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WWE Night Of Champions 2014 (9/21/14)

Posted By: Elio C. on Sep 21, 2014

WWE Night Of Champions 2014 (9/21/14)

The PPV opened with a video package on how the new WWE Title belt was made and engraved, similar to how college football introduced the new college football playoff trophy. Included in the video were clips of classic wrestling champions, including Hulk Hogan, Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin, and Ric Flair. Now, John Cena challenges Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Title in a re-match from Summerslam. Live in the arena, full fireworks and pyro shot off before WWE went to shots of the Nashville crowd. Cole said every title is on the line tonight and they will be celebrating the prestige of the titles. First up was the WWE Tag Title match. Cole and Co. hyped the match as WWE flashed forward photos of past tag champions, stopping on Edge & Christian.

1. WWE Tag Team Championship: Goldust & StarDust vs The Usos

As the match started, Cole said Big Show made a really good point on the pre-show about this match - both teams are brothers. That was it. Cole let his sentence hang in the air, serving up a softball for JBL to have a field day on Cole's comment. The challengers controlled the action early on, then started tagging in and out working over Jimmy. "Uh-so" chant tried to rally Jimmy, but the Rhodes Bros. continued to work over Jimmy. The referee put on medical gloves as the Rhodes Bros. continued to work on Jimmy, as apparently someone was cut open. Jimmy rolled to the ring apron for a breather, then the challengers went back to work on Jimmy. The cut appeared to be on Uso's right hand. Jimmy finally broke free of the challengers and tagged in Jey, who cleaned house. Jey butt-splashed Cody, then sidekicked Goldust, but Cody caught Jey with a reverse DDT for a two count. Reset at 11:20 with Cody trying to trap Jey in the ropes to slap him around. The ref reprimanded Cody, who then charged Uso and flew over the top rope to the floor. More flying bodies on the outside and all four men were KO'ed on the floor.  Back in the ring, Cody blocked a top-rope splash by getting his knees up. Cody then scored a roll-up for a quick three count to win the cosmic key.

The winners of the match and NEW World Tag Team Champions: Goldust & Stardust

Backstage: Dolph Ziggler, standing next to his stunt double R-Truth, cut a promo on The Miz ahead of their Intercontinental Title match tonight

WWE U.S. Championship: Sheamus vs Cesaro

Sheamus and Cesaro started off with a clean match until Cesaro slipped in a slap to the face, angering Sheamus. Cesaro used that against Sheamus to uppercut him out of the ring to the floor. Back in the ring, Cesaro slowed the pace and worked on Sheamus with a mathold. Sheamus escaped, then ran into a big clothesline from Cesaro for a two count. Cesaro followed up with a running uppercut in the corner, then another. But, Sheamus responded with an Irish Curse backbreaker. And another, but Cesaro escaped a pin. Sheamus wanted Ten Forearms on the ropes, but Cesaro blocked. Cesaro then wanted a top-rope move, but Sheamus blocked him and delivered sort of an overhead sit-out slam for a two count. Interesting move.
Reset at 9:30 with Cesaro shooting Sheamus off the ropes for a pop-up European Uppercut. Sheamus escaped a pin, then back-elbowed Cesaro and knee-lifted him into a bodyslam for a two count. Sheamus was the first man to his feet and he wanted the Brogue Kick, but Cesaro ducked and tried a quick roll-up, but Sheamus kicked out. Butterfly suplex by Cesaro, but another kick out. Neutralizer blocked, but Cesaro came back with a big slam out of the torture rack for a close two count. Reset at 12:00 with the crowd buzzing over the close calls. Cesaro slowly stalked Sheamus, then he slapped him around several times. Sheamus stood up to respond, but Cesaro uppercut him over and over. Sheamus then shoved Cesaro away, so Cesaro big-booted him right in the face. More punches and body shots. The ref reprimanded Cesaro and pulled him away, then Sheamus exploded out of the corner with the Brogue Kick. He fell on top of Cesaro for the three count and the win

The winner of the match: Sheamus

Backstage: Big Show told Mark Henry that he's not out there alone facing Rusev and defending America tonight. Show pulled out new ring gear for Henry with a U.S. flag patch. Show said he believes in Henry and he needs to tear Rusev's head off. Henry said that will happen "because that's what I do."

Justin Roberts introduced former Raw guest stars Florida Georgia Line to the ringside area. The duo made their way to ringside to join commentary for the next match. The duo said they will be part of "Tribute to the Troops" in December. JBL excitedly talked up their involvement in Troops, then Cole transitioned to an Intercontinental Title match up next.

