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WWE NXT Results (October 8, 2024)

Posted By: Patrick A Ganczewski on Oct 08, 2024

WWE NXT Results (October 8, 2024)

Featured below are complete WWE NXT results from Tuesday, October 8, 2024. The following report is from Rajah.com, our live coverage partner.

Tonight on NXT... Tony D'Angelo looks to take Oba Femi's North American NXT Title, Kelani Jordan joins forces with Biance Belair and Jade Cargill to battle The Fatal Influence, Fraxiom defend their NXT Tag Titles against A-Town Down Under, Randy Orton faces Je'Von Evans, Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade shed light on their partnership, as well, Trick Williams will be on hand to address the NXT Universe and more!

Check back for live results!

The show kicks off showing Randy Orton making his way to the arena, as well as Je'Von Evans making his way to the arena. We also see the NXT World Champion, Trick Williams arriving too.

We cut to a recap of last weeks show.

In the arena, Trick Williams makes his way to the ring. He gets to straight to business and says NXT is reaching new heights and he wants everyone to know his new name, Tricky Two Time. Williams says he knows a lot of people are out to get him. Wes Lee is in the crowd and gets Williams' attention. He says he wants to be a triple crown champion by taking Williams' title. Williams says he knows the kind of guy Wes Lee and at the end, Williams will always have his hand raised. Lee says Williams isn't "it" and that he'll take his title. Jey Uso's musci hits and Uso comes out through the crowd and joins Williams in the ring. Uso gets everyone yeeting and hugs Williams in the ring. Williams says he's sure Uso is tired and they go back and forth getting the crowd to chant "Whoop that Trick" "Yeet".

Match 1: Kelani Jordan, Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair -vs- The Fatal Influence (Fallon Henley, Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx)

Jordan, Belair and Cargill come out in matching tag attire and Jey Uso and Trick Williams are still in the ring and they pose with the women and we go to commercial break.

Back from break, Fatal Influence makes their way to the ring. Uso and Williams have now vacated the ring for the match. Jordan and Henley start the match and Jordan is placed in the wrong corner is gets attacked by all members of Fatal Influence. Nyx is now tagged in and Jordan is all over her with dropkicks. All the women enter the ring, and Fatal Influence gets drop kicked and all three members are body slammed by Cargill, Belair and Jordan. Jordan and Nyx are still legal and Jordan gets a cross body and a two count. Jordan tags in Belair and Henley is tagged in. Belair takes down Henley with a clothesline and taunts Henley. Belair gets Henley in the corner and unleashes several punches and Jayne comes in and pulls Bianca's braid. Belair hits a stalled suplex and then a standing moonsault for a two count. Cargill is tagged in and they double team Henley. Cargill tags out and hoists Jordan in a gorilla press and throws her onto Henley for a two count. Henley strikes Jordan and tags in Nyx who takes down Jordan. Jordan rolls out of the ring and Nyx and Henley distract the ref and Cargill and Belair allowing Jayne to hit a cannonball on Jordan outside and we cut to commercial.

Back live, Nyx has Jordan on the mat and kicks her in the corner. Henley is tagged in and Nyx helps with a double team. Jayne is now tagged in and she covers Jordan for two. Jordan is getting beaten in the corner and Jordan makes an escape but is apprehended by Jayne. Jordan kicks Jayne in the jaw and both women are laid out. Jordan tags out to Cargill who clears house. Spinebuster to Jayne, backbreaker to Henley and a fallaway slam to Nyx. Cargill then splashes Nyx and Jayne in the corner and delivers a chokeslam to Nyx. Cargill tags out to Belair who gets slammed onto Nyx but Henley breaks the pin. Jade takes out Fallon and Jordan hits a moonsault on Henley and Jayne and in the ring Nyx connects with a kick covers for two. Belair tags Cargill and they double team Nyx and Cargil tags out to Jordan who hits a split legged moonsault on Nyx for the win.
Winners: Kelani Jordan, Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill

Fraxiom is backstage prepping for their match and Randy Orton asks how fast Je'Von Evans is, Axiom says he may be the fastest. Frazer gets all riled up and says he's the fastest and apologizes for being hot headed. Orton says it isn't a bad thing to be hot headed.

Giulia is backstage talking to Sarah Schreiber. They hear a knock and Giulia calls whoever it is, her old friend and leaves.

