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ROAD TO WRESTLEMANIA CONTINUES as we truck along through the FedEx Forum in Memphis, Tennessee!
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We begin tonights show with introducing the one and only THE IMMORTAL HULK HOGAN. Hulkamania is indeed running wild in Memphis tonight. It's noted that he's headlined 9 'Mania's and with Wrestlemania 30 a mere 4 weeks away, the Hulkster is set on making an announcement for the Memphis crowd. "HOGAN" chants break out early and loudly as Hulk takes to the mic. Hogan begins to recap on how he thoroughly enjoys Wwe Network and how he's able to relive the memories through his old matches. He goes into describing on how the match between Andre the Giant and himself from Wrestlemania 3, he explains how it gets him jacked and has his heart pounding harder and better than ever. He mentions in celebrating 30 years of 'Mania, there will be a 30-man over-the-top battle royal, for a covenant Andre the Giant memorial trophy. Fans seem to enjoy that and Hulk asks Memphis "WHATCHA GONNA DO WHEN HULKAMANIA AND THE MEMORY OF ANDRE THE GIANT RUNS WILD ON YOU"
As the fans cheer, John Cenas music hits and Cena comes trucking down to the ring. He enters to a salute from the Hulkster as Cena grabs the mic. Cena begins to idolize the Hulkster and mentioning how great it is to have him back. He goes on to saying how Wrestlemania 3 Hogan/Andre match was his favorite match. Cena officially declares himself an entrant into the 30-man, over-the-top battle royal and just as the fans react, THE WYATTS make their way to the ring. The ominous entrance of the Wyatts entrance is alive and well tonight. Bray takes the mic and begins to call out Hogan and Cena, mocking the "take your vitamins" spiel Hogan is known for. "If you look up at me, you see a friend. If you look down on me, you will see an enemy. If you look at me in the eyes, you will see a god." Cena calls out Bray with small, yet clever jabs at Bray, mentioning that he looks like a homeless man. Cena offers the challenge (we all saw coming) to Bray to a match at Mania. Rowan and Harper take to the apron and Hogan and Cena stand their ground.
John Cena vs. Eric Rowan
We're back with Cena taking it from Rowan via clothesline and a brutal beatdown. The infamous "LETS GO CENA, CENA SUCKS" chants break out. It's worth noting that Hogan is outside the ring, at Cena's aid. Rowan is taking it to Cena with a fury of punches and a back breaker, as well as hitting a fallaway slam, just as Cena begins to mount a comeback. Cena backs into the corner and as Rowan goes for a corner splash, Cena counters and bounces off the ropes and as he goes on the attack, Rowan catches him and ragdolls him via bearhug. Cena isn't able to mount any offense as Rowan has an answer for everything and just as Rowan picks Cena up, Cena rolls Rowan up for the pin!
Winner: John Cena (via Pinfall)
Rowan and Harper get back on the apron and as the 2 Wyatts stand up to Hogan and Cena, they back off and backtrack towards the back (lots of backs) Hogans music hits and he begins to Hulk up which pumps the crowd up. Hogan encourages Cena to hulk up with him and lots of fun is being had between Cena and Hogan.
It's made apparent that Christian and Sheamus will fight in either a 2 out of 3 falls match, memphis street fight, or a Falls Count Anywhere. Daniel Bryan and Big Show headline Raw when they take on Batista and Orton, and Undertaker will make an appearance! The authority are heading to the ring to address what happened between them and D-Bry last week.
Back from commercials bring us a recap of what transpired last week on Raw's headline. King of kings makes his way down with his queens hand locked with his. Stephanie recaps on how Bryan attacked HHH and how what occurred to Bryan after was deemed "okay" because of how Bryan attacked unprovoked. She mentions how the authority will apologize ONLY IF Bryan reciprocates and she goes on to mention how Bryan isn't in HHH league and how their match will never take place at Mania because he's a B+ player.
Rybaxel vs. The Uso's
Commercial break comes to an end as we are greeted by Rybaxel is in the ring to take on The Uso's. Uso's entrance is still one of the most unique entrances a team has had. Recap from last week showed us how the Uso's won the titles. As Jimmy is on the attack on Curtis Axel, he's tossed awkwardly into the ropes and Rybaxel takes control. That's proved to be short lived as Jey is tagged in and begins the comeback and superkicks are being given out left right and center. After Jey sends Ryback to slumberland with a superkick and a top rope dive to the outside, Jimmy hits the splash and gets the pin!
Winner: Uso's (via Pinfall)
After the match, we're brought to Kane addressing The Shields faults of the past few weeks. Reigns and Rollins are put into a match against the Rhodes Brothers, and the shield throws a bit back towards Kane and reminding him of his losses.
Jack Swagger vs. Big E
Both men lock up and it's Swagger that takes the attack early to Swagger. "WE, THE PEOPLE" chants break out and Swagger has the edge early on in the match. It's mentioned that Big E will also be in the battle royal match, along with Ryback and Cena. Big E begins to pick up the pace with clotheslines and a belly to belly. Swagger distracts the ref as he attempts to get Cesaro to interfere yet Cesaro is hesitant to. When Swagger goes to over to Cesaro, Big E rolls him up for the pin.