WWE Intercontinental Championship: The Miz (w/Damien Mizdow) vs Dolph Ziggler (w/R Ziggler)

Back and forth early on as the announcers plugged Fla. Ga. Line's new CD out next month. The commentary continued to focus on other things besides the match and the IC Title as Miz worked over Ziggler. Ziggler made a comeback, then went for the Fameasser, but Miz blocked. Ziggler then clotheslined Miz and himself over the top rope right in front of the announce position.
Ziggler rolled Miz back into the ring, but Sandow yanked down Ziggler on the ring apron as the ref focused on Miz. This brought over Truth, who took a beating from Sandow. Sandow then got in Florida Georgia Line's faces and shouted at them. Fla. Ga. decided to stand up and get in Sandow's face, then Sandow egged them on, so they shoved Sandow down to the floor. Truth then chased Sandow away. Back in the ring, Ziggler superkicked Miz in the mouth, but it was only good for a two count. Reset at 7:30 as Lawler noted a match was still going on. Miz slapped on the figure-four leglock mid-ring, but Ziggler fought off the hold and grabbed the bottom rope for a break. Ziggler recovered to his feet, but Sandow ran down to the ringside area and distracted Ziggler. Miz then rolled up Ziggler and hooked the tights for a three count to win the title.

The winner of the match and NEW Intercontinental Champion: The Miz

Post Match: The announcers sold indignation over how Miz won the title as Sandow and Miz celebrated ringside. Ziggler sold dejection and shock in the ring. Then, the announcers moved on to thanking Fla. Ga. Line for their involvement and plugged their CD. Back to a final shot of Ziggler still stunned

Seth Rollins comes out and takes the mic and says life's crazy at times. One minute you're on top of the word and the next you're Roman Reigns and he got word that Reigns was rushed to hospital but emergency surgery is no excuse for not showing up. But in the interest of fairness and justice he's giving Reigns 10 seconds to get to the arena and face him or he'll have to accept Reigns' forfeit and accept the victory. Rollins then instructs the referee to ring the bell and administer the 10 count. Rollins says he's disappointed because he was looking forward to competing tonight and being all about opportunity and the opportunist he is, he's going to issue an open challenge to anybody in the locker room. On the big screen we see a car pull up and Dean Ambrose steps out and makes his way into the arena. Ambrose charges the ring and unloads on Rollins taking the fight out into the crowd. The fight returns to the ring where  Ambrose takes a steel chair and brings it down on Rollins before security subdue him and place him in handcuffs as Triple H looks on

We go up to the panel where Renee and company discuss the previous 3 matches iovolving 2 title changes as well as previewing the next match which is Mark Henry vs Rusev

Mark Henry vs Rusev

Henry and Rusev start clobbering each other with Henry gaining the upperhand sending Rusev to the outside. Rusev back in where Henry continues the clubbing blows followed by a headbutt. Rusev back to the outside and Henry keeping him from re-entering the ring. rusev back in delivering kicks but Henry with a headbutt and once more sent to the outside. Henry exits the ring and Rusev drives Henry spine first into the steel steps. Henry pushes Rusev away and re-enters the ring. Rusev charges into Henry. Rusev once more charges smashing into Henry's chest and abdomen as Henry falls to the mat. Rusev with a series of falliing headbutts. A series of stomps to Henry and now Rusev keeps Henry grounded with a submission hold as Lana looks on, Side russian legsweep by Rusev using all his weight to hold Henry down. enry gets to his feet as Rusev delivers a knee but Henry breaks the hold and delivers clotheslines to Rusev.  Rusev off the ropes with a spin kick. Rusev with a boot to the injured spine and Rusev trying to lock The Accolades in. Henry getting to his feet. Rusev rakes the eyes and delivers a kick to the midsection. Henry hits the World's Strongest Slam. Henry tries to cover Rusev but Rusev rolls to the outside. Henry grabs Rusev by the hair but Rusev delivers a kick to the face. Rusev on the apron steps back into the ring and delivers another kick and goes to lock in The Accolades one more time forcing Henry to tap out.

The winner of the match: Rusev

Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton

Jericho unloads on Orton as the referee tries to step between him and Orton. Orton with a right hand turning the tables. Shoulderblock by Orton. Dropkick and clothesline sends Orton to the outside and baseball slide to Orton. Orton's head bounced off the announce table and driven into the steel steps. Jericho back in and Orton with a kick to Jericho. Clothesline in the corner by Orton. Jericho trying to fight back and Orton runs into the boot. Jericho goes to the top rope but Orton gets to his feet and ciuts Jericho off.  A right hand by Orton. Orton to the top rope, hooks Jericho up and delivers a superplex. Orton wearing Jericho down. Jericho gets to his feet fighting back. Jericho sent to over the top rope to the floor. Orton follows and picks Jericho up throwing him into the barricade. Backbreaker off the barricade by Orton. Orton with a backbreaker on the anounce table. Orton throws Jericho back into the ring. Chinlock on Jericho. Crowd starts a Y2J chant, Jericho gets to his feet and tries to fight back. Boot to the face and chops by Jericho. Jericho with a series of shoulder blocks. Irishw hip reversed by Orton. Powerslam to Jericho. Jericho misses with a knee drop and Jericho connects with a dropkick. Irish whip by Jericho, Orton reverses sending Jericho over the ropes and he lands on the apron delivering a right hand. Orton dropped on his face by Jericho. Orton with the backbreaker. Orton goes for the RKO, Jericho counters with the Lionsault. Jericho goes for the Walls and Orton counters sending Jericho into the corner shoulder first. Jericho counters Orton's punt kick and rolls him up. Jericho locks The Walls in as Orton tries to crawl to the bottom rope. Jericho drags him back to the centre of the ring. Orton counters landing punches to the had sending Jericho to the outside. Orton hits the draping DDT. Jericho sets up once again ready to strike with the RKO. Jericho slowly gets to his feet and delivers The Codebreaker. Jericho to the top rope yelling for Orton to get up. Jericho off the top rope and Orton hits the RKO mid-air and covers him for the three count

