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WWE Raw Results (8/26/13) Phoenix, Arizona

Posted By: Elio C. on Aug 26, 2013

WWE Raw Results (8/26/13) Phoenix, Arizona

Welcome to Monday Night Raw. We are live from The US Airways Centre in Phoenix, Arizona and we kick things off with The Shield standing at ringside facing the top of the entrance and out comes Triple H. Triple H takes us back to an epic moment in time if we witnessed in person we would never forget. A paradigm and the beginning of a new era and we see footage from Summerslam where Randy Orton cashed in his MITB on Orton. Triple H says that was what was best for business and there was nothing personal about it. Triple H says ratings went through the roof last week and business is booming and it’s all due to one man who is the face of WWE and tells the WWE Universe to show respect for their World Champion, their future and what the WWE Universe deserves…Randy Orton. Triple H congratulates Orton on breathing new life into the WWE and breathing new life into the WWE Championship. He says as COO he likes to reward people who excel and who like to grab that brass ring and run with it and tells Orton he got him a little gift and he did it out of his own pocket and brings out a brand new Cadillac Escalade. Orton thanks Triple H for the very generous gift and thanks him for having the vision and realizing the only man worthy of being the face of WWE and being called champion. Daniel Bryan comes out and says it’s way nicer than his Honda and says it’s well deserved because Orton worked hard for the championship. He has a few thank yous of his own and says he may not be the biggest, strongest or best looking but people have supported him and they have no idea how much it means to him. And secondly, he’d like to thank John Cena for giving him the opportunity to wrestle in the main event of Summerslam because someone like Triple H wouldn’t have given him that opportunity. And lastly he wants to thank Triple H for ending the charade and showing his true colours and for showing everyone his view of what the WWE Champion should look like is just as narrow minded as Vince McMahon and the rebel who used to thumb his nose at authority is now a sell out and thumbs his nose at the WWE Universe. Orton tells Bryan he needs to show Orton and Triple H respect. Bryan says at N.O.C. when he gets his rematch, Orton’s face will get re-arranged and Triple H’s vision of the future will get re-arranged as well. Triple H then starts singing “When You Wish Upon A Star” and in the real world it does matter who you are and says Orton is an A while Bryan is a B. Triple H says he’s all about opportunity and tells Bryan tonight he goes one on one with Seth Rollins and if he gets passed Rollins he will face Dean Ambrose and if he gets passed Ambrose he will get the gift of Roman Reigns and if he survives then he will be put in a gauntlet match against all three members of The Shield and Triple H says he’s doing it because he believes in Bryan


 Cody Rhodes vs Fandango

Rhodes with a high elbow and front suplex to Fandango. Fandango’s music hits and Miz comes out dressed up like Fandango and Rhodes with a roll up from behind for the three count

The winner of the match: Cody Rhodes

Post Match: Damien Sandow runs in and attacks Rhodes and a brawl breaks out. Brad Maddox then comes out and books Cody Rhodes & Miz vs Fandango & Damien Sandow


Cody Rhodes & Miz vs Fandango & Damien Sandow

Sandow with a headbutt to Rhodes. Side Russian legsweep to Rhodes and Sandow follows with the Cobito Acquiet. Irish whip by Sandow and Rhodes gets the boots up. Double clothesline by both Rhodes and Sandow. Miz with a double axehandle from the top rope. High kneelift to Sandow and the clothesline in the corner. Big boot to Fandango. Miz with dropkicks to the legs, drags Sandow to the middle of the ring. Rhodes trips Sandow and Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale for the three count

The winners of the match: Miz & Cody Rhodes


Backstage:  Christian says that it is hard to say anything bad about the current regime because you end up with dire consequences. Christian points out that he survived the Attitude era and the McMahon-Helmsley regime. He talks about how history has a habit of repeating itself. Randy Orton stops by and he says that Christian is angry because he lost at SummerSlam while Orton won. Randy tells Christian that he will lose when he gets taken out with an RKO. Christian says that Hunter likes sledge hammers and he has found a new tool

We are told that Paul Heyman has a reaction to the stipulations on Tout.

Speaking of the WWE App, CM Punk talked about the stipulations. Punk says that he wants to get his hands on Paul Heyman. Even though he got in one shot and applied the Anaconda Vice, Heyman deserves more.

