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WWE Extreme Rules 2015 Results (4/26/15) Chicago, Illinois

Posted By: Elio C. on Apr 26, 2015

WWE Extreme Rules 2015 Results (4/26/15) Chicago, Illinois

Kickoff Show Results: 

-Adrian Neville defeated Bad News Barrett

WWE Extreme Rule Results:

Video: WWE Extreme Rules 2015 Intro

Welcome to WWE Extreme Rules 2015 live from the AllState Arena in Chicago, Illinois

Chicago Street Fight: Dean Ambrose vs Luke Harper

The brawl begins at ringside. Ambrose in control early on as he flies to the outside with a suicide dive taking out Harper. Harper sent into the ring steps. Ambrose with a kendo stick in hand cracking it over Harper's head and Ambrose unloading with kendo shots on Harper. Ambrose plants a chair and takes a seat as Harper looks up at him. Ambrose with a kick. Harper reverses a suplex and plants one of his own on Ambrose through the chair.. Harper's turn with the kendo stick and Ambrose takes a kendo shot to the forehead. Amborse with an elbowdrop from the top rope. Powerbomb countered by Ambrose. Ambrose with a clothesline and another Kendo stick comes into play as Ambrose takes it to Harper all the way to the locker room area

him into the interview set. Suddenly, Harper stumbled inside a vehicle parked at the back of the building. Harper tried to drive away, but Dean hopped inside to beat him up. Suddenly, Harper sped away with Ambrose hanging out of the passenger side.

WWE cut to Cole and Co. reacting to what's going on. Cole wondered if they have a helicopter to follow the action, noting there are no count-outs for this match. JBL joked it could go on for three months like Curtis Axel at the Royal Rumble.

Backstage: Triple H tells Kane to go find Ambrose and Harper since who knows what those crazy guys are capable of on the streets of Chicago. Seth Rollins then walked in for a tense face-to-face with Kane. Hunter told them to stop acting childish and get on the same page for the WWE World Title tonight. Kane and Seth argued, then Hunter tried to calm them down. This same conversation heard for weeks carried on, drawing "boring" chants live in the arena. WWE tried to mute the arena mic as Kane vowed to do what's best for business.

Kiss Me Arse Match: Sheamus vs Dolph Ziggler

Cole explained that it's a standard match, with a post-match situation. They quickly moved to the floor, where Ziggler snapped off a DDT on the ringside padding. Ziggler also felt the effects of the move, slowing him down as he returned to the ring. Sheamus caught him with a big knee to the face, almost like the Brogue Kick. "You look stupid" chant from the crowd, so Sheamus angrily smashed Ziggler in the face again. Sheamus followed with big forearm blows to the chest before vowing to make Ziggler kiss his arse.

Sheamus continued the assault, including a sit-down powerbomb for a close two count. Sheamus laughed to himself and continued beating up Ziggler, delivering a knock-down clothesline before talking big trash. Sheamus said little fellas do not belong in his ring as JBL predicted a loss for Ziggler. Sheamus tried to rip off Ziggler's head with a reverse chinlock, but Ziggler responded with big forearm blows. Sheamus refused to go down, then he smashed Ziggler with a clothesline.

Sheamus followed with a Texas Cloverleaf in the middle of the ring. Ziggler gasped for air as he tried to get the bottom rope while one of the announcers made kissing noises. That sounded weird. Ziggler escaped, then rolled up Sheamus for a close two count. Sheamus quickly cut him off, though, and kept Ziggler on the mat. Sheamus teased the Brogue Kick, but Ziggler avoided and rolled up Sheamus, trapped Sheamus's shoulders for three, and the ref made the count.

The winner of the match: Dolph Ziggler

Post Match: Sheamus sold shock as he processed what just happened. Sheamus decided to leave the ring and complain to the timekeeper. Sheamus tried to leave through the crowd, but the ref cut him off. Sheamus then returned to the ring as Ziggler waited and the crowd chanted, "Pucker up." Ziggler started to lower his trunks, drawing shrieks from the female contingent. Sheamus finally accepted his fate and approached Ziggler's rear-end, but he could not do it. This turned into D-Bryan and Kane milking the "Hug it Out" business. Ziggler eventually gave himself a wedgie to give Sheamus easier access to his cheeks. Sheamus paced the ring, then tried to beg for mercy. Another "pucker up" chant from the crowd.

