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Damien Sandow vs Kofi Kingston
Sandow and Kingston lock up and Sandow backs Kingston into the corner unloading with kicks and punches on Kingston. Kingston fires back with a series of kicks. Sandow with a shoulderblock. Elbow to Sandow off the ropes. Kingston misses with Trouble In Paradise as Sandow slides to the outside. Baseball slide dropkick by Kingston to the outside. Kingston throws Sandow back in. Sandow throws Kingston over the top rope, Kingston lands on the apron. Kingston misses with a springboard shoulderblock as Sandow moves out of the way. Slam by Sandow. Sandow delivers the Cobito Acquiet. Kingston trying to fight back. Sandow with the abdominal stretch on Kingston. Kingston counters into an abdominal stretch of his own. Sandow with a hiptoss. Sandow misses with the legdrop. Sandow on the second rope, cut off by Kingston. Kingston with a hurricanrana off the rope. Kingston with a series of clotheslines and a dropkick. Kingston off the ropes, connects with the Boom Drop. Kingston sets up but misses with Trouble In Paradise. Crossbody onto Sandow by Kingston. Flying headscissors as Sandow lands on the middle rope, Kingston with a dropkick to the midsection from the apron. Another crossbody. Sandow fights back and connects with the “You’re Welcome” for the three count
The winner of the match: Damien Sandow
The show begins with an opening video package highlighting the origin of the Hell In A Cell structure.
We go live inside the American Airlines Arena in Miami, Florida for WWE Hell In A Cell 2013. We kick the show off with Triple Threat tag team action for the WWE Tag Team Championship.
The Usos vs The Shield vs Rhodes Dynasty – WWE Tag Team Championship
Goldust with an irish whip and clothesline to Rollins. Jey gets the tag, Shouldblock by Goldust. Inverted atomic drop and boot to the side of the head by Goldust. The Rhodes brothers with double team on Jey. Suplex by Cody and count of 1. Jey with a side headlock. Jimmy with a nearfall on Rhodes. Waistlock by Jimmy thrown off by Rhodes. Slam by Jimmy. Jey with a clothesline I the corner to Rhodes. Reigns trips Goldust and pulls him out of the ring. Reigns with a clothesline to Goldust. Rollins putting the boots to Goldust. Rollins with a kick to the head. Rollins holding Goldust in place with a front facelock. Goldust fighting back. Rhodes knocked off the apron by Rollins as The Shield isolate Goldust keeping him in their corner. Reigns with a chinlock. Reigns misses with a clothesline but Goldust with a backslide. Elbow by Reigns. Goldust fighting his way out of the corner and just missed the tag as Reigns pulls him away. Goldust with a DDT on Reigns. Cheap shot to Rhodes by Rollins. Goldust with a back body drop. Rollins sent over the top rope. The Usos taken out by The Shield. Shield in control of the match throwing Goldust from one corner of the ring to the other. Goldust with a powerslam to Reigns. Rhodes with a missile dropkick to Reigns. Rollins with an irish whip, Rhodes with a sunset flip. Moonsault onto Rollins. Rhodes misses with the Disaster Kick but tag is made. Jimmy with a running back splash into the corner. Samoan Drop on Rollins. Jimmy looking to fly, Rhodes with the tag doesn’t connect with the Cross Rhodes. Rollins and Rhodes on the top rope and a superplex to the outside. Jimmy with the big splash from the top rope onto Rhodes and Rollins. Spear by Reigns. Kick to the back of the head by Rollins. Rhodes misses with the Disaster Kick. Goldust pushes Rollins into Rhodes. Rhodes with Cross Rhodes for the three count
The winners of the match: Rhodes Dynasty
Backstage: Triple H and Shawn Michaels are talking and sharing a few stories and laugh
The Miz was introduced to the ring for a speaking part. Miz said that for weeks, the Wyatt Family has been stalking him. Friday on Smackdown, they beat him down to where he cannot compete in a match tonight. But, he is still able to fight. He told Bray Wyatt to get out of his Cracker Barrel rocking chair, leave his two hillbillies behind, and get out here now. Instead, the feed cut to a shot of Bray Wyatt sitting in his rocking chair on the video screen. Bray told "Hollywood" that it pains him to see Miz in this broken state. Bray warned Miz about the monster who lives behind his eyes. The feed cut out and the screen went black. The lights then turned on to reveal Luke Harper and Erick Rowan in the ring to tackle and attack Miz. Cole dejectedly said this could get ugly fast. For a change in tone, Kane's pyro shot off and his music played. "Yes!" Cole shrieked as Kane walked down the aisle to big-boot Rowan. In the ring, Kane uppercut Harper before struggling to lift Harper in the air for a bodyslam. So, Kane just clotheslined Harper over the top rope to the outside. The Wyatts backed away from ringside as Kane eyeballed Miz. Miz let his guard down, then Kane grappled Miz and chokeslammed to a pop from the vocal males. Kane shot off his pyro as JBL guessed that perhaps Kane doesn't like Miz TV, either.
