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WWE SmackDown Results (9/20/13/) Cincinnati, Ohio

Posted By: Elio C. on Sep 20, 2013

WWE SmackDown Results (9/20/13/) Cincinnati, Ohio

WWE Smackdown comes to us this week from Cincinnati, Ohio and we kick things off with Vickie Guerrero in the ring and she welcomes us to Smackdown after Excusing herself. She says that she has the most astounding, most thrilling, most entertaining show ever for Smackdown tonight. First, she is here to introduce the laughing stock of the WWE. It is not Hornswoggle. This man has gone from hero to zero. Vickie mentions that Bob Backlund held the WWE Title for 2,135 days. CM Punk held the WWE Title for 434 days. This man won the WWE Championship at SummerSlam and held it for 5 minutes and 25 seconds. He did a little better at Night of Champions when he stole the title and held it for 21 hours 34 minutes and 32 seconds. Vickie wants everyone to welcome the man who got caught red handed on Raw . . . Daniel Bryan. Bryan makes his way to the ring. Bryan says that he would much rather be champion for only one day than to be a shrill corporate suck up for his entire life. Vickie reminds Bryan that she is his boss and she will give him one opportunity to come clean tonight. Bryan says that he did nothing wrong. Vickie says that anyone who has half a brain can see that Daniel Bryan and Scott Armstrong conspired against Randy Orton. Bryan says that if Vickie wants the truth, he kneed Randy Orton in the face and the referee counted to three. It might have been fast, but the referee could have counted to 20 because Orton was knocked out. He does not know why Scott Armstrong did what he did. Bryan says that he should still be the WWE Champion. Vickie calls Bryan a liar. She says that Triple H might have promised him a match at Battleground, but she would have fired Bryan. She hopes that Bryan does not become the face of the WWE. Bryan says that the people should be glad that Vickie does not have any power. Vickie mentions that ten people came to the ring to help him. These people will be eliminated tonight. Vickie shows us who the ten men who will be suffering a similar fate as Daniel Bryan. All eleven men will be eliminated because we are going to have an 11 on 3 handicap gauntlet match. The Shield will be in the ring at all times while one man faces the Shield until they are defeated. The Hounds of Justice will run through each and every one of you.Vickie tells Bryan that she is saving him for last and then she cackles in Bryan’s face before leaving the ring.


Before the match starts, we get comments from AJ in the Goldman Box. She says that as the woman who single handedly redefined the Divas Division, she will single handedly defeat every Total Divas Diva, starting with Naomi.

Naomi vs AJ Lee

AJ with a kick and then she tries to send Naomi to the floor but Naomi lands on the apron and she kicks AJ. Naomi tries for a springboard move but AJ with a spinning heel kick and she gets a near fall. AJ with a cravate. Naomi with elbows but AJ with a back elbow and she gets a near fall. AJ chokes Naomi in the ropes. AJ returns to the cravate and she gets Naomi to her knees. Naomi with a jawbreaker to escape. Naomi with an enzuigiri followed by a rollup for a near fall. Naomi with a drop kick and a flip clothesline. AJ misses a clothesline and Naomi with an atomic drop followed by the leaping butt bump for a near fall. Naomi tries for a slam but AJ escapes and she applies a sleeper. Naomi backs AJ into the corner to get out of the hold. Naomi tries for a back breaker but AJ counters into the Black Widow and Naomi taps out.

The winner of the match:AJ Lee

Post Match: AJ sits in the ropes and she taunts Natalya, who gets up from her position at the announce table.


Santino Marella vs Jack Swagger

Swagger lets Marella make the first move and he goes for the leg but Swagger with a forearm and then he runs Marella into the corner and connects with a knee followed by a biel. Swagger with a short arm clothesline. Swagger traps the arms but Marella gets to his feet but Swagger sends him into the turnbuckles and connects with a forearm. Swagger with punches. Marella with punches but Swagger with knees to Marella. Swagger tries for a biel but Marella with a cartwheel. Swagger blocks the hip toss but Marella is able to get Swagger in a backslide and he gets the three count.

