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The show starts in Dario Cuetos office where he is meeting with Big Ryck. He says congratulations to Ryck for signing a contract to work exclusively for Lucha Underground. Ryck says he wants his bonus in cash. Cueto says when he invited Johnny Mundo to Lucha Underground he wanted to use him as an example. Cueto says violence is his favorite form of entertainment, and with Ryck things are going to get more entertaining.
My View: This segment didn’t do much more than continue to build Ryck and Cueto as the biggest heels in the company.
We are welcomed to the Temple by Melissa Santos; she introduces us to Son of Havoc and Ivelisse. Ivelisse has a microphone she says Havoc has been being made a joke since he arrived. She says he has wrestled a woman and half a man. She said if they had wanted to deal with this they wouldn’t have signed a seven year contract to fight in this dump, they would be living in Nashville. Havoc grabs the microphone and says right now he is challenging anyone in the back if they have the balls. Out comes a wrestler named Pimpinela Escarlata. Vampiro compares Escarlata to Gorgeous George. They refer to how flamboyant Escarlata is; Escarlata gets into Ivelisse’s face and Havoc attacks from behind and the bell rings.
Pimpinela Escarlata vs. Son of Havoc
Escarlata hits some slaps across the chest of Havoc, then grabs his arm and goes to the tope rope. Escarlata walks the tope rope like tight rope, he dives off and hits Ivelisse who had entered the ring. Escarlata crosses from rope to rope stepping over Havoc, and then trips over havoc when he gets on all fours. Havoc attacks Escarlata, he throws him into the corner and hits a huge flying forearm, then goes for another but Escarlata moves. Escarlata hits some slaps to the chest of Havoc. Stryker then says the crowd is calling for Escarlatas signature move “The Kiss”, the cameras pan away so I do not know if this happen or not. Escarlata hits an arm drag from the top rope and takes Havoc to the outside. Escarlata then hits a spinning heal kick from the ring apron onto Havoc. Both climb back into the ring and Escarlata climbs to the top turn buckle and hits a drop kick. Escarlata goes for a dive in the corner but Havoc throws him into the turnbuckle. Havoc then assaults Escarlata in the ring. Havoc throws Escarlata to the outside, where Ivelisse attacks. They then mock and mimic Escarlata. Havoc throws him back into the ring. Havoc displays some great in ring moves, goes for a pin and gets a two count. Out comes Mascarita Sagrada who chases Ivelisse around the ring. Sagrada goes between the legs of Havoc distracting him, Escarlata goes for “The Kiss”, they show it but from a very far away angle. Escarlata gets the roll up for the win.
Winner: Pimpinela Escarlata
My View: I am sorry but you have to take this match for what it was. They are building a storyline that Havoc is getting screwed and is being made a joke of. The match was horrible, and far too long. Havoc should let Ivelisse do the talking her verbal skills are far superior to his. I was surprised by the Nashville comment, was she referring to TNA? I was also surprised by the way they handled Escarlatas signature move “The Kiss”.
In the back Johnny Mundo grabs Dario Cueto by the throat and slams him into the wall. Mundo says no matter how many times Cueto sends Ryck after him he will keep getting back up, and each time he will kick Cuetos ass. Cueto says he can make it right, Mundo says it hasn’t been right since Cueto gave away his $100,000.00. Cueto says he can get Mundo another $100,000.00 in cash, Mundo says ok and rips a key of Cuetos neck and calls it insurance.
My View: So now instead of wrestling for the fans and to prove himself Mundo is greedy and wrestling for money? This did nothing but confuse us as to what is really going on.
Back in the ring Melissa Santos introduces Famous B, this is the first time we have seen him. His opponent is introduced as Mil Muertes. Muertes comes out with Catrina. Vampiro says Muertes is only thinking about how he is going to kill Famous B. They imply that Catrina and Muertes are involved sexually.