Sheamus approached Ziggler one more time, but low-blowed Ziggler from behind. Sheamus smirked, then dropped Ziggler with a Brogue Kick. In The Authority's world, where things like Naomi jumping Paige leads to her receiving a Divas Title match, Sheamus will probably be rewarded for avoiding the post-match stipulation. The announcers sold disdain, but Sheamus took the mic and said he's never kissing Ziggler's arse, especially not in this town. Sheamus said he vowed to make Ziggler kiss his arse, and he does not want to disappoint. So, Sheamus wedgied himself and rubbed Ziggler's face on his right cheek. Sheamus slapped himself like Rikishi, then shouted, "Kiss me arse!" as he left the ring.

WWE Tag Team Championship: Tyson Kidd & Cesaro vs The New Day

Wristlock on Kingston. Big E in and Cesaro in. Big E with a shoulderblock. Cesaro with a slam and Cesaro unloads on Big E kingston and Kidd back in. headlock by Kingston. Kidd sent to the outside and Big E. tags in. Kingston off the ropes but Kidd stops him with a clothesline sending Kingston to the outside. Big E. Kidd back in as Kingston stomps away. Big E whips Kingston into Kidd. Submission hold on Kidd and the crowd starts chanting for Tyson Kidd. Kingston with a dropkick and Big E back in. Big E. misses with the splash. Big E. sent through the second rope to the outside. Cesaro in snake eyes to Kingston. Cesaro with a series of uppercuts. Clothesline to Kingston. Cesaro with a slingshot. Crossbody caught by Cesaro into a backbreaker. Superplex from Cesaro, Kidd with an elbow. Kingston blocks a sharpshooter attempt. Big E. back in and he launches himself into Kidd sending both himself and kidd to the outside. Kidd rolled back in. Back bodydrop to Cesaro. Kingston off the ropes onto Kidd. Cesaro and Big E over the top rope. Kingston sets up for Trouble In Paradise. Kidd catches him and locks in The Sharpshooter. Big E. back in with an overhead throw. Kingston runs into a pair of boots. Cesaro in with the Giant Swing and Kidd with a dropkick to the head. Xavier Woods with the distraction, Natalya slaps Woods. Disctraction on the outside as Kingston rolls Cesaro up with a handful of tights for the three count

The winners of the match and NEW WWE Tag Team Champions: The New Day

Backstage: The New Day are celebratingand say they've had their struggle and doubters but the sun has risen and today is the dawn of their New Day. A car pulls up and Harper stumbles out and Ambrose from the roof of the car takes out New Day and Ambrose and Harper continue brawling. Harper walks back out onto the rampway and Ambrose from behind as the brawl continues. Kick by Harper. Ambrose with a clothesline. Several chairs tossed into the ring and Harper grabs one but Ambrose punches it out of his hand. Harper shoulderblock into the corner. Powerbomb onto the chair by Harper. Harper dumping chairs ontop of Ambrose. Harper to the top rope. Ambrose gets up and slams Harper onto the chairs. Ambrose hooks Harper up and hits the Dirty Deeds for the three count

