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WWE Raw Results (10/6/14) Brooklyn, New York

Posted By: Elio C. on Oct 06, 2014

WWE Raw Results (10/6/14) Brooklyn, New York

WWE Monday Night Raw kicks off with Seth Rollins's music played to bring out Rollins to start the show. Despite The Authority ending last week's Raw standing tall, the announcers acted as if the Ambrose-Rollins situation ended with Ambrose's pranks. Rollins stomped out to the ring angry about what happened with Ambrose last week. Rollins then rolled the "real highlight" of what happened at the end of the show when The Authority stood tall. Back live, Rollins laughed to himself re-watching the end of Raw. He said that's what happens when he's disrespected. Suddenly, Jamie Noble and Mercury walked down to ringside to try to get Rollins out of the ring. Apparently The Authority wanted to protect Rollins by getting him out of the ring because he's a marked man. Rollins gloated about standing in the middle of the ring with all eyes on him. "Everybody wants a piece of Seth Rollins!" he shouted. He said Dean Ambrose can't wait. Suddenly, John Cena stormed the ring sans music and chased Rollins out of the ring. Rollins ran into the crowd and laughed at escaping Cena, who stood in the ring. But, Dean Ambrose suddenly walked up to Rollins and casually stood next to him. Rollins turned around like he saw a ghost and Ambrose beat him up. Rollins tried to run back to ringside, but Cena caught him. Ambrose then came flying down onto both Rollins and Cena with a big splash. Rollins got away in the process, leaving Cena and Ambrose to catch their breath ringside. Suddenly, Triple H's music played to bring out Hunter and Stephanie McMahon on-stage. Stephanie said they are not letting the show dissolve into chaos tonight. She said Rollins's ego over-rode his brain, something Cena and Ambrose know about. Hunter said it sure seems like Cena and Ambrose don't know how to work together, but it's apparent they each want a shot at Rollins. Stephanie asked the crowd if they want to see Cena and Ambrose get their hands on Rollins. The response wasn't good enough, so Hunter led the crowd in a louder cheer. "Then, if you want it, then we're going to give it to you in that very ring tonight," Hunter said. Hunter booked Cena & Ambrose against Seth Rollins ... and his partner, Kane. Groans. And their partner, Randy Orton. In a handicap match. That let the air of the building. Cena and Ambrose looked each other up and down uneasy having to pair up tonight.

-Commercial 8:12pm-

Stardust, Goldust & Cesaro vs The Usos & Dolph Ziggler

The match starts out with Goldust and Stardust attacking The Usos on the outside and Goldust driving Jimmy shoulderfirst into the ringsteps. The referee finally gets things under control and it's Stardust in with Jey hitting a kneedrop. Goldust in with a right hand. Jey fires back. Irish whip by Goldust and Jey collides with Goldust. Cesaro with an uppercut. Jey in the corner as Cesaro hits lefts and rights. Jimmy gets the tag and unloads on Cesaro. Knife edge chops to Cesaro. Cesaro with a chop of his own. Jimmy whips Cesaro into the corner. The splash in the corner by Jimmy and Jimmy finding himself in the wrong corner as Cesaro, Goldust and Stardust triple team. Cesaro with a kick to Ziggler's face as Raw goes to break

-Commercial 8:22pm-

Stardust working over the leg and Cesaro with an elbow drop on Jey. Dropkick by Cesaro. Chinlock by Cesaro as  the crowd starts chanting "We want Ziggler". Goldust stepping on Jey's ear. Jey with a right hand as he starts to mount a comeback. Jey with a kick to the head as Goldust falls to the mat. Ziggler gets th etag and unloads on Cesaro with clotheslines and a neckbreaker. Cesaro looking for a backbreaker but Ziggler counters into a sleeperhold and Cesaro falls to one knee. Cesaro drives Ziggler into the corer. Famouser by Ziggler. Goldust breaks up the pin and gets sent flying over the ropes. The Usos flew over the top rope with a double splash to the Rhodes Bros., but Cesaro nearly pinned Ziggler with a surprise uppercut. Stardust then tagged in for Cesaro and surprised Ziggler with a Reverse DDT, but Ziggler kicked out. Stardust could not capitalize, Ziggler blind-tagged Jimmy, and the babyfaces suddenly smashed Stardust with a triple superkick. Uso came off the top with a big splash for the pin and the win

The winners of the match: Dolph Ziggler and The Usos

-Commercial 8:33pm-

Adam Rose comes out with tonight's special guests Kathie Lee and Hoda and Rose welcomes everyone to Brooklyn where it's party time all the time. Kathie Lee says they can't have too much fun on the Today Show but this is Monday Night Raw and tells Hoda to do her crazy dance. Rose says they'[re most certainly going to fit in around here because it's party time all the time and steps out onto the apron falling backwards into The Rosebuds. Hoda and Kathie Lee step onto the apron and Hoda falls back but Kathie Lee stays standing on the apron and then falls backwards as The Rosebuds carry them up the ramp.

we're interrupted by another promo by Bray Wyatt.

