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TNA Sacrifice 2014 Results (4/27/14) Orlando, Florida

Posted By: Elio C. on Apr 27, 2014

TNA Sacrifice 2014 Results (4/27/14) Orlando, Florida

We get the TNA Sacrifice opening hyping tonight's main event for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship with Eric Young defending the championship against former champion Brutus Magnus.

Welcome to TNA Sacrifice 2014 and we are live from Orlando, Florida and we kick things off with tag team action in the first of four championship matches.

#1 TNA World Tag Team Championship: The Bro Mans vs The Wolves

The Wolves charge and clear the ring of the Bro Mans sending them scurrying to the outside. The Bro Mans turn the tides and slide back in but once more they're sent flying over the top rope to the outside. Edwards and Richards with a double suicide dive to the outside. Irish whip to Ion and flying elbow int he corner. Drop toehold to Ion and an elbow drop. Inverted atomic drop to Jesse. The Wolves then turn their attention to Robbie E. Robbie throws kicks but it doesn't fade either Edwards or Richards and The Wolves beat Robbie down in the corner. irish whip in the corner and a kick finds it's mark followed by a knee to the side of the head by Edwards. Laptop comes into play as Edwards gets blasted by Ion. Bro Mans in control as the crowd launch into a "You Suck" chant. 2 cover by Jesse. Irish whip by Jesse and a powerslam. Robbie E off the second rope with an elbow. Robbie takes the tape off his wrist and uses it to choke out Edwards. Ion is in and a right hand to Edwards. Irish whip and Edwards hung out on the top rope. Robbie with a slam into a chinlock. Edwards fighting back but Jesse lands a dropkick. Jesse with a bearhug on Edwards and Edwards breaks the hold. Back suplex by Edwards to Jesse. Control shifts back to the Bro Mans favour and the crowd is divided with chants of "Lets Go Bro Mans/Let's Go Wolves". Richards gets the tag and unloads on all three members of Bro Mans. Dropkick to Jesse and Robbie and the elbow to Ion. Ion inadvertently nails Jesse with the laptop. Edwards picks Jesse up as Richards hits a backstabber. The Wolves off the ropes with double stomps onto Jesse for the cover and the three count

The winners of the match and NEW TNA World Tag Team Champions: The Wolves

Backstage: Jeremy Borash is in front of the padded wagon as The Committed Match is up next and Borash is with Samuel Shaw. Shaw says 'creepy bastard' is the thing Anderson and the fans have called him and expect him to be taken out in the padded wagon to the psychiatric ward and he says he can't and won't let that happen. His mother nurtured him and brought him up to be the artistic man he is today and is dedicating this match to her.

Video: Samuel Shaw's home and shrine to Christy Hemme and the feud between Samuel Shaw and Ken Anderson.

#2: Committed Match: Samuel Shaw vs Ken Anderson 

The match begins with a game of cat and mouse as Shaw and Anderson take turns entering and exiting the ring. Shaw uses Christy Hemme to shield him from Andersona nd Anderson delivers punches and bounces Shaw's head off the apron. Shaw's head bounced off the guardrail and he's thrown back into the ring as Anderson unloads with punches. irish whip and back bodydrop to Shaw as Christy looks on with a smile on her face. Shaw clotheslined over the top rope to the floor and Anderson follows and Shaw lands a right hand befoer re-entering the ring. Anderson on the apron and Shaw off the ropes charges but Anderson sidesteps and Shaw lands on the floor. Anderson stomps on Shaw. Clubbing blow to Shaw's back and once again his head bounced off the apron. Anderson's head smashed into the ringstep. Shaw locks the choke in on Anderson but Anderson tries to fight it. Anderson slowly begins to fade as a look of concern crosses Christy's face. Shaw gets to his feet and begins to stalk Christy. Shaw corners her in the ring. Shaw tells Christy she's going with him whether she likes it or not and Christy hauls off and slaps Shaw and exits the ring. Anderson slides back in hitting the spinning neckbreaker on Shaw sending him scurrying to the outside. Shaw crawling up the ramp but Anderson stops him. The fight is taken to the ramp as Shaw tries to escape and they end up at the top of the ramp. Anderson goes for the Mic Check but Shaw blocks it. Anderson picks Shaw up and drops him spine first on the ramp. A steel chair c omes into play as Anderson drills Shaw in the midsection and across the back. Shaw gets flung into the guardrail knocking it over as the crowd begins a "TNA" chant. Anderson and Shaw fight to the backstage area where Jeremy Borash is standing with the microphone. Anderson tells Borash to ask them some questions then mimicks Shaw answering. Shaw sent into the gear boxes and Anderson surveys the back of the padded wagon, Shaw attacks from behind as Christy tries to talk some sense into him. Anderson fires back and throws him into the back of the padded wagon for the win and he and Christy celebrate