The winner of the match: Dean Ambrose

Promo for WWE Payback on May 17

Video: John Cena-Rusev feud

Russian Chain Match: John Cena vs Rusev

Tug of war begins between Cena and Rusev. Rusev witha clothesline in the corner and one corner touched by Rusev. Cena with a slam and Cena with three corners hit but Rusev with a headbutt. Rusev throws Cena over the ropes to the floor. Rusev pulling on the chain stringing Cena up and unloading with kicks. Series of headbutts to Cena and the crowd with a "Let's Go Cena/Cena Sucks" chant. Suplex by Rusev . Cena using the chain on Rusev. Cena looking for the AA but Rusev counters with a clubbing blow to the back of the neck. Cena sent back to the outside. Cena tugs on the chain sending Rusev shoulderfirst into the ring post. Rusev hits the ring post again head first and Cena trying to make it to the third corner. Spinning heel kick by Rusev. Rusev using the chain on Cena. Rusev whipping Cena with the chain and Rusev's turn to touch the corners and he's one corner away. Rusev inches towards the corner but Cena back in the ring pulling Rusev backwards. Kick and punch by Cena. Rusev with a kick to the ribs. A headbutt to Cena and Rusev with a right hand. Rusev on the apron. Rusev to the top rope pulled off by Cena. Cena ducks a clothesline. Shoulder tackle to Rusev. Rusev with a fallaway slam. Kick to the head by Rusev. Cena with a side slam to Rusev. Five Knuckle Shuffle to Rusev. Cena picks Rusev up for the AA. Rusev counters with an Alabama Slam. Rusev goes to lock The Accolades in but Cena counters into an STF. Rusev slides out of the ring resetting the corners. Back in the ring, Rusev locks The Accolades in. Cena getting to his feet and he rams Rusev into the corner. Rusev holding on and it's Rusev's lights that are on. Rusev hits the third corner. Rusev goes for the fourth corner but Cena hits the AA. Cena and Rusev tied with three corners each and one corner remains. Cena with the AA to Rusev and touches the fourth corner to retain the US Championship.

The winner of the match: John Cena

Backstage: Roman Reigns says one thing he's proved is you can knock him down but can't keep him down. He's been knocked in the jaw, thrown into cars and even chokeslammed on the roof of the same car and still got up and tonight in his match he will get back up

Diva's Championship: Nikki Bella vs Naomi

Naomi and Nikki lock up. Shoulderblock by Nikki and a snapmare. Nikki working over the arm. Armbar on Naomi. Naomi with a forearm to Nikki and a yank of the hair sends Nikki to the mat. Suplex by Naomi. Chinlock on Nikki. Naomi controlling the neck. Nikki getting to her feet and Naomi with a slam. Elbowdrop to Nikki. Nikki on her feet, Naomi holding onto the facelock. Naomi misses with a clothesline. Nikki with a roll up. Naomi with a bulldog driving Nikki's face into the turnbuckle. Nikki goes for the Rearview but Nikki holds onto the ropes. Nikki throws Naomi into the corner. Nikki runs into a pair of boots and it's Naomi in control unloading on Nikki. Nikki to the outside and Brie taken out with a boot by Naomi. Nikki rolled back into the ring. Naomi back in, Nikki with a pair of boots and a series of clotheslines. Dropkick to Naomi. Running clothesline. Alabama Slam to Naomi for a 2 count. Nikki misses with the forearm. Naomi with an inverted DDT. Split leg moonsault but Naomi misses. Nikki bounces Naomi's face off her knee. Nikki picks Naomi up for the Rack Attack. Nikki thrown into the corner. Big elbow and kick to Naomi. Nikki tries to pull Naomi off the ropes and Brie with a kick to the face. Nikki picks Naomi up and delivers the Rack Attack for the three count

The winner of the match: Nikki Bella

Last Man Standing Match: Roman Reigns vs Big Show

Reigns unloads on Show. Irish whip into the corner by Show. Reigns fights out of it. Show again with a whip and shoulderblock. Reigns has Show on the ropes and another shoulderblock. Reigns sends Show over the top rope to the floor. Reigns follows pulling a table out from under the ring. Kick by Show. Show going under the ring for a weapon and he pulls out another table but decides against it. Reigns bounces Show's skull off the ring post and dropkick Show. Reigns setting up the table. Show throws Reigns into the barricade. Show smashes the table in half again saying NO TABLES. Reigns with a kendo stick and he unloads on Show. Show whips Reigns into the post. Show breaks the kendo stick over his knee. Reigns whipped into the corner. Show runs into a pair of boots and right hands by Reigns. Clothesline to Show. Reigns off the top rope and Show swats Reigns away. Reigns to the outside, Show pulls him up onto the apron but Reigns counters and grabs a chair unloading on Show. DDT onto the chair by Reigns. Reigns brings out two tables from under the ring. Back in the ring, Show hits the KO Punch. Reigns beats the 10 count and it's Show with table in hand setting it up. Show signals for the chokeslam but Reigns counters and delivers a Samoan Drop through the table. Reigns sets up a table in the corner, turns around and Show hits a spear. Headbutt to Reigns. Show on the second ropes and a splash to Reigns. Show to the top rope and Reigns cuts him off. Reigns pulls out another two tables and sets them up side by side. Reigns on th etop rope but Show knocks him off. Show on the top rope slammed off by Reigns. Reigns with a series of Superman Punches. Show catches Reigns and chokeslams through the two tables set up on the outside. Show goes to the outside and clears the announce table. Reigns rolls back in and Show follows. Reigns pulling himself up, Show charges and crashes headfist into the table. Show and Reigns both get to their feet and Reigns hits a spear. Show slides to the outside looking for a place to rest. Reigns follows and spears Show through the barricade. Reigns blocks a chokeslam and Reigns hits a spear through the announce table and the crowd starts a "Holy Sh**" chant. Reigns gets to his feet as the referee counts Show out but Show gets to his feet. Reigns tips the announce table under the announce table and the count resumes
as Show finds himself pinned under the announce table unable to answer the 10 count

