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WWE Raw Results (10/07/13) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Posted By: Elio C. on Oct 07, 2013

WWE Raw Results (10/07/13) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Welcome to WWE Monday Night Raw and this week Raw comes to us live from The Consul Energy Centre in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and we kick things off with Stephanie McMahon coming out to the ring. Stephanie says last nightā€™s main event at Battleground was compromised. Not even compromised, it was ruined and she along with the WWE Universe is livid as is both Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan and it is all because of the actions of one selfish man and she calls out Big Show. Stephanie says she knows Showā€™s been under a lot of pressure but understands when Show is under pressure he makes bad decisions and he knocked out everyone last night and asks what he has to say for himself. Show says heā€™s sorry and Stephanie says heā€™s right heā€™s sorry. Her and Triple H have bailed him out numerous times and calls him pathetic saying he canā€™t even manage himself. Stephanie tells him to man up and he says ok and asks if he can go now. Stephanie says no he canā€™t go. They not only own his home but own him and he has no free will. Stepahnie tells Show to get on his knees and beg the WWE Universe for forgiveness. Stephanie says he canā€™t even do that and calls him worthless and says he has no heart or soul. Show says heā€™s not going to beg. He knocked out Orton because he couldnā€™t take it anymore and he knocked out Daniel Bryan because Stephanie told him to. Stephanie says they werenā€™t even there last night. Brad Maddox was there. Show calls Maddox a puppet who works for Stephanie and her son of a bitch husband. Stephanie slaps Show and tells him heā€™s fired. Show looks and her and smiles and exits the ring.


Dolph Ziggler vs Damien Sandow

Sandow unloads on Ziggler. Ramming him spine first into the corner and continuing the offense with knee strikes and shoulder tackles. Suplex by Sandow. Sandow with a chinlock on Ziggler yelling at him to quit. Sandow drives a knee into Zigglerā€™s back. Ziggler fights out of it. Ziggler off the ropes and a knee by Sandow. Sandow with a series of elbowdrops. Ziggler, choked out on the ropes as Sandow delivers right hands to the side of the head. A headscissors by Sandow as he continues to yell for Ziggler to quit. Ziggler fights out of the headscissors and lands a right hand but Sandow delivers a series of headbutts. A series of right hands by Ziggler. Ziggler sent to the outside as Sandow maintains control of the match


Sandow with an irish whip into the corner. Side Russian legsweep on Ziggler. Sandow drops the Cobito Acquiet on Ziggler. Sandow back to the chinlock. Ziggler fighting his way out of it, off the ropes and Sandow sends him flying to the outside. Zigglerā€™s head bounced off the ringpost. Sandow rolls Ziggler back into the ring. Irish whip by Sandow. Sandow charges and Ziggler moves out of the way causing Sandow to hit the ringpost shoulder first. Ziggler unloads on Sandow and delivers a clothesline sending Sandow to the outside. Dropkick to the outside and Ziggler all over Sandow, throws him back into the ring. Ziggler in the corner fires off a series of punches. Dropkick by Ziggler to Sandow. ZigZag attempt but Sandow shakes him off. Ziggler to the top rope and Sandow falls against the ropes causing Ziggler to fall off. Irish whip by Sandow, Ziggler rolls through and hits The Famouser for the three count

The winner of the match: Dolph Ziggler

Backstage: Stephanie tells Brad Maddox they trusted him last night and what happened. Rhodes Family won, there was a black out, Scott Armstrong got involved and Big Show ruined the main event. Maddox tries to blame Triple H. Stephanie tells him Triple H has been out all day trying to fix the mess he made and tells him heā€™s going to do what Big Show didnā€™t. Go out and apologize to the WWE Universe and tell them how he will make it up to them


Weā€™re back and we take a look at a clip from the WWE App where during the break Jerry ā€œThe Kingā€ Lawler called out ā€œLiving Legendā€Bruno Sammartino. Sammartino walked out to a huge ovation and Lawler led the WWE Universe in a rendition of Happy Birthday to Sammartino who celebrated his 78th birthday yesterday

