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Photo: WWE.com
Christian makes an entrance and gets on mic to tell that he does have a plan tonight and he is going to have someone in his corner for his upcoming No Holds Barred World Title defence; "My Best Friend... EDGE!" The 11-time World Champion Edge gets a standing ovation and he comes down to the ring to hug the World Champ. No wonder Christian is so confident in defending his Belt. Edge gets on mic to say thanks to the fans, saying it was fun to enter like that once again. Edge reminds everyone that he's no longer able to wrestle. He says that when he had to retire he was happy because he was passing the torch to Christian. He says that he doesn't believe that Christian having to defend the Belt 5 days after winning it was out of line by ways of Teddy Long. However, Edge says that Christian whined and moaned and eventually got the Title back, by way of a Disqualification. Edge says that he loves Christian, they're best friends untill the day he dies, but "I didn't know my best friend would become a whining crying little bitch." Edge drops the mic and exits. Christian goes nuts, his insurance policy is out the window. Goodness, what a rude awakening from Edge, did Christian need to hear that for him to do things properly?