The winner of the match:Santino Marella


Paul Heyman introduces himself and he says that he can tell that we already know the big news that he is the Best in the World. Admittedly, it is uncharacteristic that he would give credit to his opponent, but CM Punk gave everything in the ring. When two men engage in combat in that squared circle, only one man can emerge victorious. On Sunday, that man was not your hero CM Punk, the winner of that match was Paul Heyman. Heyman says that he could not have done it without his hero, Ryback. Ryback takes the mic and he tells Heyman that he is a gracious and appreciative man. He does not deserve to be picked on by a bully like CM Punk. Ryback says that he cannot stand bullies. Ryback mentions the man in the ring. Heyman told him that Nick refused to sign a little kid’s autograph. Then he intimidated the kid in the parking lot. Ryback tells Nick to try to intimidate him. What he is going to do to this guy is what he is going to do to CM Punk the next time that he sees him.

Ryback vs Nick Nardone

They lock up and Ryback sends Nardoneface first into the mat. Ryback says that he is sorry but Nardone backs away from Ryback. Ryback grabs Nardone by the throat and then he says that it is too easy. Nardone with forearms but Ryback with a clothesline and then he picks up Nardone and hits the Shell Shocked for the three count.

The winner of the  match:Ryback


Randy has a mic and he says at Night of Champions, Daniel Bryan and Scott Armstrong conspired to take the WWE Title from him and they succeeded. With a lightning fast three count, the title was taken away from him. Randy says that it was his fault.

Randy says that he never should have been in that position. For the last two years, he has been suppressing who he is down inside because of the people. He went to Anger Management and he locked away the viper that was void of morality. He did it because he thought that was everything the people wanted. On Monday night, Triple H and Stephanie showed him what he should be. Orton says that he ripped that door open and that is why he made an example of the Miz in his home town of Cleveland. He did it so everyone would know who he really and truly is. Randy tells everyone that is a warning for anyone who tries to get in his path. There is no champion right now and there is nothing he can do about it. He is not looking to win. He is looking to annihilate. He says that it will be scorched Earth. He will end it once and for good. He promises that he will be your . . . not your. He will be his WWE Champion.


Shield vs Friends of Daniel Bryan

Shield vs Darren Young

The Shield attack Young as he enters the ring. They punch Young while Young tries to fight back but the numbers advantage is too great. They kick Young while Rollins whips him with his shirt. Rollins and Ambrose hold Young for Reigns to hit the spear for the three count.

Shield vs Titus O’Neil

They attack O’Neil as he enters the ring but O’Neil fights off Reigns, Rollins, and Ambrose for a moment. Ambrose with a sleeper while Rollins holds the leg. Reigns with a running shoulder tackle and then they kick O’Neil while Rollins applies a guillotine choke. Rollins and Ambrose hold up O’Neil for Reigns to hit the Powerbomb and the three count.

Shield vs Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler appears to think of a strategy before entering the ring. Ziggler goes after Ambrose and hits a Thesz Press. Ziggler takes Rollins down but Reigns runs Ziggler into the turnbuckles but he misses a splash in the corner. Ziggler punches Reigns but Rollins and Ambrose pull Ziggler from the turnbuckles to the mat. Ambrose with punches and Rollins with kicks. Ambrose stands on Ziggler’s head while Rollins and Reigns work over Dolph. Ambrose punches Ziggler and then Rollins holds Ziggler and Reigns with a punch. Ambrose holds Ziggler up and Rollins with a punch. Ambrose holds Ziggler while Reigns punches him. Ambrose punches Ziggler while Rollins holds him. Reigns and Rollins hold Ziggler while Ambrose taunts him and then he punches Ziggler. Ambrose continues to taunt Ziggler. Ziggler with a punch to Ambrose and then he kicks Rollins. Ziggler with an elbow to Reigns. Ziggler with a clothesline to Rollins and then he drops down when Reigns charges at him and Reigns goes over the top rope to the floor. Ziggler with a drop kick to Ambrose followed by a kick and Fameasser to Rollins. Ziggler with a Mick Foley clothesline to Ambrose. Ambrose holds the leg and Rollins with a running drop kick that sends Dolph to the floor. Reigns with a spear and Ziggler is down for the ten count.

Shield vs Kofi Kingston

Reigns goes after Kingston on the floor but Kingston leaps over him and then Kingston drops Rollins and Ambrose on the top rope. Kingston with a springboard cross body to Rollins and Ambrose. Kingston with clotheslines to Rollins and Ambrose followed by drop kicks. Kingston with Trouble in Paradise to Reigns but Ambrose breaks up the cover. Ambrose punches Kingston while Rollins holds the leg. Rollins punches Kingston while Ambrose holds him. Ambrose with the headlock driver for the three count.