Natalya, JoJo & Eva Marie vs Aksana, Alicia Fox & Rosa Mendes

Armbar by Natalya and Aksana counters with a headscissors. Roll up by Eva Marie. Aksana drops an elbow on Eva. Side headlock by Rosa Mendes, Slam by Alicia Fox on Eva. Alicia takes a shot at Natalya. Eva whipped into the corner. Natalya with a roll up, Alicia rolls through. Clothesline by Natalya and The Sharpshooter for the submission

The winners of the match: Eva Marie, JoJo & Natalya

Brad Maddox comes out and apologizes and says there will be a rematch between Randy Orton & Daniel Bryan at Hell In A Cell and to ensure no interference there will be a special referee. Three hall of famers will be presented and the WWE Universe will choose the special referee. The first candidate is Booker T and he says people know him and they should vote for him because he will do what is best for business.


Los Matadores vs 3MB

Chop by Diego, Fernando comes in and a double back bodydrop to Mahal. McIntyre with a stomp working over the arm of Fernando. Hurricanran to McIntyre and a flying forearm. Double samoan drop on McIntyre for the three count

The winners of the match: Los Matadores

Ā -Commercial-

Paul Heyman is in the ring with Ryback & Curtis Axel. Heyman introduced himself before announcing himself the Best in the World because he is the only man who can claim he beat C.M. Punk with both hands tied behind his back. Heyman continued that Punk has some bragging rights of his own because Punk pinned Ryback last night at Battleground. But, what the recordbook should reflect is Punk is a bully and a cheater. Heyman introduced an out-of-context photo of Punk mule-kicking Ryback, prompting Heyman to shake his head in disgust. Cult of Personality interrupted to bring out Punk on-stage. Punk mockingly held his crotch as Ryback frowned in the ring. Punk remained on-stage to deliver his message: "Are you calling me a cheater?!" Punk asked Heyman. Punk said all he did last night was win. Sure, maybe he kicked Ryback in the (bleep), but he did it to see if Ryback actually had any. Heyman said Punk will never do that again. He tried to promise something, but Punk cut him off and said he can do it again and he will do it again. And by "it," he means beating Ryback again. Punk then accepted a re-match challenge here, tomorrow, or in three weeks at Hell in a Cell. In the ring, Heyman got in Ryback's ear and told him that Punk is bullying him right now, so he should do something about it. Ryback spoke that if he knew Punk had any (bleep), he would have kicked him there a long time ago. Ryback told Punk to get his "skinny little ass" down to the ring right now and get some. Instead, R-Truth's music played and Truth ran out on-stage to tell Punk that he'll fight with him. Punk thought it over, shrugged his shoulders, and marched down to the ring with Truth. Ryback and Axel stood their ground in the ring before a referee showed up.

CM Punk & R-Truth vs Ryback & Curtis Axel

Truth and Punk were working on Axel. Apparently the strategy session did not work out during the break. Truth tried to follow up on Axel, but Axel drove Truth to the heel corner to bring in Ryback. But, Truth slapped around Ryback, only to take his eye of the ball and take a boot to the gut from Ryback. Ryback and Axel continued to work on Truth as Punk waited for a tag in his corner. Heyman, sensing they were losing the crowd, started trash-talking Punk across the ring while Punk continued to wait for a tag. Truth got a boot up on Ryback in the corner, then kicked Ryback in the face. Punk fired himself and the crowd up, trying to get Truth to the corner for a tag. The tag was made and Punk went off on the heels. Punk nailed Axel with a Macho Man elbow drop, then the camera tried to get a reaction from Heyman, but Heyman was nowhere to be found. Punk then caught Axel with a GTS. Ryback took a kick to the head, then Punk tagged in Truth, who caught Axel with his spinning leg kick finisher for the pin and the win.Ā 

The winners of the match: CM Punk & R-Truth


The second candidate for special referee in the Daniel Bryan-Randy Orton match comes out and is former WWWF Champion. Bob Backlund. Backlund says the people should vote for him because heā€™s been both a good guy and bad guy in the business and he doesnā€™t care who wins or loses. Heā€™s going to do the best job and make the good decision for the match. And if it gets out of control, heā€™s going to put that person in the crossface chicken wing.