We come back from commercial to see Roxanne Perez making her way to the ring. Perez says everyone thought she wouldn't be champion after last week and she's sorry to disappoint everyone but she's still the champ. Perez says people should buy what she's selling as she will be drinking everyone's tears but she doesn't have to drink alone anymore. Cora Jade's music hits and she makes her way to the ring. Jade says for the last nine months she sat at home listening to everyone saying the roster is the best it can be and her name was never in that conversation. So that's why she did what she did as she had to put her name back on the map. She says she no longer is a little girl, but she is now the woman who will make NXT. She says Perez deserves the title and they've mended their friendship. Giulia makes her way out and plants herself on the rampway and Stephanie Vaquer comes out with Giulia. Jade and Perez are taken out by Vaquer and Giulia. Vaquer and Giulia both eye the Women's title and both reach for it and hold it together while Jade and Perez recoup outside the ring.

Backstage, Wren Sinclair talks about Vaquer and No Catch Quarter Crew walk by Lexis King who is talking about Oro Mensah. He asks the crew for advice. Dempsey suggests a gentlemen's battle and we cut to the ring.

Match 2 - NXT North American Title Match: Oba Femi(c) -vs- Tony D'Angelo w/The D'Angelo Family

The D'Angelo Family comes out first followed by Femi who struts his way to the ring. Mike Rome does the introductions and the match begins. Femi smacks D'Angelo and D'Angelo comes back with several punches to Femi. Femi takes D'Angelo out with a clothesline and bodyslams D'Angelo. Femi with some elbows and a quick cover for a two count. Femi slaps D'Angelo in a headlock and D'Angelo tries to break it but to no avail. Femi gets D'Angelo on the mat still in a headlock and won't let go. D'Angelo tries hard to fight out but Femi keeps taking him down in a headlock. D'Angelo gets some punches on Femi breaking the hold and gets Femi out of the ring. D'Angelo tries for a double axe handle off the apron but Femi catches him and chokeslams him onto the apron and we cut to commercial.

Femi has D'Angelo over his knee extending his back and choking him out. D'Angelo powers out and elbows Femi. Femi sets up for a powerbomb but D'Angelo counters to a back body drop. D'Angelo throws a crowbar back to Stacks who tries to assist D'Angelo. D'Angelo tries to spinebuster Femi but fails and both men end up outside the ring. Femi clubs D'Angelo who falls on the ring apron. Femi gets in the face of the D'Angelo Family and pushes them all to the ground. D'Angelo gets angry as Rizzo was knocked down. D'Angelo spears Femi and then starts attacking him. Femi is thrown into the steel steps and D'Angelo hits a released German Suplex outside the ring on Femi. In the ring, D'Angelo spears Femi and covers for two. Femi connects with two uppercuts and a drop kick to D'Angelo. Femi chokeslams D'Angelo and covers for a two count. Femi clotheslines D'Angelo two times and tries for a third but D'Angelo ducks and hits two german suplexes on Femi. Femi comes back and throws D'Angelo across the ring and both men are laid out on the mat. D'Angelo gets squished in the corner by Femi and Femi sits D'Angelo on the top turnbuckle. D'Angelo jumps off the top rope right into an uppercut by Femi. D'Angelo rolls out of the ring and Femi follows and takes apart the announce table. Femi goes to powerbomb D'Angelo on to the announce table but D'Angelo counters and spinebusters Femi on the announce table and then sends him into the ring for another spinebuster and covers for a two count. Femi gets up and D'Angelo rolls up Femi for the win.
Winner and NEW NXT North American Champion: Tony D'Angelo

Lola Vice is backstage with Ava Raine telling her she wants Jaida Parker. Nikkita Lyons comes by and Vice and Lyons get into each other's faces.

Bianca Belair, Jade Cargill and Kelani Jordan are walking backstage. Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson come up to them and ask for a title shot. Belair tells them to come to Smackdown on Friday for their opportunity.

Match 3 - NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Fraxiom(c) (Nathan Frazer and Axiom) -vs- A-Town Down Under (Austin Theory and Grayson Waller)

The bell rings, Axiom and Theory start the bout and lock up. Theory gets Axiom down with a shoulder check and smacks him around. Axiom comes back with a chop and dropkick and tags out. Fraxiom double teams Theory and Frazer chops him in the corner and gets him down with an armdrag. Theory knocks down Frazer and Frazer connects with a kick and tags in Axiom. They double team Theory some more and then take out Waller. Axiom kicks Theory who is on the top rope and Waller stops a Spanish Fly and Theory comes off the top and clotheslines Axiom and we hit a commercial break.