Shield vs RVD

Rollins and Ambrose punch Van Dam when he gets into the ring. Van Dam blocks a kick from Ambrose and he sends Dean’s leg into Seth’s midsection. Van Dam with a clothesline to Ambrose followed by a thrust kick to Rollins and a spinning heel kick to Ambrose. Van Dam with a corkscrew drop kick on Rollins and then he rolls through into a monkey flip on Ambrose. Rollins tries to send Van Dam into turnbuckles but Van Dam blocks it and he connects with a kick to the head. Van Dam with a springboard thrust kick to Reigns to knock him off the apron. Van Dam with a spinning kick to the head followed by Rolling Thunder on Rollins. Van Dam goes up top for the Five Star Frog Splash but Triple H comes out and he tells them to shut this down. Roman Reigns pushes Rob Van Dam off the turnbuckles.

Triple H wants to know what Vickie is doing. Hunter tells Vickie to go to his office right now. He asks her if she knows what she has done.


We are back and Triple H is in the office with Vickie Guerrero.

He wants to know what Vickie was doing. He says that ten guys ran in to help Daniel Bryan. When you do what you did tonight, it will be ten more guys. Then you will get a full scale revolt.

Vickie says that she thought that was best for business.

Triple H says that the best thing for business is to be fair. They need honest competition. They need to feel safe and that they are in a competitive environment. The Shield will be in a Six Man Tag Match against The Usos and Daniel Bryan. He tells Vickie to make the match.

Triple H is in his office with Zack Ryder and Justin Gabriel. Triple H asks how they are doing and he apologizes for Vickie putting them in the handicap match. It is unfair to put them in a match with the Shield.

Gabriel appreciates Triple H’s compassion and Ryder says that they were looking for competition . . . bro. Triple H tells them to go to the ring so they can face some competition.

Justin Gabriel & Zack Ryder vs Erick Rowan & Luke Harper

Harper and Ryder start things off and Harper runs Ryder into the ropes and he punches Ryder. Ryder with a face buster and a drop kick. Harper with an Irish whip but Ryder with knees. Ryder leaps over Harper but Harper with a boot to the chest for a near fall.  Gabriel breaks up the cover and Rowan goes after Gabriel but Justin with a series of kicks and a leaping back heel kick to Rowan. Rowan blocks a kick and Rowan sends Gabriel over the top rope to the floor. Ryder tries for the Rough Ryder but Harper catches him and hits a buckle bomb followed by a lariat for the three count.

The winners of the match: Luke Harper & Erick Rowan

Post Match: Wyatt enters the ring and he looks at Ryder and then he grabs Ryder for Sister Abigail, but before he does anything, Rowan kicks Gabriel off the turnbuckles. Wyatt hits Sister Abigail. Wyatt takes the mic and he says that when he makes a promise, he always keeps it. If they are going to keep lining them up for them, he promises that they will continue putting them down. He says that they are doing this all for Abigail.


We are back and the medical staff checks on Rob Van Dam. Triple H enters and wants to know how he is doing. He wants to apologize to Van Dam for what Vickie did and he also gives Van Dam a rematch for the World Title at Battleground. Triple H leaves and Alberto Del Rio attacks Rob while getting treatment. Alberto sends Rob into the wall and continues to work on the head and neck. Del Rio with a super kick to Van Dam. Del Rio throws a case on Van Dam.

R Truth vs Alberto Del Rio

Del Rio goes after Truth, but Truth with punches and forearms. Truth with an Irish whip and Stinger Splash. Truth with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Truth misses a scissors kick and Del Rio with a lungblower for a near fall. Del Rio with punches to weaken Truth. Del Rio chokes Truth in the ropes. Del Rio with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Del Rio with a rear chin lock followed by a head butt. Del Rio taunts Truth and then he pie faces Truth. Truth with a leg lariat followed by clotheslines. Truth with a kick and he hits a sit out gourdbuster for a near fall. Del Rio with a step up enzuigiri for a near fall. Del Rio with a kick to the head and then he signals for the cross arm breaker but Truth rolls through and he hits the Scissors Kick and he gets a near fall. Truth tries for the suplex into a stunner but Del Rio lands on his feet and he kicks Truth in the knee and then he hits a super kick and applies the cross arm breaker. Truth taps out.