Backstage: Paul Heyman talks about how Punk is begging for votes to get his hands on Paul. Curtis says that he has it taken care of. Punk has to outwrestle him. The situation is better than perfect. Curtis asks Paul if he trusts him and Paul says he trusts him with his life


 CM Punk vs Curtis Axel

Side headlock by Punk on Axel. Shoulderblock to Axel off the irish whip. Side headlock takedown by Punk on Axel. Another shoulderblock by Punk. Punk looks for the GTS but Axel slides out of the ring. Slam by Axel and kneedrop. Axel with a chinlock and Punk gets to his feet hitting the high running knee. Punk looking for the flying elbow but again Axel rolls out of the ring. Punk from the top rope onto Axel with a double axehandle


Clothesline to the back of the head by Axel. Dropkick to Punk.  Punk fires back with kicks. Slingshot into the corner by Axel, Punk off the ropes with a crossbody but Axel rolls through. Punk misses with the roundhouse kick, Axel with a kneelift.  Back suplex by Axel. Neckbreaker by Punk. Punk off the top rope hits the flying elbow.  Axel counters another GTS and hits the Perfect Twist. Punk picks Axel up and delivers the GTS for the three count

The winner of the match: CM Punk

Post Match: Heyman tries to escape but security drags him back out to the ring and Punk grabs Heyman by the throat but Axel low blows Punk. Axel then handcuffs Punk. Heyman then paintbrushes Punk. Punk gets to his feet and lays Axel out with a kick. Punk then proceeds to stomp away at Heyman but Axel lays Punk out with a chair. Axel brings a kendo stick into the ring. Heyman delivers kendo shots to Punk as Axel looks on acting as cheerleader. The beating continues on the outside with Axel delivering the final stomp on Punk’s head and Heyman screaming at him that he broke Heyman’s heart.


Natalya vs Brie Bella

Natalya runs Brie into the turnbuckles and she kicks Brie. The referee warns Natalya and Brie avoids Natalya and Natalya goes into the turnbuckles. Brie with a knee to the back. Brie pulls Natalya to the mat. Brie with a modified abdominal stretch but Natalya gets to her feet and she gets Brie on her back and Natalya with a merry go round side slam followed by the Sharpshooter. Eva Marie distracts the referee and Nikki pulls Brie out of the ring. Natalya gets tripped and Brie hits the X-Factor for the three count

The winner of the match: Brie Bella

Post Match:  AJ Lee comes out and she says that she just watched Total Divas and it was insane. The Bellas were dealing with their daddy issues. The Funkettes broke up and then got back together. Natalya’s man is not there for her. And the other two were there. AJ says that when she looks in that ring, she sees a bunch of cheap, interchangeable, expendable women. Women who have turned to reality television because they aren’t good enough to be actresses. Women who weren’t talented enough to be champions. She has done more in one year than everyone did in their entire careers. She has saved the Divas Division and shattered the glass ceiling. AJ says that they cannot even go backstage and shake her hand because of what she had to endure. They were given fifteen minutes of fame. She did not get here because she was cute, was part of a famous family, or sucked . . . up to the right people. AJ says that she got here because she is good and she earned the title. None of them will be able to lace up her Chuck Taylors. AJ says that they are all worthless excuses for women and they will never be able to touch her. AJ says that is reality.


RVD vs Alberto Del Rio

Shoulderblocks by RVD in the corner. Monkeyflip to Del Rio. RVD has Del Rio on the top rope and a kick to Del Rio sends him to the floor


Del Rio has RVD in a chinlock. Del Rio with a double stomp on the back. Del Rio goes to the top rope and RVD catches him with a kick. Clotheslines by RVD. Back kick to Del Rio and RVD hits Rolling Thunder. RVD with the split leg moonsault. Off the top rope and a kick. RVD leaps back to the top and Del Rio tries to slam him off but can’t. Del Rio with an enziguri. Ricardo Rodriguez gets on the announce table and starts a “Rob Van Dam” chant. RVD, off the distraction, rolls up Del Rio for the three count

The winner of the match: Rob Van Dam


Backstage: Josh Matthews says lately people have been saying Ryback has been a bit of a bully.Ryback grabs Josh Matthews and tells him to look at Ryback and says he finally found a way to shut Matthews up