-Commercial 8:43pm-

Mark Henry vs Bo Dallas

Henry overpowers Dallas with a forearm to the back and a headbutt. Knee driven into the back of the neck. Right hand sends Dallas to the mat.  Dallas irish whipped by Henry but Dallas slides out of the ring. Henry follows bouncing Dallas' head off the announce table. Henry drives Dallas spine first into the steel ringpost and Dallas thrown into the barricade. Henry tears up the announce table and looks for The World's Strongest Slam. Dallas slips out and slides back into the ring as Henry fails to answer the 10 count

The winner of the match by countout: Bo Dallas

-Commercial 8:52pm-

Dean Ambrose comes out to the ring. He says he couldn't sit in the back anymore something's been really bothering him and he says John Cena's been up in his space lately and he doesn't like it. Ambrose says tonight he and Cena are supposed to be partners just like he thought they were supposed to be Friday on Smackdown and throws to footage of Cena leaving the ring to chase after Rollins. Back live, Ambrose says he told Cena not to give him a reason not to like him and he's trying real hard. But before they go to battle they should settle this issue right now and calls Cena out. Cena walks out to the ring. Cena thanks the crowd for a raucous Brooklyn welcome and then puts Ambrose over. Ambrose says they don't give a crap about each other but if there's one thing they can agree on is they don't care what others think and now that they have that all clear maybe they can coexist for one night but he has no problem dropping Cena and taking on The Auhtority by himself. Cena says last time Ambrose tried taking on The Auhtority they put his head through cinderblock and he has something he hasn't seen in a long time. Guts to do and say whatever the hell he wants. Except when he says it to a man who has no problem dropping him. Cena tells Ambrose not to give him a reason not to like Ambrose. Ambrose says he's hungry and he might go to Coney Island and grab a hotdog and ride The Cyclone and wishes Cena luck tonight.

-Commercial 9:09pm-

We're back and the announcers throw to footage of a subway station showing Dean Ambrose boarding a train

Backstage: Triple H approaches Cena and says he doesn't understand these kids today. Guys like Ambrose are given the opportunity to main event Raw and he leaves to go get a hotdog and now Cena's left hanging and it doesn't seem right a 3 on 1 handicap match. Cena says he knows what Triple H is trying to do and doesn't care what kind of match it is sooner or later Rollins won't be able to run any longer. Triple H says that's what he admires about Cena and just to make sure Cena gets a piece of Rollins, Rollins will start the match tonight

Summer Rae vs Brie Bella

Summer shoves Brie into the corner and chokes her out with a boot. Brie thrown out of the corner. Summmer with a chinlock as Brie gets to her feet but Summer sends her back to the mat. Summer with a kick to Brie. Brie choked out on the ropes by Summer. Brie sidesteps Summer sending her head bouncing off the bottom rope bumping into Layla. Brie with a knee to the face and the cover for the three count

The winner of the match: Brie Bella

The Authority's Office: Miz and Damien Sandow walk in and are glad to see Kane got their gift and that it' a token of their apology for comments made last week against The Authority. Kane says apples, oranges and apologies are not going to work on him. All they do is insult him and the basket should have been saved for Sheamus and coming into his office and insulting him in this manner only got them scheduled in a match against Sheamus and they can take all their organic fruit and eat it because he has a feeling later tonight Miz will be eating a Brogue Kick

-Commercial 9:21pm-

Jack Swagger vs Tyson Kidd

Swagger controlling the match early on. irish whip as Kidd slides to the outside. Swagger chases after him. Kidd hiding behind Natalya as he lands a kick to the head. Kidd stomps on Swagger. Neckbreaker by Kidd. Kidd with a sleeperhold on Swagger into a chinlock. Swagger up to one knee back to his feet. Kidd with a kick. Swagger with a clothesline and Kidd tossed out of the corner across the ring. The crowd chants along with Swagger "We The People" Swagger misses with The swaggerBomb. Kidd looks for the Sharpshooter. Kidd with another kick. Swagger gets to his feet and leaps up to the top turn buckle sending Kidd crashing to the mat. Swagger with The Patriot Lock on Kidd and Kidd taps out