The winner of the match: Alberto Del Rio

We go to commercial.

The Shield vs The Usos & Daniel Bryan

Bryan and Rollins start things off and they lock up. Bryan with kicks in the corner followed by a knee to the midsection and he drops a knee to the chest and he gets a near fall. Bryan with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Rollins tries for a leap frog but Bryan grabs the leg and he sets for the surfboard.

Bryan applies it and then he tags in Jimmy who hits a flying clothesline and gets a near fall. Rollins with a kick and punches before he tags Ambrose into the match. Ambrose sends Jimmy into the turnbuckles and he punches him. Jimmy with an Irish whip and back body drop. Jimmy with a punch and he tags in Jey. Jey with a flying clothesline for a near fall. Jey with a hammer lock. Jimmy tags in and he hits a forearm followed by a snap mare and diving head butt for a near fall. Jey tags in and they hit a double back elbow and a double elbow drop for a near fall. Jimmy with a front face lock but Ambrose gets to his corner and Reigns tags in and he punches Jimmy and connects with a head butt and kicks. Reigns with punches to Jimmy. Jimmy with a kick and a rollup for a near fall. Bryan tags in and he kicks Reigns. Bryan with more kicks. Reigns with a back elbow and he tags in Ambrose. Ambrose with kicks and punches to Bryan. Ambrose with a snap elbow drop for a near fall. Rollins tags in and Seth kicks Bryan in the chest. Rollins chokes Bryan and applies a Million Dollar Dream. Bryan with a belly-to-back suplex to escape and he tags in Jey. Jey with a punch but Rollins with a drop kick and he tags in Ambrose. They make a wish with Jey and Dean gets a near fall. Ambrose stomps on the hand


We are back and Rollins with a rear chin lock. Jey with a kick and enzuigiri and both men are down. Jey tags in Jimmy and he connect with clotheslines and a savate kick. Jimmy with a Samoan drop and he knocks Ambrose off the apron. Rollins escapes a Bubba Bomb and hits an enzuigiri. Reigns tags in and he gets a near fall. Reigns sends Jimmy into the turnbuckles and he tags in Ambrose. Ambrose with a head butt and forearms across the chest. Ambrose with a snap mare and a reverse chin lock. Jimmy with a jawbreaker but Ambrose with a knee to the midsection followed by a slap and drop kick with Jimmy in the ropes. Ambrose gets a near fall and he tags in Rollins. Rollins with a slingshot senton and he gets a near fall. Rollins chokes Jimmy in the ropes. Ambrose kicks Jimmy and Reigns tags in and he punches Jimmy in the midsection. Reigns with an elbow drop to the chest and he returns to the reverse chin lock. Jimmy with punches but Reigns with a back elbow and flying clothesline for a near fall. Reigns with a reverse chin lock on Jimmy. Reigns with a head butt to Jimmy followed by a belly-to-back suplex attempt but Jimmy lands on his feet and he takes care of the three members of the Shield momentarily. Rollins tags in and he cuts off Jimmy from his corner. Jimmy with a Bubba Bomb and both men are down. Jimmy crawls to make the tag but Ambrose tags in and he takes care of Jey. Bryan is tagged in and he hits a double drop kick on Reigns and Rollins on the apron. Bryan punches Ambrose. Ambrose with an Irish whip and Bryan flips over. Ambrose knows what is coming next but he misses a clothesline and Bryan hits a flying clothesline of his own. Bryan with a running drop kick into the corner and then he hits a second one. Bryan with kicks in the corner and then he puts Ambrose on the turnbuckles for a super rana and he gets a near fall. Reigns goes after Jimmy but Jimmy drops down and Roman goes over the top rope to the floor. Jey with a plancha onto Reigns. Rollins with a corkscrew plancha onto Jey and Reigns. Jimmy with an Arabian Press onto Rollins. Ambrose with a clothesline to Bryan but Bryan applies the Yes Lock. Ambrose gets to the ropes. Jimmy and Jey with a double super kick from the floor. Bryan waits for Ambrose to get up and he hits the flying knee for the three count.

The winners of the match: The Usos & Daniel Bryan

-End Show-

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