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WWE Raw Results (8/4/14) Austin, Texas

Posted By: Elio C. on Aug 04, 2014

WWE Raw Results (8/4/14) Austin, Texas

Welcome to Monday Night Raw and this week Raw is live The University Of Texas in Austin Texas and we kick things off with The Authority making their way out to the ring Triple H's music played to bring out The Authority. They were flanked by Seth Rollins, Kane, and Randy Orton to complete the group. Orton and Rollins were in dark suits, while Kane was in his usual black and red gear.
Once everyone was in the ring, Triple H's music played to bring out The Authority. They were flanked by Seth Rollins, Kane, and Randy Orton to complete the group. Orton and Rollins were in dark suits, while Kane was in his usual black and red gear. Once everyone was in the ring, Hunter noted they are two weeks away from Summerslam and it's available on WWE Network for just $9.99. Hunter said he's not the kind of guy who likes to pat himself on the back, but he's going to do just that because this could be the biggest Summerslam card in history. Hunter added another Network plug, which drew boos. Hunter then hyped Rollins against Dean Ambrose. For just $9.99 on the Network. Hunter then brought up an idea from Rollins, who suggested a Beat the Clock Challenge. The set-up is the winner of the Challenge gets to pick the stipulation for Rollins vs. Ambrose at Summerslam. Hunter said Ambrose's opponent will be Alberto Del Rio, while Rollins's opponent will be Rob Van Dam, which got a reaction. Stephanie took the mic to loud boos. She noted she's wearing cowboy boots since they're in Texas, then hyped the contract signing for her match at Summerslam against Brie Bella. Which you can catch on the Network for just $9.99. Steph said if Brie gets out of line, she will slap Brie so hard that she winds up in a hospital bed next to Daniel Bryan. "Yes!" shouts from the crowd. "Yes, I will," Stephanie grinned. Next, Hunter hyped Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena at Summerslam. For just $9.99. "Oh boy," Lawler said under his breath. But, wait, there's more. Orton took the mic and hyped his guarantee to the audience: the decimation of Roman Reigns. Orton said Reigns took something very dear to him - his WWE Title shot - suddenly, The Shield's music played to bring out Roman Reigns through the crowd. Reigns marched down to the ring through the crowd looking to get in a pre-Summerslam fight. Or, a promo, as he stopped mid-way down the 100 section stairs to address Orton. Reigns said he took everything Orton had last week, but he's still standing right here. Reigns then vowed to come down to the ring and beat Orton's ass. For free. Tonight. Hunter tried to calm everyone down in the ring, then told Reigns that he gets Kane. Boos. And, he expects to see the demon tonight... in a Last Man Standing match. Hunter said that match starts right now.

-Commercial 8:13pm-

Roman Reigns vs Kane - Last Man Standing

More WWE Network chatter from the announcers as the match started up back from break. Reigns knocked Kane to the outside early on and followed up with a Superman Punch running off the ring steps. Kane answered a ten count, then reversed a whip into the ring steps to smash Reigns into the steps. Another reversal on the other side of the ringside area, but Kane answered a ten count. Kane followed up by introducing a kendo stick into the match. Kane punished Reigns's back with the stick before lifting the steps into the air to drive into Reigns's head. The result was a slight blood spot on top of his head at the hairline. Reigns made it to his feet, Cole sent Raw to break, the action kept going, and Reigns eventually dumped Kane over the guardrail as Raw cut to break.

-Commercial 8:22pm-

Back from break, Kane popped Reigns in the mouth with an uppercut. Reigns came back with a flying clothesline off the ropes, then uppercut Kane into the corner. Reigns then left the ring to deliver a running dropkick to Kane's head. The match then moved to the floor, where Kane surprised Reigns with an uppercut. But, Reigns reversed a whip that sent Kane flying into the ring steps. Reigns slid a table into the ring, but Kane blasted him from behind. Back in the ring, Kane set up Reigns's table. Reigns tried a comeback, but Kane chokeslammed Reigns through the table. The announcers sold this being over, which meant it wasn't. Reigns made it to his feet at nine, then Kane tried to follow with a Tombstone, but Reigns slipped out and bodyslammed Kane into a chair. Reigns followed up with a running Superman Punch. Kane remained on the mat, but ref Mike Chioda just stood there not counting Kane. The announcers asked what's going on, then Reigns and Kane set up a finishing sequence resulting in Reigns spearing Kane center-ring. This time, Chioda started counting. And, Kane was unable to make a ten count.

