vince McMahon.


Vince McMahon entered the arena for a promo. Weird spot for him because heā€™s usually out there to start the show or top of the hour in another segment. Putting him on before the main event is unusual.

Vince said that if Shane beats Undertaker at WrestleMania then it may lead to Triple H and Stephanie quitting the business while it also may mean the last weā€™ve seen of Vince. The crowd cheered. He asked if they liked that, so they chanted ā€œyesā€ at him. Vince blamed the crowd for enabling Shane. Then he showed a clip of last week with Shane calling Undertaker a bitch.

Vince called Shane the most formidable opponent that Undertaker has ever had at WrestleMania. Thatā€™s a bit much. Vince said that Undertaker is his instrument of destruction, but also added that The Undertaker is his bitch. Vince added that if Undertaker loses then itā€™s his last WrestleMania.

Analysis:Ā Some people were hoping for a special referee. Nope. Instead, Vince called Undertaker his bitch and said itā€™s his last WrestleMania if he loses. Of course if you pay attention to the story, Shane gets control of Raw (and WWE) if he wins, so he could just as easily say Undertaker can wrestle at WrestleMania because what Vince said wonā€™t matter. But hey, there I go thinking again. Iā€™m sure the announcers will put this over as a big deal without mentioning how Vinceā€™s stipulation could mean nothing. This storyline is okay. It could be a lot better, though.

Dean Ambrose made his entrance. Dean just looked at Vince on his way to the ring.


This week on Smackdown, Brock Lesnar is on the show. Paul Heyman is on commentary for the main event.

Dean Ambrose vs. Braun Strowman (w/Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper & Erick Rowan)

Ambrose was aggressive early on as he connected on a suicide dive, but then Ambrose stopped another attempt with a forearm to the face. Strowman tossed Ambrose into the barricade at ringside. Strowman applied a nerve grip on Ambroseā€™s shoulder and then he tossed him across the ring. Clothesline by Strowman. Ambrose was smiling a bit as Strowman beat him up with another clothesline. After Ambrose applied a sleeper, Strowman drove him into the turnbuckle and then did a running shoulder block. Another nerve pinch submission hold. The crowd was chanting ā€œthis is boringā€ for this. Not a good sign. Ambrose started a comeback with some forearm shots to Strowman. He wanted Dirty Deeds, but Strowman shoved him off and then Ambrose was able to direct him into the ring post. Ambrose hit him in the arm with a chair. The ref disqualified Ambrose after about six minutes to give Strowman the win.

Winner by disqualification: Braun Strowman

Post match, Ambrose attacked with the chair again. He fended off the other Wyatt Family members. With the chair down in the ring, Ambrose nailed a Dirty Deeds DDT on Strowman on the chair.

Analysis:Ā * What a weird match that was. Iā€™m not even sure why they would do that match because it would have been better if Ambrose was in a match where he got a clean win. Then you can do a post match attack if you want him to show how prolific he is using weapons. Having him lose on purpose because he canā€™t put away a guy thatā€™s not even on the WM card makes Ambrose look like a chump. Are there no other heels for Ambrose to face and beat in a match? That would have been better.

Ambrose left the ring to talk trash to Heyman about what he might do to Lesnar. Thatā€™s how Raw ended at about 11:07pmET.

Analysis:Ā Not much of a post match angle. That was just a quick thing with Ambrose trying to get in Heymanā€™s face while Heyman reminded him that heā€™s just an advocate. At least they can have some Ambrose/Lesnar interaction on Smackdown.


Three Stars of the Show

1. Kevin Owens

2. AJ Styles

3. Big E


The Scoreboard

4 out of 10

Last week: 6

2016 Average: 5.5

Last 5 Weeks: 6, 6, 4, 7, 5.5

2016 High: 7 (Feb. 22)

2016 Low: 4 (Feb. 29/Mar. 21)


Final Thoughts

Iā€™m giving it a 4 out of 10.

Thatā€™s tied for my lowest score of the year. If that Styles/Owens match wasnā€™t on this show then it was probably a 2/10. My scoring system isnā€™t scientific or anything like that, but trust me when I say this was a bad show and that was the only highlight.

I think the biggest problem with this show is that the WrestleMania card has so many matches that they try to find time for everything. When you do that you end up with segments that are rushed. There were so many moments in this show where they were just flying through things. They werenā€™t good segments either, so that made it a head scratcher as I wondered what WWE was doing multiple times.

The IC Title picture is a mess. They probably should just do Owens vs. Zayn at WrestleMania. Now theyā€™re adding five others to the match. I have nothing against any of them, but itā€™s not like the crowd was clamoring for Ryder, Stardust & Sin Cara to get a IC Title match. Miz and Ziggler are worthy at least because they are visible on TV every week. Plans changed after Neville broke his ankle too. Itā€™s just bizarre because the crowd will be dead when those guys do anything since they have no chance to win.

That announcement by Vince McMahon was weak too. If Undertaker loses itā€™s his last WrestleMania. Of course if Shane wins he has control, so does Vinceā€™s opinion really matter? Probably not. Itā€™s not like they are going to explain this story or the possibilities either. Thatā€™s the problem with WWE. They just throw out these stipulations and donā€™t think about what we ā€“ the fans ā€“ think about.

It sucks when Raw is poor on the road to WrestleMania, but thatā€™s what this was. It was also lacking star power big time. Next week theyā€™ll have everybody there.Ā 


Thanks for reading. Go Toronto Raptors.

John Canton ā€“Ā mrjohncanton@gmail.com

TwitterĀ @johnreport

Personal FacebookĀ andĀ TJRWrestling on Facebook


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