Famous B vs. Mil Muertes
They start with Muertes attacking and just destroying Famous B. He lays Famous B on the ring ropes and distracts the ref so Catrina can attack Famous B. Muertes throws Famous B into the corner, he runs in but Famous B kicks him, only to get his head driven into the mat by Muertes. Muertes then sets up and spears Famous B. then he hits the flat liner, and gets the pin for the win. Muertes picks up Famous B so Catrina can do the lick of death.
Winner: Mil Muertes
My View: This match was just a squash of Famous B. I would like to see Muertes wrestle someone his size.
They recap King Cuernos attack on Drago last week. Tonight we will see Drago vs. King Cuerno. We see a video featuring Drago, the video talks about Dragons and how they were protectors and could fly, and dragons would destroy anything in their path. They ruled the earth and struck fear into the bravest men. Dragons went extinct but one arose as a man. The video ask “which do you fear, the man or the dragon?’
My View: This was a great video setting up Drago. It gave him even more mystique. They are setting him to be a huge star.
In the ring already is Drago, out next is King Cuerno.
Drago vs. King Cuerno
This match was far to fast and action packed to give you a move for move recap so I will give you the highlights. Cuerno starts with a huge double knee. Stryker says the pace of the match will be like a lion killing a gazelle, a slow drawn out process. Drago hits a springboard hurricanrana. After some arm drags, Cuerno hits another huge double knee, then another drop kick. Cuerno goes for the pin but only gets a two count. We see the same mysterious woman from last week. Stryker ask Vampiro if this is the girl he keeps leaving tickets for. Vampiro says she is so hot. Back in the ring they both hit some fast paced moves and kicks. Drago hits a huge flip to the outside onto Cuerno (almost flying over Cuernos head). Drago throws Cuerno back into the ring and hits a modified brain buster. Vampiro says the crowd is acting like a Japanese crowd and being very respectful to the violence they are seeing. Drago gets a two count; Cuerno then gets to his feet and throws the ref to the mat. Cuerno goes to the outside and takes his time, but Drago hits a move over the top rope to the outside, Stryker calls it the fire fly. Drago throws Cuerno back in, and hits a springboard arm drag. Drago goes for another pin and gets a two count. Cuerno sends Drago to the outside and hits a dive to the outside. Cuerno rolls Drgo back in and stalks him. Cuerno hits a move called “the thrill of the hunt” and gets the pin for the win. Cuerno picks up Dragos head and yells “The hunt has just begun”.
Winner: King Cuerno
My View: Another high impact match. They are setting things up as though Cuerno is making sacrifices for someone else. There were some high risk moves in this match as we have come to expect from Drago. Drago almost missed a couple moves which could of led to serious injury. No idea why Stryker said “the pace of the match will be like a lion killing a gazelle, a slow drawn out process”, this match was anything but slow.
Johnny Mundo is in the ring. He says Dario Cueto owes him $100,000.00. Mundo gives him to the count of ten to get his little ass out here. Out comes Big Ryck, he says he owns that ring and unless Mundo wants to go thru another table he better get out of it. Mundo goes flying over the top rope onto Ryck. Mundo gets back in the ring as Ryck lies on the ground. Mundo starts counting again, as Konnan comes out. Konnan says Puma deserves the money, and because Mundo Puma has been getting attacked. He then says because of Mundos actions last week Puma will no longer have his back. Big Ryck then attacks Mundo from behind. Puma comes out and hits a springboard dropkick on Big Ryck. Puma and Mundo then hit a double dropkick on Ryck taking him to the outside. Puma and Mundo then exchange blows in the center of the ring. The announcers imply this is something Konnan and Cueto have implanted inside Puma. Out comes Cueto and says he has Mundos $100,000.00, he says its big Rycks signing bonus. Cueto says Ryck did not read the fine print and he has to earn it. Cueto says next week the money will be hanging from the rafters, they will have a $100,000.00 ladder match. Stryker says huge news by Cueto, dirt sheet quality.
My View: They didn’t say who was sin the match but Stryker painted it as multiple participants. This was a good segment, built the storyline and Ryck finally looked like he was ready to fight. Not sure why Stryker referenced the dirt sheets.