The winner of the match: Roman Reigns

-Commercial 8:33pm-

Video Package: Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena. "Who is Brock Lesnar? I'm an ass-kicking s.o.b.," Lesnar opened in a sit-down interview setting. "I came back to the company because I want to be WWE champion again. I don't give a (bleep) who's in my way." Lesnar said everyone knew he would beat The Undertaker, but they just didn't want to believe it. The video transitioned to John Cena becoming WWE World Hvt. champion at the MITB PPV, then Cena spoke in a sit-down interview setting about being very fortunate to be where he is. But, he got to this point by only looking forward. And in front of him is Brock Lesnar. Cena said he knows what he's in store for. The video cut to Lesnar saying it's going to be ugly when he rips Cena limb from limb. BAck to Cena, who said he knows he's going to take a beating, but he knows how to beat Lesnar. "Come get some," Cena repeated. Cena said he wants to be the one who beat The One. The video cut to footage of Lesnar in UFC, then Lesnar said if he did not leave WWE ten years ago, there would have been no John Cena. Cena replied in the video about dedicating his life to this company for ten years. Back to Lesnar, who vowed to rip Cena apart at Summerslam, then he's going to stand before him as WWE World Hvt. champion. With pride. "I'm going to leave him in a pile of blood, urine, and vomit," he closed.

-Commercial 8:44pm-

Back live, Jim Ross's music played to bring out Damien Sandow dressed in Oklahoma Sooners gear to start up the Red River Rivalry in August. Sandow came out to boos and claimed dominance for OU. He shouted "Boomer Sooner" over and over again after previewing this year's match-up at the Cotton Bowl. Justin Roberts then gave a big hard sell for Mark Henry, who returned to TV sporting a Texas Longhorns t-shirt to a big reaction. Henry threw up the Hook 'Em Horns sign on the way to the ring, then flashed it in the ring.

Mark Henry vs Damien Sandow

Burnt Orange vs. Crimson & Cream visual to start the match as the announcers resumed the ten-year discussion of what the name of the rivalry game is after sensitivity issues over "shoot-out." Henry eventually finished off Sandow with World's Strongest Slam to make short work of Sandow.

The winner of the match: Mark Henry

Post Match: Henry left the ring and found Longhorn legend Vince Young on the second row to shake hands to wrap the segment.

Backstage: Adam Rose was standing by with the Rosebuds. Rose was concerned that he would find a lemon when he looked into the mirror. WWE added scary piano music as the mirror turned into Rose seeing himself in a suit. Back to Rose, who said the man in the mirror was a lemon. After scaring the Rosebuds, he led the group away.

-Commercial 8:54pm-

Dean Ambrose vs Alberto Del Rio - Beat The Clock

Del Rio and Ambrose went back and forth as the announcers debated what type of match stipulation Ambrose or Rollins will pick for their Summerslam match. Del Rio took control of the match at 3:30, then posted Ambrose's permanently-injured shoulder. On the outside, Ambrose reversed a whip to send Del Rio into the barricade. Suplex followed, then Ambrose rolled Del Rio into the ring for a two count. Now at 5:00, Ambrose tried to force Del Rio to tap out to a submission, but Del Rio broke free and posted Ambrose again. Del Rio tried to follow with a top-rope attack, but Ambrose smashed him in the mid-section. Right hands followed, then Ambrose ran over Del Rio, who answered with a standing kick to the face. Ambrose rolled to the outside as Raw cut to break at 7:00. Long match for Beat the Clock...

-Commercial 9:06pm-

The match was still in progress at 10:30. On commentary, Lawler said Ambrose needed to win this match a long time ago. Del Rio continued to wear down Ambrose, but missed with a boot to Ambrose's head against the post. Ambrose followed with a dropkick sending Del Rio careening over the guardrail into the front row. Back in the ring at 12:00, Ambrose landed a dropkick, then corner-attacked Del Rio. Ambrose followed with a Tornado DDT, but only scored a two count. The announcers continued to sell Ambrose in a tough spot on the Challenge, then Del Rio flipped Ambrose onto his face for a two count only. Ambrose suddenly rebounded off the second rope to deliver a big lariat, but Del Rio kicked out of a pin. At 15:00, Del Rio slapped on a submission hanging Ambrose's injured arm over the top rope. Del Rio then called for the end of the match, charged Ambrose, but Ambrose ducked and Dirty Deeds with his healthy arm. Ambrose covered Del Rio for the win.

The winner of the match: Dean Ambrose

Video Package: Brie Bella vs. Stephanie McMahon feud.

-Commercial 9:20pm-

Rusev vs Sin Cara

Back from break the announcers said the entire match took place on the app during the commercial break with Sin Cara getting little offense. Rusev hit a superkick and The Accolades for the three count

The winner of the match: Rusev

Post Match: Lana sings Happy Birthday to Barack Obama and Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter come out and Colter tells Lana to shut up and he's so sick of hearing about Russia and Vladimir Putin and at Summerslam Rusev will know exactly who he's fighting. Jack Swagger will be fighting for all the American men and women who put their lives on the line every day. The crowd starts chanting USA and Colter says the last thing Rusev and Lana will be seeing is Old Glory waving in the wind and the only thing getting crushed will be her ego. Rusev then attacks Swagger with the flag