The winner of the match: Roman Reigns

Backstage: Orton tells Kane he's known him for over a decade and he knows Kane is the Devil's Favourite Demon but Kane traded his mask in for a suit and he gets that but when The Authority is done using him they'll just throw him away

Bo Dallas comes out and cuts a promo about how everyone should follow rules and tells the crowd to follow him in saying "All You Have To Do Is Bo-lieve". Ryback then comes out and Dallas beats Ryback down. Ryback gets back up and delivers a spinebuster. Dallas gets up and gets nailed with the Meat Hook Clothesline. Ryback picks Dallas up and delivers ShellShocked

Backstage: Rusev says Cena didn't beat him and calls him a liar and a coward. Lana walks in and says it's done. At Payback, the final chapter will be written when Rusev faces Cena in an "I Quit" Match

WWE Championship: Seth Rollins vs Randy Orton - Steel Cage Match

Rollins goes for the early escape but Orton stops him. Rollins with a right hand and Orton staggers back into the corner. irish whip and Orton explodes out of the corner with a clothesline. Rollins thrown into the cage and Rollins tries to climb up but Orton pulls him down. Uppercut by Orton. Irish whip reversed by Rollins Orton whips Orton to the mat.. Orton with the Garvin Stomp. Orton picks Rollins up and slingshots him into the cage again Rollins looking for the escape. Now Orton in the corner unloading on Rollins. Rollins drives Orton into the corner with a powerbomb. Rollins calling for Kane to open the door but Orton stops him. Rollins drives Kane into the cage. Rollins stomping away on Orton and Orton thrown into the cage again. Rollins scales the cage and Orton up there pulls him down delivering an uppercut. Splash in the corner by Rollins. Orton side steps Rollins as Rollins bounces off the cage. Exchange of punches and kicks. Series of clotheslines by Orton. Rollins trying to escape and Orton scaling with him cutting him off. Orton sent to the mat and Rollins with a knee to the side of the face. Orton and Rollins at the top of the cage trading punches. Orton hooks Rollins bringing him back in. Powerslam by Orton. Rollins counters the DDT and hits a superkick to Orton. Rollins on the outside of the cage hanging on and Orton hooks him up pulling him back in delivering a superplex from the top of the cage. J & J scale the sides of the cage but Orton throws Rollins into the cage knocking them down. Slam by Orton and DDT countered by Rollins pinning Orton between the ropes and the cage. Rollins once more scales the cage. Orton pulls him down crotching Rollins on the top rope. Orton from the top rope connects with the DDT. Orton with the Pedigree but Rollins kicks out. Orton sets up for the Punt Kick but Rollins ducks out of the way. Rollins calls for the door and Kane opens it as Rollins crawls through the ropes. Orton gets to his feet delivering a backbreaker. Orton goes for the door and Kane closes it. Rollins misses with the dropkick and hits Kane sending him into the barricade. Kane and J & J step into the ring and J & J keep Kane from Rollins. Kane with a double chokeslam. Kane stalking Rollins. Kane chokeslams Orton and Rollins tries to escape but Kane stops Rollins and chokeslams him. Kane draoes Rollins over Orton. Orton kicks out and Kane goes to Tombstone him. Orton counters and hits an RKO. Rollins hits an RKO on Orton and crawls out of the cage.

The winner of the match: Seth Rollins


-End Show-

Tags: #wwe #extremerules #results

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