Back in the ring Melissa Santos introduces Chavo Guerrero; he comes out to a bunch of boos. Stryker says he is in business for himself. Vampiro says all of Mexico is coming for him. Out comes his partner Pentagon Jr. They note Pentagon didn’t look at Chavo when he entered the ring. Sexy Star comes out next followed by Fenix.
Sexy Star & Fenix vs. Chavo Guerrero & Pentagon Jr.
Sexy Star and Pentagon Jr. start us off. All four quickly enter the ring and there is chaos. Fenix hits a dropkick on Chavo; Pentagon Jr. grabs Star by the hair and throws her outside. Fenix and Pentagon are in the ring alone. Pentagon Jr. throws Fenix off the ropes he then throws Fenix high into the air and Fenix hits a Hurricanrana on the way down, Pentagon Jr. goes to the outside as Chavo says he has this and enters the ring. He places Fenix in a rear chin lock, Fenix fights back to his feet and throws Chavo of the ropes. Fenix hits a huge drop kick. Star comes in and hits some kicks, then Chavo hits a huge clothesline. Chavo drags Star around by her hair then tags Pentagon Jr. They assault her in the corner, back comes in Chavo. Sexy fights back and gets the tag. Fenix hits a huge spinning back kick to Chavo. Pentagon distracts Fenix and Chavo hits a huge clothesline. Chavo hits an uppercut that Vampiro compares to Dory Funk Jr. Chavo continues to beat down Fenix then tags Pentagon Jr. Pentagon Jr. hits a springboard clothesline then nails Fenix in the throat. Pentagon Jr. tags Chavo and Chavo hits a kick while Pentagon Jr. held Fenix. Chavo puts a front chin lock on Fenix. Fenix fights back just to get drop kicked by Chavo. Chavo goes for the pin and gets a two count. Pentagon Jr. is tagged back in him and Chavo throw Fenix of the ropes. Fenix hits a handspring elbow on Pentagon Jr. Chavo then attacks Fenix, but Fenix hits a kick to the head of Chavo, he then tags Star. Star comes in and starts stomping Chavo, Pentagon Jr. enters and Star goes for a head scissors takedown. Star then goes back to working on Chavo. Chavo gets the upper hand, Fenix double stomps Chavo on the back from the top rope, then gets suplexed into the corner by Pentagon Jr. The crowd chants holly shit. Star attacks Pentagon Jr. He picks her up and starts spinning her, she hits the tilt-a-whirl DDT and Pentagon Jr. goes to the outside. Star goes to the tope rope and dives to the outside onto Pentagon Jr. Fenix then dumps Chavo to the outside. Fenix jumps from the top onto the other three outside the ring. Star is back on the top rope with Chavo in the center of the ring. Star jumps off and Chavo catches her and slams her down onto the mat. Chavo goes for the five star frog splash but Fenix kicks him off the top rope to the floor. Pentagon enters the ring and picks Star up she rolls thru but Pentagon catches her in a submission type move, Fenix kicks him in the head and Star flips him for a power bomb. Fenix goes to the top and hits a ridiculous move on Pentagon Jr. Sexy Star goes for the pin and wins.
Winner: Sexy Star & Fenix
My View: This match was okay, it had some high spots, and the sequence at the end was unreal. Chavos slower style works great with the high flying style of Fenix. Star continues to impress while wrestling the men.
Overall Show: This was perhaps the lesser of the shows so far. The Havoc storyline is just horrible and doing nothing for his character. The videos they air to introduce and highlight the luchadores are great, they really are helping fans learn about each wrestler. The comment about Gorgeous George, Japanese fans, Dory Funk, Nashville, and the fact Lucha Underground commercials have been airing during WWE RAW makes me wonder if they are going after a new audience. The storyline between Big Ryck, Johnny Mundo, and Prince Puma is very interesting; the $100,000.00 Ladder Match next week should be amazing. Thanks for following along see you next time in the Temple.