Winner: Big E (via Pinfall)
After the match, Cesaro and Swagger are nose to nose, arguing. Zeb demands Swagger to shake hands with Cesaro. Cesaro complies, yet squeezes the hand of Swagger.
Undertaker segment is up next.
GONG...........GONG............Undertaker is on his way to the ring, and his entrance is epically eerily. Fans are ecstatic to have the Phenom in Memphis. Debates break out between JBL/Cole/King on who wins at Mania; Brock or Taker. The infamous blue light shines down as Taker takes the mic. PAUL HEYMAN takes to the stage and nervously apologizes for interrupting, and introduces himself. Heyman begins to delve into the 21-0 streak number as he claims it's THE greatest streak in sports entertainment. He mentions how no name has come even close to what Undertaker has put forth. As Heyman values he streak, he advises that Undertaker not step in the ring if he cares enough about the streak. He claims that the streak will be conquered by Brock Lesnar, if he goes through with the match. Undertaker takes it to the mic and tells "messenger boy" Paul Heyman, that if Brock Lesnar shows up to Wrestlemania 30, he will REST.IN.PEACE.
Next up is Cody Rhodes and Goldust battle Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins.
Shattered Dreams and .24 Karat productions brings us the Rhodes Brothers to the ring. Shortly after, The Shield make their way to the ring.
Rhodes Brothers vs. Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins
Cody and Seth start the match off, with Seth taking the attack to Cody early on. Seth attempts a suplex but Cody counters into a Stalling, front slam suplex. Goldust is tagged in and hits Seth with a running knee to the ground. Rollins takes the attack back only to get back dropped and slowed down again. Cody is tagged in again, and as Cody goes to pull the legs to sweep Rollins, he counters beautifully and throws Cody into the corner. Reigns is tagged in and the powerhouse is manhandles Cody. Quick tag brings Rollins back in and just like that, quick tag brings Reigns back in. Reigns goes for a corner splash but Cody sidesteps and tags in Goldie. A fury of slams and clotheslines brings the momentum to Goldust. Goldie hits a spinebuster and and sends both Rollins and Reigns to the outside where both members are taken out via splash by Cody and rolling senton by Goldust.
We're brought back to Reigns power handling Goldust around the ring. Rollins is tagged in and headlock applied to Goldie. Goldust tries to mount an offense but it's thwarted off by Rollins and as Reigns is tagged in, he hits the incredibly pretty apron dropkick. Reigns and Rollins making short tags to stay fresh and continue the assault on Goldust. As Reigns talks off to the ref, Goldust slams Reigns with a powerslam and as Rollins attempts to break up the tag, Cody is tagged in and the pace of the match increases ten fold. Disaster kick is connected on Romans jaw and hits the beautiful moonsault on Rollins for a 2 count. Cody slams Rollins with a muscle buster that would make Samoa Joe proud. Reigns hits Goldie with the spear and as Rollins counters the disaster kick into a corner Powerbomb, Rollins hit's his finisher (not sure what to call it..) and gets the clean pin on Cody!
Winner: Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins (via Pinfall)
Bella Twins vs. Tamina Snuka and AJ Lee
Tamina and Nikki start off and pushing and shoving between the two start off. Brie is tagged in and as Brie takes control of the match, Tamina lands a demolishing superkick. Tamina has the match in the control and slams a fury of headbutts that her dad more than likely taught her. AJ is tagged in and lands a spinning kick and continues the assault on Brie. Front naked choke is clenched on Brie but that proves to be less than effective as Brie counters and tags in Nikki. AJ lee goes for the black widow but Nikki counters with a Torture Rack drop and gets the pin.
Winner: Bella Twins (via Pinfall)
Cole recaps on what occurred earlier on Raw between the Wyatts and John Cena.
Daniel Bryan makes his way to address what the authorities had mentioned earlier on, on Raw. Bryan starts off with how he found the "apology" to be insincere and Bryan goes on about how he should've kicked Hunter in the face a long time ago. Bryan tells Hunter he can't have it both ways, where he can be a COO and put his hands on Bryan. Bryan states that it "ends tonight" and that the Yes Movement occupies Raw (a shot at Chicago "hijacking" Raw?) Bryan mentions how he has talked to some members of the Yes Movement and out come fans storming the ring in "YES" shirts!