Backstage: Curtis Axel says what happened after his match is something CM Punk will never forget. Heyman says Punk is like a petulant child who needs to keep getting punished and Heyman says he feels like a man who put his prodigal son in his place. And Heyman’s prodigal son was put in his place and now CM Punk will learn that Heyman is the last guy Punk should come out against


Christian vs Randy Orton

Shoulderblock by Orton. European uppercut by Orton. Christian with a double leg trip. Orton sent over the ropes to the floor. Dropkick to the outside by Christian. Inverted DDT by Christian. Christian goes to the top rope misses and Orton hits a dropkick. Orton with a high kneelift to Christian. Chinlock on Christian and Christian breaks out of it. Another inverted DDT countered by Orton, Orton with a headbutt. Orton works over the neck. Tornado DDT countered by Orton and Christian sent crashing to the floor.


Orton working over Christian. Series of headbutts by Orton. Orton with the superplex off the top rope. Christian counters an RKO. Christian lands a series of punches in the corner. Irish whip and Orton explodes out of the corner with a clothesline. Christian from the top rope with a crossbody. Orton looks for the DDT. Christian with the Killswitch but Orton counters, Christian with the tornado DDT. Christian hits the DDT. Christian counters the RKO and spear to Orton. Orton counters a Killswitch, thumb to the eye and RKO for the three count

The winner of the match: Randy Orton

Post Match: Daniel Bryan appears on the big screen and congratulates Orton on his victory and says Orton IS the face of the WWE and how pretty is the car Triple H gave him. A pretty car for a pretty man. But what if he beat Orton at N.O.C. and became WWE Champion would that make him the new face of the WWE and steps aside to reveal Orton’s car with the word YES spray painted all over it


Backstage: Brad Maddox tells Triple H everyone in the locker room and arena is cheering about what Daniel Bryan did to Orton’s car. Triple H says everyone wants to make this personal. He tells Maddox to march down the hallway and search out every superstar and diva and have them stand on the stage because they are going to watch what happens to Daniel Bryan and if anyone thinks about crossing that line and interfering he will personally fire them and laugh while doing it. Orton says Bryan is going to pay.

Titus O’Neil vs Jack Swagger

Swagger with knee strikes to O’Neil. Clothesline by Swagger. Shoulder tackles by Swagger. Back suplex to O’Neil. Shoulder knockdown by O’Neil. O’Neil with a fallaway slam. Swagger takes out O’Neil’s leg and Swagger looks for the Patriot Lock. Spinebuster by O’Neil for the three count

The winner of the match: Titus O’Neil


Bray Wyatt tells the story of Sister Abigail

Backstage: CM Punk demands a match with Paul Heyman and Brad Maddox says Punk’s got it at N.O.C. in a handicap elimination match against Curtis Axel and Paul Heyman


Daniel Bryan vs Seth Rollins

Bryan goes on the attack unloading on Rollins.  Surfboard on Rollins. Series of kicks by Bryan. Rollins clotheslined over the ropes to the floor. Rollins drives Bryan into the barricade. Rollins with a chop to Bryan. Bryan with a clothesline. Bryan misses with a kick as Rollins rolls out of the ring. Rollins off the top rope gets caught by Bryan. Bryan with a single leg Boston Crab on Rollins. Suicide dive by Bryan onto Rollins


Rollins with a clothesline in the corner. Rollins yelling at Bryan that all he has to do is stay down. Bryan with a running dropkick. Kick to the back of the head by Rollins. Inverted suplex to Bryan. Bryan seated on the top turnbuckle and Ryan escapes. Bryan from behind and a German suplex from the top rope. Clothesline to Rollins for the three count

The winner of the match: Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan vs Dean Ambrose

Ambrose unloads on Bryan. Bryan with the Yes Lock and Reigns breaks it up. The referee calls for the bell. Reigns in the Yes Lock and it’s a three on one attack. Ambrose and Rollins hold Bryan as Reigns spears him. Triple H then comes out. The Shield with the triple power bomb to Bryan. Orton comes out and delivers an RKO. Orton leaves as Shield stands over Bryan

-End Show-

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