The winner of the match by submission: Jack Swagger

The announcers throw to Edge & Christian who plug the special which airs on the WWE Network which you can get for only $9.99 immediately following Raw and they will cover all things Smackdown in celebration of the 15th anniversary airing this Friday night

-Commercial 9:31pm-

Michael Cole introduces Roman Reigns and Reigns gives an update saying doctors are happy with the way he is recovery is progressing though it's still a little difficult to move around much. He wishes he could be in Brooklyn and with the right positive attitude he'll be strapping on the vest and kicking ass again sooner rather than later

-Commercial 9:37pm-

El Torito vs Mini Gator

El Torito rides Mini Gator and covers his head so he can't see. Slater slides in and argues with the referee and El Torito. Mini Gator with the Gator Roll on Slater. El Torito with the splash from the top rope onto Mini Gator for the three count

The winner of the match: Mini Gator

-Commercial 9:42pm-

Rusev and Lana make their way out to the ring. Lana says today is a great day because it is the birthday of the most powerful man in the world, Vladimir Putin and calls him virile and muscular and tells everyone to get on their feet and pay respect to Rusev. Lana says there will be no match tonight because Big Show was suspended for desecrating the Russian Flag and he should be in prison just like everyone in the WWE Universe and by supporting him they have committed a hate crime and everyone hates them because they support Mother Russia. Lana then tells Rusev to tell the WWE Universe what he will do when he faces Big Show. Rusev says America is nothing and Show is afraid of him as the crowd starts a "What" chant. Rusev calls Show out so he can crush him and calls him a coward just like the WWE Universe. The Rock then walks out to a thunderous ovation. Rock makes his way down to the ring as the crowd jumps to their feet. The crowd starts chanting "Holy S---" as The Rock takes the mic and says right now they need Rusev and Lana to know their role. Rock then tells a story about how his day started out with Rock waking up at 4:30am. hitting the gym then hopping on a plane headed for the Big Apple. The Rock continues saying his jet landed in Queens, took a cab to Manhattan and The Rock went to visit the Meat Packing District and then The Rock swam to Staten Island and hopped on the 4 train headed to The Bronx and gave shout out to Darren Jeter as the crowd starts chanting along. Rock then had one last borough to go. He crossed one iconic bridge, down Atlantic Avenue, headed to The Barclay Centre and walked down to the ring. rock then does his usual line "Finally, The Rock has come back to Brooklyn" Lana asks Rock who he thinks he is interrupting Rusev and tells Rock he needs to shut up. Rock says Lana needs to stop dressing like a street walker. Rusev takes the mic and calls Rock a piece of garbage and orders him to leave now or Rusev will crush him. Rock makes a comment about Rusev's breath. Rock says there's a reason no one's been able to beat Rusev. Rock runs down a list of facts about Rusev. Rock says when Rusev comes out no one boos them because they support Russia, everyone boos them because they're a couple of international a-holes which prompts an A-hole chant from the crowd. Lana says the comrade will know soon to eat and right now Rusev is hungry. Rock re-introduces himself and unloads with a flurry of punches on Rusev sending him falling out ot fthe ring.

-Commercial 10:10pm-

Paige & Alicia Fox vs AJ Lee & Emma

Kick by AJ and Alicia gets thrown into Paige. AJ bounces Paige's head off the anounce table. Paige out the other side of the ring backing off. Emma gets the tag and Alicia with a knee throws Emma to the outside. Emma on the apornj lands a shoulder to Alicia. Roll up by Emma. Alicia avoids The Emma-mite Sandiwch. Emma with the tarantula on Alicia. Emma hits the Emma-mite Sandwich the second time around. AJ frustrated with Emma grabs her title and leaves the ringside area walking back up the ramp. Kick by Paige to the mouth. Paige hooks Emma up and hits the Ram-paige for the three count