Randy Orton vs Kofi Kingston

Orton with kicks and punches on Kingston throws Kingston into the corner. Kingston sent to the outside and Orton right on him throwing him against the barricades. A kick by Orton and Kingston picked up by one arm thrown back into the ring. Another nearfall for Orton. Uppercut by Orton. Irish whip reversed by Kingston and Orton sent to the outside. Dropkick by Kingston and kicks to Orton and The Viper once again sent to the outside. Orton with an uppercut to the back of the neck and Orton unloads on Kingston. Kingston fighting back. A DDT off the top rope to Orton. Crossbody onto Orton. SOS by Kingston. Orton sends Kofi over the rope. Kingston lands on the apron. Orton with a owerslam. Orton sets up for the DDT but Kingston sends Orton over the ropes to the floor. Dropkick side stepped by Orton and Orton levels him with a clothesline. Kingston thrown into the barricade. Orton picks Kingston up and drops him face first over the barricade. Orton hits the DDT on the floor as the referee Mike Chioda reaches a count of 7. Orton beats the count. RKO to Kingston for the three count

The winner of the match: Randy Orton

Post Match: Daniel Bryan runs out and unloads on Orton as several referees run down to ringside to try and tear Bryan off of Orton. They manage to tear Bryan off of Orton as Orton runs up the ramp with Bryan once again in hot pursuit


Backstage: Vickie Guerrero gave a random person a lecture on asking for time off. World Hvt. champion Alberto Del Rio then walked into the shot to chat with Vickie. Del Rio said he wanted the night off after destroying Rob Van Dam last night. But, he gets it that the people need to see their champion tonight. So, he trusts Vickie to find the right opponent for him tonight. By the way, he believes Vickie is the most talented, respected, General Manager in history. Del Rio then looked her up and down and called her sexy, beautiful, and intelligent. Vickie soaked up the kind words, then Del Rio placed his scarf around Vickie before planting a kiss on her cheek. Del Rio walked off, then Vickie acted put off by Del Rio's advances.

The third and final candidate for special referee at Hell In A Cell is Shawn Michaels. Michaels says everyone knows he and Triple H are close personal friends and the keyword there is personal. But tonight is about business and he says he trained Daniel Bryan but will not let that nor his friendship with Triple H sway him. When it comes to Randy Orton. He doesnā€™t like Michaels and vice versa and he wonā€™t let that sway him. He tells the people to open their WWE App and vote for him. He wants people to vote for him as referee because he guarantees there will be a WWE Champion because he doesnā€™t care whatā€™s best for business he wants whatā€™s best for the WWE Universe.


Ricardo Rodriguez vs Alberto Del Rio

Before the match could even start, Vickie made yet another announcement. At Hell In A Cell, Alberto Del Rio will defend his World Heavyweight Championship against John Cena. Del Rio distracted by the announcement as Rodriguez rolls him up from behind for the three count.

The winner of the match: Ricardo Rodriguez

Post Match: Del Rio attacks Rodriguez and throws him into the ring steps. Del Rio then puts a chair around Rodriguezā€™ arm and stomps on it before putting him the cross armbreaker.


Fandango vs Zack Ryder

Waistlock by Fandango. Ryder with the irish whip reversed by Ryder and Fandango with a kick. Fandango with a suplex on Ryder. Chinlock on Ryder. Ryder with an elbow a knee strike by Fandango. Ryder on the second rope hits the missile dropkick. Clothesline in the corner and Fandango slides out of the ring before Ryder could hit the Broski Boot. Dropkick to the outside and Fandango thrown back into the rig. Neckbreaker by Fandango. Fandango goes to the top rope and hits the legdrop for the three count

The winner of the match: Fandango

Jerry Lawler takes the mic and says it's time to find out who the WWE Universe voted for special referee at Hell In A Cell. The graphic comes up on the screen with all three candidates. Lawler asks for a drumroll and Shawn Michaels wins, walking away with 61% of the votes


The Real Americans vs Great Khali & Santino Marelal

As the match started, a light "We The People" chant started up. Real Americans dominated early on, then Khali tagged in and landed forearm strikes to Cesaro in the corner. Cesaro again chopblocked the knee, though, allowing Cesaro to measure Khali for the Big Swing. The vocal males popped, then Cesaro lifted Khali in the air for another Big Swing. Cesaro again pinned a dizzy Khali for the pin and the win.

