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Lucha Underground Results & Review: 11/26/14

Posted By: Jason Hyde on Nov 28, 2014

Lucha Underground Results & Review: 11/26/14

The show starts with the usual re-cap video of the events that have led us to this week’s episode.

We start with Konnan in Dario Cuetos office. Konnan says Puma wanted to come personally, but he stopped him because if Puma had come he would have cracked Cuetos skull wide open. Cueto says he owes Konnan a thank you and offers him a drink. Konnan says no he doesn’t drink with people that attack Puma from behind, Cueto says “no comment”. Cueto says he does not control Cisco and Cortez that Big Ryck does. Konnan says if that’s the truth than Cueto should not have a problem putting a match together tonight between Puma and Big Ryck. Cueto ask Konnan what he has in mind and he says a “Boyle Heights” match which he then clarifies as a street fight. Cueto says he will drink to that, Konnan stands up and takes his drink and finishes it off.

My View: This was a good opening video, a good advancement in Konnans character as he seems to be coming back over to the side of the faces in this storyline.

Back in the ring we are greeted by Matt Stryker and Vampiro. Mil Muertes and Catrina are introduced by Melissa Santos. Stryker points out again that Muertes name means a thousand deaths. His opponent is introduced as Drago, as he makes his way to the ring.

Mil Muertes vs. Drago

In the ring Muertes attacks Drago from behind and kicks him while Drago is down on the ring mat. Muertes picks him up and chops him on the ring ropes, he then throws him into the ropes and goes for a clothesline, Muertes misses then Drago flips over him and hits a couple kicks, Muertes throws him into the turnbuckle and goes for a splash but misses as Drago moves. Drago hits a corkscrew cross-body from the top rope, goes for the pin and gets a one count. Muertes hits a standing power slam then throws Drago to the outside. We sing King Cuerno up high on the staging watching over the match. Back in the ring Muertes gives Drago another power slam and gets a one count. Stryker compares King Cuerno to a cougar watching his pray from up high. Mil Muertes continues to manhandle Drago. Drago then hits a series of kicks, then takes Muertes down with a leg sweep and gets a one count. Drago then hits a springboard DDT, and gets another one count. Drago comes of the top rope and take s a vicious spear from Muertes. Mil Muertes picks Drago up and hits his finishing move for the pin.

Winner: Mil Muertes

After the match they show Cuerno again. Vampiro then reminds us Muertes is still undefeated. Cuerno makes his way into the ring and hits a slam on Drago.

My View: This match was defiantly different; Drago is a high flyer as Muertes is a heavy hitter. They worked well together. They continue to build Muertes an unstoppable monster. Drago is a great performer and hits some incredible moves. It’s important to mention on one of the power slams Muertes didn’t get Drago rotated fully and Drago took much of the blow and his head and neck area.

A video featuring Johnny Mundo airs. He says because he can do things others cant he has been to the edge of greatness. He talked about how politics got in the way before, and he refused to kiss ass, and he took his ball and went home. He said when he heard about Lucha Underground and how they wanted the best Luchas and fighters in the world they were speaking his language. He says this time the hell with politics he is going past the edge of greatness, he will be greatness.

My View: Wow, that politics comment was surely a shot at WWE. A great video though, they continue to show great production skills with everything produced outside and inside the ring.

Backstage Cueto approaches Mil Muertes, and says a fantastic victory. Catrina says Muertes learned long ago you can’t keep darkness locked away forever, Cueto walks off.

Back in the ring Son of Havoc is introduced with Ivelisse. Stryker mentions Havoks match against Sexy Star. His opponent is introduced as Mascarita Sagrada. Stryker mentions that Cueto is making a mockery of Havok first he faces Sexy Star then Sagrada.