Back from commercials and fans have FILLED the ring and the outside of the ring. Easily around 50-75 people in and around the ring chanting YES. This brings the authority out and an overwhelming NO chant breaks out. Hunter gives the crowd 30 seconds to leave the ring unless they want to get arrested by security. Security is called out but Bryan intervenes and threatens to bring everyone OUTSIDE of the arena and Hunter can have a Raw in an empty arena. Stephanie and HHH send TWO security folks to clear 75 some odd people and that (of course) proves to be rather useless. Stephanie demands security to do their job, but to no avail. Hunter mentions to get the show rolling and and out comes Damien Sandow. Sandow is taken back from the amount of individuals that occupy the ring. He leaves and Stephanie begins to freak out, claiming that everything in the business is hers, and Bryan ignores what Steph has to stay and Bryan demands the match at Mania with Hunter. HHH states on how he was trying to protect Bryan but now he plans to destroy Bryan. THE MATCH IS ON. As Hunter leaves, Bryan says he's not done and claims that as much as the people want to see HHH/Bryan but also that he is the WWE World Heavyweight championship. If Bryan beats Hunter, Bryan is put in the WWE World Championship match at Mania!!
Sheamus vs. Christian
Back to Lawler in the ring and announces that Christian/Sheamus will fight in a "Memphis Street Fight" style match. Sheamus enters as members of WWE staff set up instruments for the fight and Christian makes his way to the ring. Guitars and drums are set up for the Memphis street fight and Christian is reluctant to get in the ring. Sheamus attempts the Brogue kick early but Christian counters but is clotheslined to the outside. He's thrown into the barricade and the announcers table, and almost has his head taken off by an acoustic guitar. Christian begins the assault only to be thrown into the steele steps and have Sheamus be on the attack once again. Christian darts up the stage only to be greeted by Sheamus attacking from behind. Christian sends Sheamus reeling and plants a spinning DDT to Sheamus on the floor! Both stars are down and refs tending to Sheamus.
Back and Sheamus is slammed into the corner post. Christian pulls out a kendo stick and begins to stalk Sheamus. He begins to light Sheamus' body up with 10+ shots. 2 count is all Christian can get after those shots. More shots are delivered to the back and abdomen of Sheamus. Sheamus attempts a rally but it's thwarted off by Christian. He slithers to the outside and grabs another kendo stick and as Christian comes off the top rope, Sheamus counters and beings to mount the comeback. Sheamus picks up the kendo stick but even as its kicked away by Christian, Sheamus plants Christian with a rolling samoa drop. A tug of war begins to happen but Sheamus prevails and wails on Christian. Sheamus hits White Noise on Christian for the close 3 count. Sheamus begins the chest clobbering and follows up with the front powerslam, and as Sheamus sets Christian up for the Brogue Kick, Christian darts out the ring, only to be slammed into the ring post. Sheamus plants Christian with a backbreaker to the outside, and tosses Christian in as he tosses weapons in also. Christian hits Sheamus with a frog splash while there was 2 chairs on Sheamus' chest. Christian grabs the bass drum and as he walks over to Sheamus, Sheamus BLAST Christian with a Brogue kick, THROUGH the bass drum, securing the victory.
Winner: Sheamus (via Pinfall)
Cut backstage to Maddox and Batista talking, Orton storms in looking for the authority (who have left the building....haha, get it?) Maddox stresses for Batista and Orton to be on the same page in order to take out Bryan tonight.
We're back to Alexander Rusev being introduced by his manager and cuts a promo. Cole recaps on what Hulk Hogan announced earlier. Wyatts interrupt the recap with Bray addressing Cenas challenge.
We're brought back to Big Show coming to the ring, which means main event is here.
Big Show and Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton and Batista
Daniel Bryan makes his way to the ring, with the YES! movement in full force. Batista makes his way and is welcomed with boo's by the WWE universe. Batista is not looking pleased at all, as he makes his way down. Next up is Orton and the reaction is.....somewhere. Orton and Bryan start the match and it's Orton on the assault until he dumped to the outside and hits Orton with the suicide dive to the outside.
We're back and Bryan is on top, hitting Orton with uppercuts but Orton counters and brings in The Animal. Batista over powers Bryan, and drags him to the corner, tagging in Orton shortly after. Bryan and Orton share blows on eachother with headbutts and uppercuts only until Orton plants Bryan with a quick powerslam. Batista is tagged in and uses his power to break Bryan down. Bryan attempts to comeback but Bootista hits Bryan with the clothesline, halting that comeback quite quickly. Orton is tagged in and stalks Bryan. Bryan counters and tags in Big Show and as Big Show starts to use his power, Batista drops the giant and tags Orton in. Orton delivers a fury of kicks, and tags Batista back in. Batista hits Big Show with the spear and attempts the Batista bomb, only to get countered and Bryan gets tagged in as Orton is also tagged in. Comeback mode engaged for Bryan, and delivers a fury of kicks to the chest and plants the final kick on the head of Orton. Bryan goes for the headbutt, but Orton sidesteps and as Orton rolls up Bryan, Bryan locks in the Yes lock. Orton almost taps, only to be saved by Batista, who gets kicked in the head by Show. Orton hits Show with the RKO and as he sets Bryan up for the RKO, he's speared by Batista. Bryan hits running knee on Batista and as Bryan goes for the corner drop kick, Orton counters and sets Bryan up for the apron DDT. Orton goes for the RKO shortly after but Bryan counters with the backslide, and as Orton kicks out, Bryan plants Orton with the running knee and grabs the pin!
Winner: Daniel Bryan and Big Show (via Pinfall)
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