The winners of the match: The Real Americans

Post Match: Swagger grabbed Hornswoggle and fed him to Cesaro, who teased a back injury because of Swoggle's weight. Cesaro then put Swoggle in the Big Swing, but Santino put a stop to it. Khali cleared Real Americans from the ring to light boos, then Santino helped Swoggle to his feet. Swoggle sold having trouble regaining his balance before Cole plugged WWE's partnership with Susan G. Komen.

Titus O'Neil talked on-camera about losing his grandmother to breast cancer several years ago. Titus said he wishes his grandmother could have experienced his accomplishments in football and WWE.



Miz is in the ring with mic in hand. Miz begins to speak but is interrupted by The Wyatt Family. Bray Wyatt comes out and the lights come back on as Harper and Rowan are in the ring. Miz quickly slides out of the ring and runs up the ramp as Wyatt hangs his head upside down laughing maniacally.

Backstage: Brad Maddox asks Stephanie McMahon if heā€™s done a well job. Stephanie says Maddox has a long way to go before he acquits himself. Triple H walks in and says he just landed after a long day cleaning up SOMEBODYā€™S mess. Maddox says heā€™s going to go out and make sure nothing happens during the main event. Triple H says heā€™ll do no such thing. Triple H will go out and make sure everything goes the way it should.


Shield vs Goldust, Cody Rhodes & Daniel Bryan

Goldust unloads on Rollins. Rollins with an irish whip, open handed palm strike by Goldust. Inverted atomic drop and a kneelift to Rollins. Crossbody by cody Rhodes off the apron. A right hand by Rollins. Ambrose measuring Cody with punches. A knee off the irish whip by Cody. Cody with a front suplex. An elbow on the bridge of the nose by Cody. Goldust back in with a snapmare and an elbow drop on Ambrose. Ambrose backs Cody into the corner. A kick by Rhodes but Ambrose still has him in the corner. Irish whip by Ambrose. Cody up on the top rope and the distraction by The Shield sends Rhodes to the floor.


Front facelock by Rollins on Cody Rhodes. Rhodes fighting back but finds himself in The Shieldā€™s corner. Kneedrop by Ambrose. Ambrose with a modified chinlock. Rhodes fights out but Ambrose continues the assault. Ambrose has Rhodes up on the top rope. Rhodes shoves him down. Moonsault by Rhodes onto Ambrose. Ambrose grabs Rhodesā€™ leg preventing him from making the tag. Back bodydrop by Rhodes. Bryan in leveling Rollins with punches. German suplex by Bryan. Bryan with the running dropkick in the corner. Hurricanrana off the ropes. Rhodes sends Reigns over the ropes to the floor. Bryan with a kick to the head. Yes Lock on Rollins. Ambrose with the steel chair to Rhodes as the referee calls for the bell

Triple H grabs the mic and says the show does not end with a no decision and orders the match restarted under No Disqualification Rules. Bryan with a suicide dive to the outside. Orton runs out and RKOā€™s Bryan and throws him back into the ring where Rollins covers him for the three count

The winners of the match: The Shield

Post Match: The Shield triple team Goldust and Cody Rhodes. Big Show walks out much to Triple Hā€™s surprise. Triple H climbs into the ring standing behind The Shield. Show walks down to the ring and stands on the apron. Show steps over the rope and The Shield attacks. Show fights them off and starts going after Triple H but The Shield are back on him. Show throws them off once more and knocks out Triple H. Bryan stands over Triple H yelling YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!

-End Show-

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