-Commercial 9:36pm- 

Dolph Ziggler vs Cesaro

Cesaro connects with a boot to the face. Quick cover for 2 count on Ziggler. Cesaro toying with Ziggler, picks him up and delivers a right hand. Chinlock on Ziggler. Ziggler with a dropkick. Ziggler goes for the clothesline in the corner but Cesaro turns it into a backbreaker. Cesaro picks Ziggler up for a suplex but Ziggler counters and hits the ZigZag for the three count

The winner of the match: Dolph Ziggler

Post Match: Miz enters the ring and looks at Ziggler and holds the Intercontinental Championship up. Ziggler goes to hit a superkick but Miz dodges as Ziggler rolls out of the ring and makes his way up the ramp

Backstage: Paige wishes AJ a speedy recovery and says it's an honour for her to be facing her idol at Summerslam

-Commercial 9:45pm-

Goldust & Stardust vs RybAxel

The heels isolated Goldust early on until Stardust was able to tag in for the first time. Cody did a cartwheel into a dropkick, then single-arm DDT'ed Axel for a two count when Ryback broke up the pin. Goldust posted Ryback, then Cody grabbed Axel for a swinging facebuster for the pin and the win.

The winners of the match: Goldust & Stardust

Authority's Office: Triple H and Stephanie McMahon were shown reviewing some paperwork, then Kane walked in. Kane turned his back to the camera, removed his mask, handed it to Stephanie McMahon, and walked off.


Chris Jericho vs Luke Harper

Back-and-forth early on as the wrestlers felt each other out in the ring. Harper then ran over Jericho with a big boot before calling for the end. Harper delivered a big sit-out powerbomb, but Jericho kicked out just before three. Jericho responded with the Walls of Jericho center-ring. Harper teased tapping, but the Wyatt interruption played. When the lights came back on, Bray Wyatt was ringside distracting Jericho. Bray teased entering the ring, but Jericho nailed Rowan and Harper with Codebreakers. Bray then thumbed Jericho in the htroat, causing a DQ, which means it's Jericho vs. Bray one-on-one at Summerslam.

The winner of the match: Chris Jericho

Post Match: Bray scooped up a coughing and choking Jericho, then snapped off Sister Abigail center-ring. Bray entered trance move, then dragged Jericho to the center of the ring to pose over him. "Follow the buzzards," Bray shouted toward the ceiling

Fandango vs Diego

Fandango accidentally ran into Swoggle early on. Diego capitalized by pinning a prone Fandango for the win

The winner of the match: Diego

Post Match: Summer and Layla checked on Swoggle, who sold liking the extra attention from the Divas. Summer and Layla then led Swoggle into the ring to dance and celebrate with Diego and El Torito, who ended his feud with Swoggle by telling him to join the celebratory dance. Fandango, angry, chucked Swoggle across the ring. Diego then whipped Fandango across the ring to take a top-rope attack from El Torito.


Bo Dallas vs R-Truth

Truth unloads on Dallas with a flurry of move. Dallas tries, unsuccesfully, to mount a comeback but Truth maintains control until Dallas surprises Truth with a roll up from behind for the three count

Post Match: Truth attacks Dallas but Dallas defends himself and delivers a Bodog


Bray Wyatt appears on screen and says the word 'Why' has been a question that has plagued him all his life and at Summerslam he will not be alone he will be led by her and the WWE Universe will follow and says he is the nightmare at the end of Chris Jericho's dream

The announcers continue to plug the WWE Network and follow it with the video of Brock Lesnar and John Cena hyping their pending match at Summerslam


Heath Slater vs Seth Rollins

Rollins tells Slater to walk away but Slater unloads on Rollins. Rollins fights back. Neckbreaker to Rollins as Ambrose comes down to ringside to observe the match. Rollins distracted by Ambrose taking the briefcase and opening it up. Slater from behind. Rollins  punches Slater and Slater fights out of the corner. Ambrose continues to play mind games as Slater rolls Rollins up from behind for the three count

The winner of the match: Heath Slater


The Authority comes out followed by Brie Bella who is accompanied by Nikki. Ste asks Stephanie how it felt being arrested and how it felt trading in her power suit for her orange jumpsuit and says at Summerslam she's going to embarrass Stephanie and she's doing it for Nikki, Big Show, Vickie Guerrero and everyone else on the roster that Stephanie has tortured. Brie signs the contract and calls Stephanie a piece of trash. Stephanie tells Brie she's embarrassed just standing in the same ring as Brie right now and calls Brie a nothing and a nobody while she is a 4th generation McMahon and at Summerslam she's going to tear Brie's heart out. Stephanie then throws the clipboard at Nikki. Triple H takes the desk and backs Brie into a corner of the ring as Stephanie delivers a pedigree. Stephanie and Triple H then mock Daniel Bryan and Brie slaps Triple H. Stephanie grabs her and delivers a pedigree and The Authority stand tall over the Bella Twins as Raw goes off the air

-End Show-

Tags: #wwe #raw #results

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