The winner of the match: Ken Anderson

Backstage: JB brought on Ethan Carter III and Rockstar Spud to discuss their tag match against Kurt Angle and Willow tonight. ECIII did the talking, saying Angle will never, ever, ever, ever beat him. Spud reaked out about Willow trying to injure him, then calmed down and said he's here to ensure that his best friend beats Angle.

#3 Ethan Carter III & Rockstar Spud vs Kurt Angle & Willow

ECIII started things off against Angle, who stalked Carter towards his corner. Carter eventually tagged in Spud, who sold being concerned about this assignment. Spud tried to mount the Heart of a Lion, but Angle told him to stop and bring in ECIII. Angle shouted at Spud to get out of the ring now, so Spud slapped Carter on the hand for a tag. Carter reluctantly entered the ring, then ducked out the other side of the ring. Carter eventually re-entered the ring, where Angle caught him and dropped him to the mat. Carter took some offense, then bailed to his corner to tag in Spud.   More ringside arguing among the heels, then Hardy grabbed his Willow umbrella, the heels huddled up, and Hardy came off the top with a splash. Hardy capped it off with an out-of-body celebratory dance. Angle tried to follow up on Carter, but Carter moved and Angle ate the ring steps. But, Hardy retained control for the face duo back in the ring. The numbers eventually caught up to Hardy, who took a sustained beating from the heels while Angle continued to sell the effects of eating the ring steps.  Angle eventually re-entered the ring and helped Hardy double-team attack the heels. Chaos in the ring, then Hardy dumped ECIII to the floor, leaving Spud alone in the ring. Spud took a Twist of Fate into the Angle Slam, then Hardy climbed to the top rope and delivered a Swanton Bomb for the pin and the win. But, Angle still did not get a decision on ECIII, who backed away from ringside while Angle glared toward him.

The winners of the match: Kurt Angle & Willow

Earlier Today: Eric Young was shown in his locker room at 3:45 p.m. Young said his dream was to become World champion and he accomplished his goal. EY said it's been the craziest, best two weeks of his lives, but people need to understand that he's doing this for everyone who's been told "no." Young said this feels good to be defending the TNA Title at Sacrifice.

Vignette:os. She didn't like the sound of that. Knux said if they're going to get the carnival up and running again, they need all the help they can get.

Video: Sanada, the X Division champion.

#4 TNA X-Division Championship: Sanada vs Tigre Uno

Champ and challenger rolled around the ring early on, trading control of the match with mat-based offense. Tigre then knocked Sanada to the outside and delivered a twisting splash on the floor. Back in the ring, Sanada came back with consecutive chops from the top rope, but Tigre avoided a third chop and delivered a release German Suplex into the bottom turnbuckle. Two count for Tigre on a follow-up pin attempt. Tigre delivered a spike DDT out of a cradle position, but missed with a top-rope 450 Splash. Sanada then delivered a line-drive moonsault from the top turnbuckle. It was good for the pin and the win. And, Sanada remains in Great Muta's good graces. After the match, Sanada helped up Tigre Uno and shook his hand out of respect.