The winner of the match: Randy Orton

WWE Diva's Championship: AJ vs Paige vs Nikki Bella

Before the bell sounded, Paige and Nikki had a face-to-face confrontation and shoving match while A.J. just sat back and watched. They stopped and then went after A.J., who tried to avoid a two-on-one early on. A.J. and Paige then cleared Nikki from the ring so they could have a one-on-one battle. But, Nikki interrupted. They got rid of her again, then Paige acted sorry for attacking A.J., but she attacked her again. Nikki interrupted again and A.J. nearly submitted her to the Black Widow, but Paige interrupted. For the next sequence, Nikki had Paige pinned, but A.J. interrupted. Nikki then angrily tried to knock A.J. out of the ring, but A.J. reversed and sent Nikki out of the ring. A.J. followed up on Paige with the Black Widow, which Paige tried to reverse, but A.J. held on and forced Paige to tap.

The winner of the match by submission and NEW Diva's Champion: AJ Lee

WWE World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena vs Brock Lesnar

The match opened with Cena charging, Lesnar tackling him, and Lesnar driving him right into the corner, just like at Summerslam. Cole wondered if this would be a repeat or re-run, but Cena blocked Lesnar and hoisted him in the air for a quick Attitude Adjustment. Cena immediately covered, but Lesnar kicked out at one. Lesnar then slapped on the kimura lock, but Cena reached the ropes for a break. Great sense of urgency that the match could end at any time here. Lesnar drove a knee to Cena, then went for a German Suplex and connected. But, Cena came firing toward Lesnar with clubbing blows, only to have Lesnar put a knee in the gut again. Back to the kimura lock trying to snap Cena's arm. But, Cena made it to the ropes again. The announcers wondered if Cena is completely healed from Summerslam as Lesnar followed up with another German, dropping Cena on the back of his neck. Uncomfortable landing for Cena, who kicked out of a pin. Lesnar nailed the Three Amigos suplexes, but Cena desperately tried to fight back with clubbing blows, only to have Lesnar smash him back to the mat. Knee to the gut. Lesnar went back to stalking Cena, which Cena used as an opening to try to attack Lesnar, only to have Lesnar smash him with a big clothesline. More punishment from Lesnar. Lesnar stalked Cena again, giving Cena another opening to brawl with Lesnar, only to have Lesnar absorb and drive big shoulder thrusts to Cena's gut. Cena back on the mat at 8:30.
Cena suddenly fired back with forearms and elbows and punches and any offense he could muster. He tried the AA, but Lesnar switched behind and smashed Cena to the mat with a German Suplex. Lesnar came up bleeding from the nose and stalked Cena for more punishment. More knees to the gut. Cena sold pain as Sign Guy tried to start a slow-clap rallying Cena. But, Lesnar simply hoisted Cena in the air and ran him clear across the ring to an opposite corner. Lesnar gave Cena an opening, though, and Cena suddenly sprung on Lesnar for an AA. Only a one count on a quick cover, though. At 12:00, Cena dropped Lesnar on his belly and slapped on the STF. Cole frantically asked if Lesnar is going to tap out, but Lesnar rolled across the ring into the kimura lock. Cena fought the hold as Lesnar wrenched back on the mat. Suddenly, Cena lifted Lesnar into the air and smashed him into the corner, but Lesnar maintained the hold. A second smash into the corner allowed Cena to escape. Cena then hit a third AA. No pin. He went for the STF. Heyman screamed at Lesnar to escape and he grabbed the bottom rope, but Cena pulled Lesnar back to the middle of the ring without a rope-break. No tap out. Cena went for another AA and he covered Lesnar, but Seth Rollins suddenly stormed the ring and smashed Cena with the MITB briefcase for a DQ.

The winner of the match by disqualification: John Cena

Post Match: Seth Rollins looked like he was about to cash in his MITB briefcase but Cena returned to unload on Rollins as Rollins ran back up the ramp preventing the cash in from taking place. Behind Cena, Lesnar got to his feet. Cena turned around and Lesnar hit the F5 to close out the PPV

-End Show-

Tags: #wwe #nightofchampions #results

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