Son of Havok vs. Mascarita Sagrada

In the ring Havok is on his knees mocking Sagrada. Sagrada attacks Havok and hits a spinning takedown move of the ropes. He then hits an Arm drag on Havok taking him to the outside. Son of Havok comes back into the ring and goes for a choke slam, Sagrada roles thru and goes for a pin, and gets a one count. Stryker make s a joke and says Sagrada couldn’t get his little arms around havocs legs. Sagrada goes to bounce of the ropes and gets tripped up by Ivelisse. Sagrada is then tossed in the air and lands hard onto the mat. Havok chokes Sagrada with his boot. He then places him on the tope rope and puts Sagrada into a guerrilla press and drops him hard behind him, Havok then hits a standing moonsault. He then bangs Sagradas head of the mat instead of going for the pin. We see a woman on the stairs watching the match but cannot make out who she is, Vampiro then says he has no idea who she is but she is so hot. Havok then throws Sagrada into the corner and hits a big boot to the gut of Sagrada. Havok goes for the pin the picks Sagrada up before the three count, as we see the mysterious woman leave. Sagradas head is hanging over the ring apron as Havok distracts the ref and Ivelisse kicks Sagrada in the head. Havok tries to pin Sagrada with his foot but Sagrada kicks out. Havok then picks him up and throws him of the ring ropes, Havok goes for a kick to the head but Sagrada ducks under it and flies through the ropes and takes out Ivelisse. Havok throws a fit in the ring as Stryker states “payback is a bitch”. Back in the ring Sagrada pulls Havoks head of the ring ropes. Sagrada chases Ivelisse around the ring as Stryker says “this is what I normally watch on the internet but not like this”. Sagrada goes to the tope rope and dives to the outside onto Havoc. Back in the ring havoc goes for a clothes line but misses Sagrada comes of the ropes and tries for a tilt-a-whirl head scissors then comes back through the legs of Havoc, then rolls through and goes for the pin and gets the three count.

Winner: Mascarita Sagrada

After the match we see Havok and Ivelisse arguing as Sagrada celebrates. Stryker says this is what Lucha Underground is all about and they have invited everybody.

My View: Once again a larger wrestler looks awkward trying to work with Mascarita Sagrada. The match wasn’t bad just relied allot on the same moves that Sagradas last match did. Stryker was horrible during this match. I do not know if someone is feeding him these horrible lines, if so they need to stop, if not then someone needs to get control. I am pretty sure he just told us he watches midget porn which is an awkward comment.

Were back and Sexy Star makes her way out. Stryker says there is something irresistible about a woman who has power and strength. Vampiro then says he is glad to see Strykers fetishes get provoked by Sexy star. They point out how many of the luchadores have an issue with Chavo Guerrero. Guerrero makes his way to the ring with a mixed reaction. Vampiro says he has word from Blue Demons family and he is on the mend and full of fury.

Sexy Star vs. Chavo Guerrero

In the ring Star pushes Chavo twice; he then pushes her in the face. Star comes off from the ropes for a shoulder block buts hurts her shoulder. Chavo points to the ropes and tells her to do it again but as she goes to run towards the ropes Chavo pulls her to the mat by her hair. Vampiro says Star isn’t going to back down as Chavo steps on Stars face with his boot and grinds it into the mat. Chavo picks up Star by the hair, as we hear Stryker say Chavo is a very insecure man because he grew up in the shadow of the great Guerrero’s before him. Chavo rubs Stars face into the turnbuckle. He grabs Star and kisses her, Star slaps him hard. Chavo runs towards Star but she avoids contact. Star hits a head scissors as Chavo flies to the outside. Star goes to the outside and gets a chair. As Stryker says its poetic justice and reminds us Chavo hit Star with a chair three weeks ago. Chavo pleads for her not to use it. Star then kicks the ref in the mid section and gets disqualified.

Winner: Chavo Guerrero by disqualification

In the ring Pentagon Jr. enters the ring and takes the chair from Star. First he looks towards Chavo then in the direction of Star. Chavo grabs Star by the hair, and pulls her away from the turnbuckle. Fenix comes running out and kicks the chair into Pentagons’ face, he then kicks Chavo in the head knocking Chavo to the outside. Fenix throws Sexy in the air and she it’s a hurricanrana on Pentagon. Sexy Star goes to the outside and Chavo retreats up the stairs, Vampiro calls Chavo a coward and says Mexico is coming for him. Vampiro ask why the hell Pentagon Jr. would even think of helping Chavo.

My View: This match was ok it was more about telling a story than actual wrestling. They are portraying Chavo as a wanted man in Mexico, which makes Pentagon Jr. helping him a little confusing. Once again the commentary went off track from the start. The play-by-play was good but the other stuff was just ridiculous, why do we care about Matt Strykers fetish.

Back in the ring Melissa Santos announces the Boyle Heights street fight. She says it’s no disqualification and anything goes. Big Ryck comes out with Cisco and Cortez. Big Ryck once again is puffing on that cigar. Prince Puma is then introduced, as he walks slowly to the ring. Vampiro says he questions Konnan for putting Puma in a match where he faces three guys, he says that is not looking out for your guy.