Back live, Axiom hits a hurricanrana on Waller outside as Theory takes down Frazer. In the ring, Waller tags out to Theory and they double team Axiom and cover for two. Frazer takes out Waller and they battle outside the ring. Theory gets Axiom sitting on the top turnbuckle and Theory goes for a superplex but Axiom is able to block it and send Theory to the mat. Axiom hits a splash and tags in Frazer. Frazer drop kicks Theory and gets him down with a forearm. Frazer does a spring board lionsault and hits a double DDT on Theory and Waller. Frazer throws himself over the rope onto Waller. Frazer goes for a standing moonsault but collides with Theory's knees. Theory gets a floating flapjack on Frazer and covers for two. Frazer tags out and they double team Waller for a two count. Frazer goes for a splash on Theory on the outside but Theory punches him. In the ring, Axiom gets Waller in a submission and Frazer does the same on Theory. Theory overpowers Frazer and throws him onto Axiom and Waller. Waller and Theory almost hit each other, Axiom hits Theory with a Golden Ratio and hits a Canadian Destroyer on Waller. Axiom hits a Spanish Fly on Waller and Frazer hits The Phoenix Splash for the win.
Winners and STILL NXT Tag Team Champions: Fraxiom

We get a video package for Ridge Holland and his battle against Chase U.

Backstage, Holland is with Sarah Schreiber. Holland says he said he'd go through them all and he did - meaning Chase U. Riley Osborne interrupts and attacks Holland and they're broken up.

Back in the ring, Sexy Red is throwing a mini concert for the St. Louis crowd. Ethan Page interrupts the concert and says the concert is cancelled. Page says this is what she gets for interrupting him on RAW. He says he hasn't been champ for a week and the whole show has gone down the drain. Page says he should be wrestling Orton and not Je'Von Evans and he isn't leaving the ring until he gets his rematch. Je'Von Evans' music hits and he makes his way to the ring. Page is annoyed that he got interrupted again. Evans attacks Page and sends him out of the ring. Evans and Sexy Red dance in the ring and we go to commercial.

Match 4: Je'Von Evans -vs- Randy Orton

Evans is already in the ring and Randy Orton makes his way to the ring. The bell rings and they lock up. Orton gets Evans in a headlock. Evans goes for a drop kick and Orton avoids it and they lock up again. Orton gets Evans in the corner and uses his speed to avoid Orton. They lock up again, and Evans is in a headlock again but he reverses it and then comes off the rope for a springboard body check but Orton moves out of the way. Orton gets Evans in the corner and pats Evan on the head and Evans kicks Orton and gets him out of the ring and we cut to commercial.

Back to NXT, Orton has Evans outside the ring and he jumps out of the ring to meet him outside. Orton goes to throw Evans on the announce table but Evans lands on his feet and jumps over Orton onto the apron. Evans tries to suicide dive onto Orton who catches Evans and throws him on to the announce table over and over again. Evans is laid out in pain and Orton jumps back in the ring and back out. Orton gets Evans to his feet and throws him into the ring. Evans tries to punch Orton but Orton whips him into the turnbuckle. Orton tries to send Evans to the other side but Evans slips under the ropes, climbs the turnbuckle and comes off the top rope and takes down Orton. Evans now uses his speed and gets Orton with a springboard kick to the head. Evans runs into a powerslam by Orton and he covers for two. Orton steps up Evans for a middle rope DDT and plants Evans onto his head. Orton gets ready to RKO Evans but Evans superkicks Orton and gets him down. Evans hits a cutter off the top rope on Orton and covers for two. Evans comes off the top rope with a corkscrew splash and Orton tries to catch him with an RKO but misses and Evans falls to the mat. Orton picks up Evans and hits an RKO for the win.
Winner: Randy Orton

After the match, Orton gets Evans to his feet and raises Evans' hand as a sign of respect.

Backstage Ava is with Wes Lee and Ethan Page and makes a number one contender's triple threat match since Je'Von Evans did so well in his match for next week with Lee and Page and Evans and the show goes off the air.

Source: rajah.com
Tags: #wwe #nxt #results

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