The winner of the match: Sanada

Backstage: JB held up his phone to encourage tweets. JB then welcomed in James Storm to discuss facing Gunner in an I Quit match tonight. Storm surveyed Borash and noted over the last few months, he's been the star-maker. (Kenny Bolin?) He said he made Gunner a star. And his daddy. Tonight, he will make Gunner quit. Because sooner or later, God will cut you down. "Sorry... not sorry," he said.

 #5 Last Man Standing: James Storm vs Gunner

Gunner and Storm exchange punches. Gunner unloads on Storm with punches and a clothesline. Storm with a clothesline of his own sending Gunner over the top rope to the floor. Storm puts the steel steps in place. Storm with a punch  Heads bouncing off the ringsteps as punches are exchanged. Gunner flies off the steps launching himself into Storm. Storm rolled back in. Gunner pulls out a trash can full of weapons. Knee by Storm as Gunner tries to re-enter the ring. A right hand by Gunner and Storm lands a punch of his own. Knee strikes and a right hand by Storm and Gunner gets nailed across the back with the trashcan lid. Storm yelling at Gunner to give it up and begins to choke him in the corner. Clothesline blocked with a boot by Storm. Storm gets the boot up and lands a running high knee. Storm has control of the match as the official asks Gunner if he wants to quit. Storm looking under the ring pulls out a beer bottle. The fans start chanting "Beer Money". Storm re-enters thering and sets Gunner up. Storm blasts Gunner with the beer bottle. Gunner busted open from the shot with the beer bottle and Storm brings the belt in beginning to whip Gunner. Gunner fighting back and hits 3 Hangar 18s on Storm. Gunner picks up the steel chairs and positions them in place. Storm seated on the top rope. Gunner brings the steel guardrail in placing across the chairs. Gunner back up to the top rope and hooks Storm up delivering a superplex through the guardrail. Storm hits the Last Call but its still not enough. Gunner then digs into Storms cut with the piece of glass from the broken beer bottle as Storm yells "I Quit"

The winner of the match: Gunner

Backstage: JB brought in the Beautiful People. Angelina Love said she's a little confused why she is being framed as the bad girl in this dispute with Madison Rayne. A-Love said she came back to TNA as a giver, they took in Madison Rayne years ago, and she only became something because of them. As Velvet Sky rolled her eyes thinking about Madison's ungratefulness, A-Love vowed to become new Knockouts champion. "This division desperately needs a make-over," she said.

#6 TNA Knockouts Championship: Angelina Love vs Madison Rayne

The Beautiful People were out first and tried to work on referee Brian Stiffler to perhaps get a favorable call during the match. Madison Rayne was out next with a determined look to defeat A-Love. Madison was the aggressor early on and the BP called for a time-out ringside to regroup. The new strategy was Velvet taking it to Madison on the outside while Love occupied the ref in the ring. Madison eventually wiped out both BPs on the outside.  Back in the ring, Madison missed on a corner charge, but Love only scored a nearfall. Madison had a pin moments later, but Velvet hopped on the ring apron to provide a distraction. The ref took the bait, then got flung away, allowing Velvet to mace Madison. Angelina then rolled up the champ for the pin to capture the title.

The winner of the match and NEW Knockouts Champion: Angelina Love

Backstage:  JB brought in Bully Ray to discuss his Tables match against Bobby Roode tonight. Bully took a few moments to recap being told how much time he had to talk. Bully said he's tired of talking and ready to fight. He shouted into the camera that everyone is begging him to put Roode through a table. Bully led the crowd in a "Tables, Tables" chant, then vowed to put Roode through a table tonight.