Prince Puma vs. Big Ryck

The crowd chants “let’s go Puma” as Ryck grabs him by the neck; puma throws his arm to the side and hits Ryck with some blows to the head. Ryck hits a huge knee to the gut, and drives him to the mat. Ryck chokes Puma with his knee on the ropes. Ryck drives Puma into the corner. Ryck throws Puma into the opposite corner, he runs in for a splash but Puma takes him down with a drop toe hold. Cisco and Cortez rush into the ring. Puma hits a spring board arm drag of the ropes on Cortez, then a hurricanrana on Cisco. He goes for a move of the turnbuckle but Ryck catches him on his shoulder. Puma turns it into a tornado DDT. Puma then does a dive to the outside onto all three men. He lands on his feet as Stryker says “he landed like a cat”. Puma climbs back into the ring as the three men get back to their feet. Cisco, Cortez, and Big Ryck each go to a different side of the ring and get up onto the ring apron. Puma knocks Cisco of the ring apron then take s a huge clothesline from Ryck. Ryck then hits repeated elbow drops to Pumas backside as he lay helpless on the mat. Vampiro says this is like a baby kitten going to slaughter. Ryck throws Puma into the ropes and hits another reverse elbow. Ryck continues the beat down of Puma. Cisco throws a trash can into the ring and Ryck sets it up in the ring corner, as Stryker says “the great thing about a street fight is the possibility for the innovation of violence”. Vampiro says “nice cheap plug for your boy Dreamer, what’s up Tommy”. In the ring Ryck throws Puma into the trash can he setup. Cisco throws another chair into the ring; Ryck picks Puma up over his head and drops him onto the trash can. Cisco and Cortez enter the ring as Ryck takes a seat on the chair Cisco just put in the ring. They continue to double team Puma, then Ryck gets up and it becomes a triple team once again. Vampiro says if he knows Konnan he is sitting in the back and he is not going to take too much of this. Puma fights back and hits the double DDT on Cortez and Cisco, he then drop kicks Ryck who had taken a seat back in the chair. Puma then hits a kick to the back of the head of Cortez when he misses Puma with the Singapore cane. Puma then takes out Cisco with the Singapore cane. Puma then hits Ryck in the back with the cane, Stryker then says “hold that Mo Vaughn”. Ryck stands up like it didn’t faze him. They fight over the cane as big Ryck pulls Puma in and gives him a vicious clothesline. Cisco and Cortez get out a ladder and put it into the ring. Puma is thrown into the ladder by Ryck. They continue to destroy Puma and throw more stuff into the ring. Cisco and Cortez set Puma up on the ladder, feet up in the air. Ryck takes the Singapore cane and goes to hit Puma with it. Before he is able to we see Johnny Mundo coming down from the top of the arena. He dives from about 15 feet up and 15 feet away into the ring and does a springboard kick to Ryck. He then attacks Cisco and Cortez, then frees Puma from the ladder. Mundo throws the ladder onto Cortez and Cisco who are on the outside. Ryck goes to hit Mundo with the cane but Mundo takes him down to the mat. Mundo beats Ryck down in the ring. Mundo goes to hit Ryck with the chair misses and hits Puma, Cortez and Cisco then hit a double team move on Mundo. Vampiro says Mundo cost Puma the match then questions if it was really an accident that he hit Puma with the chair. Puma is driven threw a table that had been set up in the ring by Ryck, Ryck gets the pin.

Winner: Big Ryck

After the match we see Mundo checking on Puma. As we go off the air Stryker asks “where do we go from here”

My View: Very entertaining match. It was basically a handicap match, as it was 3 vs. 1 for most of it. Big Ryck coming to the ring with that cigar does not portray him as a tuff guy, in all reality it makes him look like an athlete that does not care about his health, I see that and expect him to be big and slow, and in reality he is a very agile big man. Puma needs to protect his head as he is taking some vicious blows. Stryker made a Mo Vaughn comment; in all reality I doubt many fans even remember Mo Vaughn. The Chair shot from Mundo to Puma was to noticeable, you saw it coming 45 seconds before it happen as Big Ryck struggled with trying to get in place, the whole spot was awkward and hard to watch.

Overall Show: Another good show put on by Lucha Underground. The talent works hard. It’s important to note they do not call the crowd fans they call them believers. Stryker and Vampiro need to take the Woman and Midget wrestlers more seriously. Sexy Star and Mascarita Sagrada both have been booked to win matches so why do the announcers make them sound like lesser acts? But, other than that small thing no complaints another great show put on by all. See you next time in the Temple.

Tags: #luchaunderground #elrey #johnnymundo #princepuma

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