The winners of the match: Alicia Fox & Paige

We get another Wyatt Family promo


The Miz (w/Damien Mizdow) vs Sheamus

Sheamus powers Miz into the corner. Miz tells Sheamus to watch the face. Waistlock by Miz. An elbow by Sheamus and Miz slaps Sheamus. Miz slides out of the ring. Miz unloads on Sheamus as Mizdow mimics Miz's actions on the outside.  Sheamus unloads on Miz but Miz back in control. Slam by Sheamus. Shamus on the second ropes. Miz on the apron as Sheamus goes for the Ten Beats Of The Bohdran. Miz counters. Seamus with a right hand to Miz. Irish whip in the corner and Sheamus runs into a boot. Miz goes for the SCF. Sheamus counters. Miz avoids a Brogue Kick as Raw goes to break

-Commercial 10:34pm-

 Sheamus with right hands to Miz. Miz looking for the DDT backbreaker combination. Miz connects with the running clothesline and hammering Sheamus with forearms and elbows. Miz drags Sheamus to the middle of the ring and the crowd clearly chanting "We Want Sandow". Mizdow with a cheap shot on Sheamus. Miz with a knee to the Sheamus and Miz working over the arm. Miz with a chinlock but Sheamus backs him into the corner. Double sledges by Sheamus. Running shoulder tackle and high runnuing knee. Sheamus with a powerslam. Sheamus setting up goes for The Brogue Kick but Mizdown pulls Miz out of the ring. Mizdow sent into the barricade and Miz sends Sheamus into the barricade. Miz throws Sheamus back into the ring. Mizdow on the apron for the distraction. Miz ducks as Sheamus connects with The Brogue Kick to Mizdow. Miz slides in and rolls Sheamus up for the three count

The winner of the match: The Miz


Jerry Lawler introduces Joan Lunden who talks about her own battle with breast cancer and because of everyone's support herself and others are braver and stronger people and one day people like her will be able to join survivors like the ones present tonight at ringside. More plugging asking everyone to support the Susan G. Komen Foundation. John Cena comes out and gives her a hug as Raw goes to break


John Cena vs Kane, Seth Rollins & Randy Orton

Rollins stood in the ring for the epic opening encounter with Cena, then casually tagged in Kane. Apparently this was supposed to be a big spot in the match, but the crowd didn't notice and the match continued with The Authority exchanging tags working on Cena. Rollins eventually tagged in and taunted Cena before slamming him to the mat. Cole mentioned the WWE champion, Brock Lesnar, three hours and two minutes into the show during a recap of Cena's journey from Summerslam to Night of Champions. Cena made his trademark comeback on Rollins, then suplexed him to the mat. Five Knuckle Shuffle, then an AA tease, but Kane hit the ring and big-booted Rollins

The winner of the match by DQ: John Cena

Post Match: Kane chokeslammed Cena, then Orton taunted the crowd before teasing the RKO on Cena. But, Dean Ambrose's music interrupted. Out came Ambrose driving a hot dog cart on stage. Ambrose popped the umbrella on the cart, then wheeled it down to ringside. JBL asked how Ambrose got the cart back on the subway, then Ambrose ate a hot dog as The Authority stalked him. Ambrose had ketchup and mustard bottles in his pants, which he sprayed on Orton and Kane.  Ambrose charged the ring and attacked Rollins while two men covered in ketchup and mustard hit the ring. But, Cena fought them off before Ambrose splashed the heels on the outside. Ambrose chucked hot dog condiments onto Rollins before grabbing giant hot dog tongs, which he utilized on Rollins's balls. Kane saved Rollins (and his men) before Cena dropped Kane with an AA back in the ring. Rollins high-tailed it away from ringside, then Cena and Ambrose were left standing alone in the ring. Cena kind of laughed at what the heck happened, then Triple H's music played. Hunter and Stephanie walked out on-stage and Hunter noted the "impressive mess." Hunter said they still want to fight Seth Rollins, but first they will have to fight each other. He booked Cena vs. Ambrose at Hell in a Cell, which got a light reaction. The winner will get Seth Rollins inside Hell in a Cell. Another light reaction. Stephanie said either way, Ambrose or Cena will go straight to hell. Another light reaction. Hunter's music played, then Ambrose kicked Cena and face-planted him with a Mick Foley double-arm DDT. Ambrose's music played again and he posed on the ring ropes toward The Authority. Cole noted they have a long way to go until Dallas for Hell in a Cell, but the winner of Cena vs. Ambrose gets Rollins in the Cell. Raw signed off eight minutes past the top of the hour.

-End Show 11:08pm-

Tags: #wwe #raw #results

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