#7 Tables Match: Bubba Ray vs Robert Roode 

Before the bell sounded, Ray and Roode came face-to-face for a mid-ring confrontation. They backed away, then the ref called for the bell. The vocal portion of the crowd picked up a "S-It Factor" chant, which was unbleeped. Taz tried to explain the chant on commentary, but Tenay cut him off, noting they got it. The match then moved to the floor, where Ray whipped Roode into the ringpost. The crowd encouraged Ray to stack up two tables, but he instead placed the tables side-by-side, drawing groans. Ray then turned around and ate a right hand from Roode. Back in the ring, Roode stalked Ray for more offense. Roode delivered a neckbreaker, then set up a table and positioned Bully for a suplex through the table, but Roode took too along, allowing Bully to recover, block, and suplex Roode across the ring. Bully followed with consecutive chops to the chest, then he set up for a powerbomb through the table, but Roode blocked. Ray tried again, but Roode blocked again. Ray tried a third time, and ref Stiffler kind of stumbled down to the mat. The ref acted like he was shot, then Ray put Roode through the table, but the ref was down and unable to render a decision. Ray got up and realized what happened, then TNA cut to a replay that didn't show what happened. Taz tried to say that the ref got kicked in the face, but it wasn't caught on-camera since it didn't happen. And they moved on. Ray then slid another table into the ring and the ref continued to sell like he lost consciousness from the phantom kick to the head. The match continued with Ray dragging Roode to the floor. Ray placed Roode onto two tables, then climbed to the top turnbuckle. Suddenly, an individual dressed in black wearing a hat and goatee appeared on the ring apron. The individual lightly shoved Bully off the top turnbuckle through the tables below. Suddenly, a bell sounded, as apparently ref Stiffler came alive. The individual then awkwardly and uncharismatically wiped his/her hands as the crowd sat quietly. Then, some started to realize it was Dixie Carter in a disguise. The individual remained silent, then shouted down at Bully in her familiar voice. Dixie screamed at Ray to never double-cross her, then removed to the disguise to reveal her face to the crowd. Bully remained KO'ed on the tables as Roode glared down at Ray before leaving.

The winner of the match: Robert Roode

Backstage: JB brought in Magnus to declare that he is the next TNA champion. Magnus noted no one is with him, as he will prove that he does not need Abyss or Dixie Carter to become TNA champion again.

#8 TNA World Heavyweight Championship: Eric Young vs Brutus Magnus

Magnus tried to intimidate the champ early on, but Young fought back at the encouragement of the crowd. Young delivered a jawbreaker to get some space, but Magnus caught him off the ropes with a knee into a Camel Clutch. Magnus wore down Young, but Young rolled over onto his back and caught Magnus with a knee to the groin area. The two then collided mid-ring and fell to the mat selling the effects.  Young and Magnus came to their feet to trade bombs before Young built momentum with clotheslines. Young Flair-flipped out of the corner, then teased a piledriver, but Magnus blocked. Young reversed into a belly-to-belly suplex, then missed a top-rope moonsault. Magnus followed with a powerslam, then climbed to the top turnbuckle for an elbow drop. But, Young kicked out of a pin. Young responded with a top-rope elbow of his own for a two count.
 Magnus came back with a Texas Cloverleaf center-ring. The crowd played along and cheered on Young to grab the bottom rope for a break, which he secured without much resistance. Young then came back with an awkward-looking Sharpshooter. Young struggled to keep the hold locked on, then Magnus grabbed the bottom rope. Tenay tried to cover that Young never really had the hold locked on.  Young tried another top-rope move, but Magnus threw him down to the mat for a two count. Magnus then slipped out of the ring and retrieved a weapon. Ref Brian Hebner removed the weapon, then Young grabbed Magnus and delivered a piledriver for a close two count. Young couldn't believe that Magnus kicked out. Magnus tried one of his own, but Young blocked and nailed a second piledriver. Young then came off the top with a big elbow drop. It was good for the pin and the win.

The winner of the match: Eric Young

Post Match: Tenay hyped the narrative about EY proving doubters wrong, acting as if this were Young's first title defense, when he defended the title against Abyss on TV a few weeks ago. EY stood alone in the ring with the title belt as Tenay signed off at 10:53 EST with a final word about Young as TNA World champ.

 -End Show-


Tags: #tna

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