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WWE Superstar Mark Henry recently spoke with Busted Open Radio about his favorite WrestleMania moment, as well as Roman Reigns heading into WrestleMania 31.
"My match with Undertaker at WrestleMania 22 changed me. It made me believe that I belonged and boosted my confidence. That match propelled me to where I am today. When Roman Reigns has that moment of belonging that is when he’ll be great. However, you need time to pass for that to happen. It took me 18 years. It takes faster for some people and I believe Roman is ahead of the curve in that regard."
About Roman Reigns:
"If Roman attacks Brock the way he attacked Daniel Bryan at Fast Lane, then he can do big things. People always run off at the mouth on what people should do. I believe people should sit back and enjoy and if they don’t like what they’re seeing, tune them out. Fans have to realize that as big of an impact that they have on the industry, they’re not calling the shots. They should just sit back and enjoy the show. When fans go to football games, they’re not the ones calling the plays. There’s a different mentality with the fan base nowadays where the fans are reacting before storylines even have a chance to play out. People are commenting before stuff even happens. There used to be a time where the anticipation grew so much and that anticipation superseded everything else. However, that anticipation has lessened in today’s day and age because of all the information and media surrounding the company. Roman Reigns can definitely be the next top guy in WWE but he has to have a thicker skin and not worry so much about what the critics are saying."