Fandango & Summer Rae vs Great Khali & Natalya
Fandango says Miami thinks they know about salsa but what they know is primitive and crude and there is only one man who knows all there is to know about salsa and his name is Fandango
Chop by Fandango to Khali. Fandango goes for a kick but Khali catches him and sends Fandango flying. Khali with the giant chop. Natalya with a side headlock takedown on Summer Rae. Shoulderblock by Natalya. Hiptoss by Summer Rae. Backslide by Natalya. Dropkick to Natalya by Summer Rae. Natalya with a fireman’s carry. Fandango goes afte rHornswoggle. Khali picks Khali up and pulls up onto the apron and back into the ring. Giant chop by Khali. Fandango runs into an elbow and a big boot. Summer Rae back in and Natalya back in with a slap to the face. Suplex by Natalya and a slam to Summer Rae. Irish whip reversed by Summer Rae and a kick to the face by Natalya. Clothesline to Summer Rae. Summer Rae with a drop toe hold as Natalya lands on the middle rope. Summer Rae rolls Natalya up for the three count
The winners of the match: Fandango & Summer Rae
Dean Ambrose vs Big E. Langston – US Championship
Ambrose slaps Langston and Langston with a clothesline. Langston mows Ambrose down and a nearfall. Langston unloads on Ambrose in the corner. Irish whip and a running shoulder tackle in the corner. Ambrose turns it around delivering chop after chop to Langston. Langston throws Ambrose in the corner and delivers a high knee. Over head throw by Langston. Langston with a bear hug on Ambrose. Ambrose breaks out of it, Irish whip in the corner and Ambrose sent flying to the outside. Ambrose hides under the ring, Langston goes to pull him out and counter by Ambrose. Suplex by Ambrose but Langston blocks it. Ambrose bounces Langston’s head off the steel post. Langston back in and Ambrose putting the boots to Langston. Ambrose with a knee in Langston’s face. Langston fighting back but Ambrose with a headbutt. Dropkick by Ambrose. Ambrose with a chinlock on Langston and Langston gets back to his feet backing Ambrose into the corner. Sleeperhold by Ambrose, Langston with clotheslines to Ambrose. Langston with a belly to belly suplex. Splash by Langston to Ambrose. Ambrose slides to the outside and heads up the ramp but Langston right after him bringing him back into the ring. Ambrose with a DDT to Langston. Ambrose on the ring apron and Langston with a shoulder to the gut sends both men to the outside. Langston back in first for the count out victory.
The winner of the match by count out: Big E. Langston
CM Punk vs Ryback & Paul Heyman – Hell In A Cell
Heyman was shown standing on a moving scissors lift at the production stage. But, the Genie GS-3246 model scissors lift was stuck. Heyman's production team driver could not get around the stage, prompting Punk and Ryback to stall in the Cell. Of note, a description of the scissors lift on the Genie website reads: "Ideal for maneuvering in tight spaces." A few more tries eventually produced Heyman at the ringside area. Paul Heyman introduces himself to everyone and says he is the Best…In Hell. And little did CM Punk know when he was just starting out that he sold his soul to the devil himself because in the WWE he is Satan. And he has risen from the depths of hell to the top of the world and he owns CM Punk
Ryback picks Punk up for a military press but Punk counters and delivers a chop block. Punk putting the boots to Ryback. Punk with a suicide to the outside taking out Ryback. Punk pulls the kendo stick out and goes after Ryback. Ryback drives Punk into the steel. Ryback picks up the kendo stick and delivers his own kendo shots to Punk. High elbow by Ryback. Shoulder tackles by Ryback in the corner. Irish whip into the corner and Ryback putting a boot on Punk’s head. Big splash onto Punk. Ryback with a waistlock. Ryback sent back to the outside. Punk on the top rope delivers a forearm. Punk pulling a table out from under the ring and Ryback pushes Punk into the ring steps. Repeated suplexes into the cage by Ryback. Side suplex by Ryback. Ryback with a chinlock, Punk fights out of it. Ryback with a kick. Ryback delivers a samoan drop, Ryback back to the waistlock trying to wear Punk down. Punk with a crossbody onto Ryback. High knee to the jaw by Punk. Punk caught by Ryback coming off the top rope and Ryback delivers a powerslam. Ryback picks Punk up setting up for Shell Shocked. Punk counters sending Ryback face first into the turnbuckle. Series of kendo shots by Punk once again. Another running knee by Punk follows up with a clothesline. Punk off the top rope with the flying elbow. Punk back to the kendo shots, climbs out of the ring and pulls the table out from underneath the ring. Punk sets up the table. Ryback with a forearm to the back. Ryback picks Punk up going for a powerbomb. Punk counters, misses with the roundhouse. Ryback picks Punk up and plants him on the table. Meat Hook Clothesline by Ryback. And now Ryback setting the table up. Ryback picks Punk up, low blow by Punk and Ryback on top of the table. Punk going to the top rope. Flying elbow to Ryback through the table. Kendo shot to the side of the face. Punk with the GTS for the three count
The winner of the match: CM Punk
Post Match: Punk scales up the outside of the cell and Punk on top of the cell with Heyman. Punk grabs Heyman and delivers a series of kendo shots to Heyman. Punk picks Heyman up and delivers a GTS
Backstage: Renee Paquette is with Daniel Bryan and Bryan says all he’s ever wanted is a chance to be WWE Champion and after months of being screwed around it’s going to be just him, Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels who he hopes will do what is right for business. It was Wrestlemania 28 where the fans started the “YES!” phenomenon and tonight he rewards them by winning the WWE Championship
Los Matadores vs The Real Americans
The announcers used this as their comedown match to go off the rails with random commentary about black bulls, comic book characters, JBL's old Justin Hawk gimmick (no reference to when Zeb managed him as Uncle Zebekiah), and cheap beer. The match built to Cesaro putting un matador in the Giant Swing, popping JBL. After 35 or so revolutions, which drew applause from the vocal males, Cesaro picked up steam again for a final five revolutions. Cesaro dizzily covered, but El Matador kicked out. Sufficiently dizzy, Cesaro decided to bail to Swagger and Los Matadores also made a tag. Swagger walked into a face-first smash, but Cesaro broke up a pin. On the outside, Cesaro ran un Matadore into the guardrail. Back in the ring, Swagger took out the other Matadore, then slapped on the Patriot Lock. But, Matadore swung Swagger into Cesaro, sending the Americans reeling. Los Matadores then combined for a double-team move on Swagger for the pin and the win.
The winners of the match: Los Matadores
Post-match: El Torito entered the ring to celebrate with the winners as Zeb Colter randomly entered the ring on hands and knees to sell disdain over the outcome. Los Matadores then stopped and found Zeb face-down on the mat. Zeb woke up, then El Torito knocked him out of the ring with a charging bull charge. Cesaro also tried to get involved, but Torito sent him reeling with a huracanrana. Los Matadores and Torito then celebrated in the ring.
Video Package: John Cena's journey from elbow procedure to rehab to returning at Hell in a Cell tonight.
John Cena vs Alberto Del Rio -World Heavyweight Championship
Side headlock by Cena. Del Rio counters and goes after the injured arm. Cena goes to the outside to regroup. Side headlock takedown by Cena. Shoulderblock to Del Rio. Del Rio going after the arm once again. Kick and punches by Del Rio. Del Rio with a series of kicks and Del Rio trying to get at the arm. Bulldog by Cena. Dropkick by Del Rio to Cena and a kick to the arm. Del Rio pushes Cena into the ring steps targeting the arm. Del Rio with a series of kicks to the face. German suplex by Del Rio. Del Rio has Cena’s arm locked up. Armdrag and dropkick to Del Rio. Sandow looking on from backstage as Del Rio chokes Cena out on the ropes. Del Rio on the top rope gets caught with a dropkick from Cena. Shoulder tackles by Cena, the side suplex and Cena signaling as he hits the five knuckle shuffle. Cena goes for the AA, Del Rio counters with a backstabber. Tornado DDT by Cena. Cena climbs to the top rope, enziguri by Del Rio. Del Rio misses with another enziguri, Del Rio counters the STF. Cena goes for another AA, Del Rio counters with the tilt o whirl backbreaker. Tree of woe position for Cena and Del Rio with a kick to the bad arm Del Rio charges and hits the ring post. Cena off the top rope with a crossbody. Del Rio with the cross armbreaker but Cena rolls through and locks in the STF. Del Rio reaches the ropes forcing the break. Kick to the head by Del Rio. Cross armbreaker locked in on Cena. Cena gets to his feet and slams Del Rio to the mat forcing him to release the cross armbreaker. Cena with an AA for the three count
The winner of the match and NEW World Heavyweight Champion: John Cena
AJ Lee vs Brie Bella - Diva's Championship
A.J. taunted Brie early on, so Brie slapped her. A.J. sold being KO'ed, but Brie was only able to score a two count. A.J. recovered and began working on Brie. Meanwhile, Tamina and Nikki got into it ringside, momentarily drawing attention away from the match. A.J. used the chaos to her advantage, grappling Brie for the Black Widow to force a tap-out. A.J. retains her favorite prize.
The winner of the match and STILL Diva's Champion: AJ Lee
Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan - WWE Championship
Bryan went after Orton with Yes! kicks early on, but walked into a dropkick for a one count. Cole noted these two know each other so well after headlining PPVs (and about 25 house shows) over the past few months. Orton then bumped Bryan off the ring apron into the Cell wall, rattling the chains. On the outside, Orton tried to whip Bryan into ring steps that Orton set up, but Bryan reversed and Orton ate the ring steps. Back in the ring, Bryan ripped off a series of kicks to Orton's back before hanging Orton upside down in the corner to deliver a running kick. Bryan then dropkicked Orton over the top rope to the outside, sending Orton reeling into the Cell wall. Bryan then flew to the outside with consecutive suicide dives that bounced Orton into the Cell wall. But, Bryan went for a third and Orton side-stepped him to send Bryan head-first into the Cell wall. Back in the ring, Orton covered Bryan for a two count. Orton then called for the end as Michaels looked down at Bryan. Meanwhile, Cole again reminded the audience that they voted for HBK as special referee. In the corner, Orton delivered multiple headbutts, but he could not follow up, allowing Bryan to deliver a sunset flip powerbomb that rocked both men. Reset at 10:00. They came to their feet and traded European Uppercuts to the tune of "Yes!" and "No!" in the crowd. Bryan then ducked a clothesline, bounced the ropes, and smashed Orton with a charging clothesline. Orton followed with corner dropkicks, then a corner huracanrana. Bryan wanted a top-rope headbutt and he connected to Orton's shoulder for a two count. Bryan wanted Yes! kicks, but Orton ducked a decisive blow, tried a roll-up, but Bryan slapped on the Yes! Lock. Orton reached the ropes, but HBK reminded Orton that there are no rope breaks in the Cell. On the floor, Bryan ran Orton into the Cell wall a few times before measuring Orton for a flying dropkick that rocked Orton into the Cell. Bryan wasn't done on the outside, as he went under the ring to retrieve a chair. Bryan jabbed the chair into Orton's gut, then cracked it over Orton's back. Another shot to the back. Bryan then went back under the ring and chucked about 10 chairs into the ring. Bryan got a crazy look in his eyes, then told a concerned HBK to get out of his way. Bryan delivered another chair shot to Orton's back, then rolled him back into the ring. In the ring at 15:00, Bryan went for another chair shot, but Orton thumbed him in the eye. Orton then began using chairs on Bryan. Orton paused to stack up the chairs that Bryan chucked into the ring, then took Bryan to the top turnbuckle. "No, no, no," Cole said as Orton measured Bryan for an Orton Family Superplex onto the stack of chairs, but Bryan blocked, only to have Orton crotch him. Orton tried again, and this time he connected, with Bryan's feet landing on the stack of chairs. HBK sold feeling the effects himself before counting a nearfall for Orton. Suddenly, Triple H emerged from the back and walked down to ringside. Hunter argued with HBK about his count as the crowd greeted him with an "a-hole" chant. HBK and Hunter had a heated discussion, with HBK just pleading with Hunter to let him do his job. In the background, Orton had Bryan pinned with a t-bone suplex, but HBK was still engaged with Hunter. This brought over Orton to argue with Michaels, who told Hunter just to get off his back. The focus returned to the ring, where Orton delivered a trademark DDT from the second rope. Orton then measured Bryan for the finish as Hunter radnomly started climbing the cage, telling Michaels to get ready. This distracted HBK, who was then bumped when Bryan shoved Orton into the ropes. Everyone down in the ring as Hunter sold concern. Hunter then asked for the Cell to be opened so they could "evaluate HBK's health." Meanwhile, Bryan scored a visual three count on Orton. Hunter entered the Cell, where he shoved Bryan aside before pretending to check on Hunter. In the background, Bryan readied himself to KO Hunter, then when Hunter turned around, Bryan smashed Hunter in the face with his knee finisher. This apparently upset HBK, who frustratingly waited for Bryan to turn around to deliver a Superkick that whiffed. Bryan sold anyways. HBK sold inner conflict before checking on his buddy, Hunter. Orton then covered Bryan, HBK had a moment of realizing the consequences of his decision, then he counted a three count for the win.
The winner of the match and NEW WWE Champion: Randy Orton
Post Match: HBK dejectedly left the ring, not wanting to face the consequences of his actions. Once Michaels left the ring, Hunter recovered in the ring and was greeted by Orton, who celebrated their title victory. Bryan was then helped out of the ring selling the effects of HBK's whiffed Superkick. The PPV signed off at 10:53 EST with Cole declaring that they have a new WWE champion, but questions linger.
-End Show-
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